◎シェールガスの抽出法など幅広くリポート  IGUがWGC2012に提出へ


◎シェールガスの抽出法など幅広くリポート  IGUがWGC2012に提出へ

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◎シェールガスの抽出法など幅広くリポート  IGUがWGC2012に提出へ



国際ガス連盟(IGU)は、こうした一般的誤解に対応して、「シェールガスに関する神話と事実(Myths vs. Facts on Shale Gas)」のリポートを発行するプロジェクトを開始し、この非在来型ガス資源の生産と供給について業界を啓発しようと務めている。

リポートは6月に開催される第25回世界ガス会議(World Gas Conference、WGC2012)に提出される予定である。作成を主導するのはユニオンガスのエンジニアリング・プラニング&サポート担当ディレクターであるミッシェル・ジョージ氏。リポート作成開始は、世界のIGU加盟メンバーから支持を受けており、最新の情報、数字、規制情報を把握するのを目的としている。






事実1:シェールガス開発に使用されている化学薬品は、地元規制当局の組み合わせの下および欧州連合規制機関である欧州化学品機関(http://echa.europa.eu/home_en.asp、ECHA)を通じて、明確に文書化されている。米国の米国水圧破砕化学薬品登録(National Hydraulic Fracturing Chemical Registry、http://fracfocus.org)を含む世界中の規制機関は破砕する液体の完全な透明性を促進する同様の措置を講じている。














WGC2012 事務局

Level 20, Tower 1, Etiqa Twins

11, Jalan Pinang

50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tel: +60-3-2171-3477 / +60-3-2171-3575

Fax: +60-3-2171-3535

Email: media@wgc2012.com


Myths Versus Facts on Shale Gas at WGC2012


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Apr. 5, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Unconventional Gas Resources Transforming the World's Energy Landscape

    The shale gas revolution in the United States has been described as a game

changer, especially in the light of growing climate change concerns. These

developments have sparked intense activity across the world, with many

countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America starting to assess their

own shale gas resources.

    However, despite predictions that shale gas, along with other

unconventional gas resources, is transforming the world's energy landscape, it

is still widely misunderstood. Recent skepticism and misconceptions concerning

the shale gas fracking process, in terms of water contamination and methane

emissions have even led some countries such as France and South Africa, to

impose a moratorium on shale gas development.

    In response to these common misconceptions, the International Gas Union

(IGU) has initiated a project to publish a report on "Myths vs Facts on Shale

Gas," which will attempt to educate the industry about the production and

distribution of this unconventional gas resource.

    The report, will be presented at the 25th World Gas Conference (WGC2012) in

June and led by Michelle George, Union Gas' Director of Engineering Planning

and Support. It receives the support of IGU members from across the globe, and

aims to capture current facts, figures and regulatory information.

    "The report aims to clear common myths and misconceptions which have led

some unconventional gas developments to be put on hold," said Mr Ho Sook Wah,

Chairman, Coordination Committee 2009-2012, International Gas Union.

    "As the voice of the industry, the IGU hopes that this information will

provide greater transparency and spur healthy discussions, thus furthering the

exploration and utilisation of gas across the entire value chain," Mr Ho


    Myths vs Facts: The truth unfolds.

    The following are some examples of what will be covered in the report:

    Myth 1: Chemicals used in fracking are held secret.

    Truth: Chemicals used in shale gas exploration are clearly documented under

a combination of local regulations and via the EU regulatory body the European

Chemical Agency [http://echa.europa.eu/home_en.asp ] (ECHA). Regulatory bodies

including the National Hydraulic Fracturing Chemical Registry

[http://fracfocus.org ] in the United States and across the world are following

suit in promoting 100% transparency of fracking fluid.

    Myth 2: Shale uses a lot of water.

    Truth: Water usage has to be benchmarked against current water consumption

patterns - for example, the entire volume of water used at the Cuadrilla

Resources' well in Lancashire, UK is less than half of the water lost through

leaking pipes in Manchester every two days.

    The 18,000 cubic metres of water needed for drilling a well with a life

span of up to ten years is equal to the volume used to irrigate a three hectare

corn field in one season or an 18-hole golf course in one month.

    The 25th World Gas Conference (WGC2012), to be held 4-8 June, 2012, in

Kuala Lumpur will bring together energy experts in a panel session to analyse

the impact of unconventional gas development and how it is changing the

competitive dynamics of the globalised gas market and international politics.

    Moderated by Torstein Indrebo, Secretary General of the IGU, the Strategic

Panel on "Unconventional Gas: A Game Changer or a Global Bubble?" will also

address barriers, risks and opportunities that will impact the future global

gas market

    In recent years, North America has taken the lead on unprecedented

developments in the natural gas industry. The region not only hosts the largest

natural gas markets in the world, but it is also reshaping itself and setting

new trends worldwide.

    Chaired by James Tiflon of Repsol, the "Natural gas markets in North

America: what's next?" session, organized by PGCC, discusses the key market

drivers in North America. A selected group of speakers will participate in

promoting an in-depth debate on key drivers and trends for the North American

natural gas markets. Topics of interest will include the business environment,

shale gas, the role of LNG in North America and the use of natural gas in

transportation, industrial plants and power generation. The session will also

address emerging issues and challenges in the United States, Canada and Mexico,

and their interaction with other markets around the world. Additionally, it

will present strategic options for the development of natural gas businesses.

    For further information or to register, please visit

http://www.wgc2012.com. To

join WGC2012 on LinkedIn, please visit http://ow.ly/73nMx.

    About WGC2012

    Since 1931, the International Gas Union has been organising the World Gas

Conference once every three years; the triennial World Gas Conference and

Exhibition is the biggest and most important global gas industry event,

attracting 5,000 industry professionals from all over the world and showcasing

the latest developments, with information on policies, strategies technologies,

challenges and opportunities. The 25th World Gas Conference will

take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 June 2012 with the theme "Gas:

Sustaining Future Global Growth."

    About IGU

    The International Gas Union (IGU), founded in 1931, is a worldwide

non-profit organisation promoting the political, technical and economic

progress of the gas industry with the mission to advocate for gas as an

integral part of a sustainable global energy system.

    IGU has more than 110 members worldwide and represents more than 95% of the

world's gas market. The members are national associations and corporations of

the gas industry. The working organization of IGU covers the complete value

chain of the gas industry from upstream to downstream. For more information

please visit http://www.igu.org.


    WGC2012 Conference Secretariat

    Level 20, Tower 1, Etiqa Twins

    11, Jalan Pinang

    50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Tel: +60-3-2171-3477 / +60-3-2171-3575

    Fax: +60-3-2171-3535

    Email: media@wgc2012.com





