◎ドメイン名のAPPS.netを競売へ  ドイツのBranchenpresse Verlag社

Branchenpresse Verlag社

◎ドメイン名のAPPS.netを競売へ  ドイツのBranchenpresse Verlag社

AsiaNet 49067

☆共JBN 外0536(産業、ドメイン)(12・4・20)


◎ドメイン名のAPPS.netを競売へ  ドイツのBranchenpresse Verlag社








関心がある人は、4月19日からのAPPS.net(http://apps.net)の競売をこのドメイン名へのリンクを通じてフォローできる。インターネット・ドメインの世界最大の市場であるSedo.com(http://sedo.com)が今回の競売担当会社である。APPS.net(http://apps.net)の購入に関心がある人はまず、Sedo.com(http://sedo.com)による資格審査を適宜受けなければならない。その審査には数日の就業日がかかることがある。その結果、競売終了間際の入札には登録ユーザーだけが参加することができる。APPS.net(http://apps.net)は現在、ドイツ・ミュンヘンのオンライン・メディア専門出版企業であるブランヘンプレッセ・フェルラーク社(Branchenpresse Verlag GmbH)が所有している。

▽ブランヘンプレッセ・フェルラーク社(Branchenpresse Verlag GmbH)について

ブランヘンプレッセ・フェルラーク社は2006年ミュンヘンで創設されオンライン・メディアを対象とした比較的新しい出版企業である。同社は企業関連の出版のほかに、同社の主要事業分野に加え、player.de (http://player.de)、branchen.com (http://branchen.com)、digital.eu (http://digital.eu)など多数のインターネット・プラットフォームの鍵となる用語で構成されるドメイン名を開発し、2000を超えるドメイン名のポートフォリオを保有している。ブランヘンプレッセ・フェルラークは、顧客向けにウェブサイトのコンテンツや記事コンテンツも制作する。さらに同社のサービスには、ISO認定を受けたAV T.O.Pメステクニーク社(AV T.O.P Messtechnik GmbH)と協力し制作された、最新の家電コンポーネントの専門的なテストリポートも含まれている。


Branchenpresse Verlag GmbH    

Mittenheimer Str. 12    

D-85764 Oberschleissheim     



Florian Friedrich


Phone: +49893706441131

email: press@branchenpresse.de



Premium Domain Name Promises Excellent Returns



    Exclusive domain APPS.net [http://apps.net ] is up for sale

    Domain names have become the real estate of the online world. In particular

short and memorable names can easily sell for six-figure sums at auction,

delivering significant returns for investors keen to avoid the turbulence of

today's stock markets. The auction of APPS.net [http://apps.net ] is currently

underway and looks set to attract contenders from the booming markets of

software and app development, as well as domain prospectors looking for a solid

medium-term investment. The auction begins April 19th and runs until April

26th, 2012.

    The domain's value lies in its close ties to the world of "apps", small

pieces of application software that can be installed on a whim on your

smartphone. As the descendants of the humble cellphone, smartphones allow you

to do far more than just make calls and write or receive text messages; with

smartphones you can also access countless online services, use the phone as a

navigation system, play games, set up bank transfers, control various devices

remotely, and much more. This is all thanks to the versatile fields of

application offered by apps.

    In March 2012, for example, the world-renowned iPhone manufacturer, Apple,

announced that it had sold more than 25 billion apps to date - and the number

is growing by the day. Originally a search-machine operator, Google now also

offers Google Play, its own extremely successful marketplace for these

mini-applications. It is no wonder that the software giant Microsoft is

integrating a corresponding platform in Windows Phone devices and even in the

forthcoming Windows 8 operating system. The Mozilla Foundation, known for its

Firefox web browser, harbors similar plans with a store for web applications.

    But apps are by no means only intended for mobile use. In fact, they are

also used in Blu-ray players, HDTV receivers, and TVs. In the latter's case,

this has spawned the term "smart TVs". Even in the PC sector, the

internationally established term "apps" is gradually replacing the sluggish

designations "programs" and "software". The vendors all have one thing in

common: The mini-applications can be submitted by practically anyone and made

available for download either free or for a charge, whereby many developers

have made their fortunes.

    The basic requirement for this is, of course, a good idea, but the name

also plays a significant role in ensuring sustained and widespread success. It

should be as short as possible and easy to remember, without deviating too far

from the core competence. This sounds like an insurmountable task in the era of

a booming apps market and various name-related legal battles. It is therefore

even more astonishing that the Internet domain APPS.net [http://apps.net ] is

available to buy by auction from April 19th, 2012.

    The domain is more a type of virtual real estate than simply an Internet

address. With APPS.net [http://apps.net ], shrewd software and app developers

face a unique opportunity to secure a concise, memorable domain name for their

products and services. Since the commercial significance of the short name is

very high and the only international alternative (APPS.com [http://apps.com ])

already belongs to one of the world's largest software companies, experts in

the domain sector feel that a six-figure sale price is realistic, despite the

low minimum bid.

    Considering the versatile usage possibilities and high resale value,

however, the projected price still seems low. In 2010, for example, in keeping

with the motto "sex sells", the domain sex.com [http://sex.com ] was sold for

13 million USD, after selling for over a million less four years earlier.

Likewise, a company from Gibraltar reaped massive rewards in 2007 for the sale

of the domain poker.de [http://poker.de ], which sold for 695,000 EUR (960,000


    Interested parties can follow the auction of APPS.net [http://apps.net ]

from April 19th, 2012, via the link to the domain. Sedo.com [http://sedo.com ],

the world's biggest marketplace for Internet domains, is acting as the auction

house. Those interested in purchasing APPS.net [http://apps.net ] must first be

certified accordingly by Sedo.com [http://sedo.com ], which can take a number

of working days. Last-minute bids can therefore only be submitted by registered

users. APPS.net [http://apps.net ] is currently owned by Branchenpresse Verlag

GmbH, a specialist online-media publisher in Munich, Germany.


    About Branchenpresse Verlag:

    branchenpresse verlag is a relatively new publishing company founded in

munich in 2006 and targeted at online media. corporate publishing and the

development of keyword domains count among its key areas of business. as well

as numerous internet platforms such as player.de [http://player.de ],

branchen.com [http://branchen.com ], and digital.eu [http://digital.eu ], its

portfolio includes more than 2,000 other domain names. on behalf of customers,

branchenpresse verlag also produces content for websites and a full range of

editorial content. its offerings even include professional test reports for the

latest consumer-electronics components, produced in cooperation with the

iso-certified laboratory av t.o.p messtechnik gmbh.

     Press Information:     

     Branchenpresse Verlag GmbH    

     Mittenheimer Str. 12    

     D-85764 Oberschleissheim     


     Contact Person:     

     Florian Friedrich    


     Phone: +49893706441131   

     email: press@branchenpresse.de

     Web: http://www.branchenpresse.de

    SOURCE: Branchenpresse Verlag GmbH




