◎25日に香港で開催  サンクトペテルスブルク国際経済フォーラム


◎25日に香港で開催  サンクトペテルスブルク国際経済フォーラム

AsiaNet 49095

☆共JBN 外0553(産業、フォーラム)(12・4・24)


◎25日に香港で開催  サンクトペテルスブルク国際経済フォーラム



パネリストとして参加を予定しているのは、MICEX-RTSのセルゲイ・シンケビッチ副社長、ロシア直接投資ファンドのマネジング・ディレクターであるショーン・グロデック氏、財新網(Caixin Media)のフー・シューリ編集長、PWC香港のパートナーであるビクター・ホアン氏、スタンダードチャータード銀行ファイナンシャル・インスティテューションズ・ストラテジック・カバレッジのマネジング・ディレクター兼グローバルヘッドであるジェームズ・ピアソン氏、ロシア経済発展省の投資政策・民間および公的パートナーシップ開発局のセルゲイ・ベリアコフ局長、フォーラムの戦略アドバイザーを務めるジョナサン・シュミット氏、Gazprombank OJSCのアンドレイ・ゾーキン執行副社長ら。






St Petersburg International Economic Forum: The Expanding Silk Road: Russia and East Asia in the 21st Century




    On 25 April, 2012 the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum with the

support of the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation, RTS

group and Micex group will provide a unique platform for discussions, for the

first time organized abroad and entitled "The Road to St. Petersburg. The

Expanding Silk Road: Russia and East Asia in the 21st Century". The event will

take place in Hong Kong and gather 120 international participants, representing

government and business leaders not only from Russian and Asian countries but

from around the world. It is planned to organize this event annually.

    The event discussion will host a range of prominent panelists, representing

Russian and Asian political and business leadership as well as international

investor community, and will be moderated by Bernard Lo, News Anchor, CNBC Hong


    The panelists will include Sergei Sinkevich, Vice President, MICEX-RTS,

Sean Glodek, Managing Director, Russian Direct Investment Fund, Hu Shuli,

Editor-in-Chief, Caixin Media, Victor Huang, Partner, PwC Hong Kong, James

Pearson, Managing Director and Global Head, Financial Institutions Strategic

Coverage, Standard Chartered Bank, Sergei Beliakov, Head, Department for

Investment Policy and Development of Private/Public Partnership, Ministry of

Economic development of the Russian Federation, Jonathan Schmidt, Strategic

Advisor, SPIEF, Andrey Zokin, Executive Vice-President, Gazprombank OJSC.

    Participants of the event will explore the potential for Russia to expand

trade and investment in Asia and further regional economic integration. In a

wide ranging interactive debate, panelists will share their views about Asia's

potential role in investing in and developing Siberia to unlock resource and

industrial development in East Russia, will discuss the Russian firms enhancing

investment and trade in Asia. The results, suggestions, ideas of the session

will be included to the programme of St. Petersburg International Economic

Forum where participants continue Russia and East Asia dialogue.

    More information:

    The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) established in 1997

is a leading international economic and business forum held annually in Russia.

Since 2006 SPIEF is held under the patronage of the President of the Russian



    Source: St Petersburg International Economic Forum




