◎ウィチタの製造施設復旧  スピリット・エアロシステムズ


◎ウィチタの製造施設復旧  スピリット・エアロシステムズ

AsiaNet 49109

☆共JBN 外0559(産業、航空)(12・4・25)


◎ウィチタの製造施設復旧  スピリット・エアロシステムズ

【ウィチタ(米カンザス州)24日PRN=共同JBN】スピリット・エアロシステムズ(NYSE :SPR)は24日、米カンザス州ウィチタの製造施設が全面操業に戻ったと発表した。同施設は2012年4月14日の竜巻で構造部分に損害が出て操業を停止していた。操業は、従業員の安全確保、被害状況調査、体系的に生産を軌道に乗せるための計画立案のため、4月22日終日まで停止した。全従業員は2012年4月23日職場に復帰した。




▽スピリット・エアロシステムズ(Spirit Aerosystems, Inc.)について

スピリット・エアロシステムズは本社をカンザス州 ウィチタに置く世界最大の商用航空機非OEM設計、製造企業である。同社はカンザス州のウィチタ、シャヌートの施設に加えて、オクラホマ州タルサ、マカレスター、ノースカロライナ州キンストン、英スコットランドのプレストウィック、同イングランドのプレストン、マレーシアのスバン、フランスのサンナゼール にも施設を保有する。 同社中核製品は胴体、パイロン、ナセル、翼部品など。さらに同社は北米、欧州、アジアでスペアパーツ、メンテナンス/修理/オーバーホール (MRO)、フリート・サポートサービスを含むアフターマーケット顧客サポートサービスを提供している。スピリット・ユーロップはエアバスを含む多くの顧客向けに翼構成部品を製造している。



Coleen Tabor, Investor Relations,


Ken Evans, Corporate Communications


both for Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.

Spirit AeroSystems Returns to Full Operations


WICHITA, Kan., Apr. 24, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. (NYSE: SPR) announced today that its Wichita, Kan.,

facility has returned to full operations since sustaining structural damage as

a result of a tornado on April 14, 2012. Operations were suspended through

April 22, 2012, to ensure the safety of employees, evaluate damage, and

initiate plans for systematically bringing production back online. All

employees returned to work on April 23, 2012.

Ongoing assessments continue to indicate that damage is primarily limited to

infrastructure, including buildings and utilities, and that production

equipment is largely unaffected. Deliveries have been impacted and the company

is developing recovery plans for these schedules.

"We are thankful for the safety of our employees and contractors both during

the tornado and the cleanup effort," said Jeff Turner, president and CEO. "I am

extremely proud of what the Spirit team has accomplished in the last week to

bring us back online. It is a true testament to the strength of our team and

our partnerships with unions, government, and the community."

On the web: www.spiritaero.com

About Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.

Spirit AeroSystems, with headquarters in Wichita, Kan., USA, is one of the

world's largest non-OEM designers and manufacturers of aerostructures for

commercial aircraft. In addition to its Wichita and Chanute facilities in

Kansas, Spirit has locations in Tulsa and McAlester, Okla.; Kinston, N.C.;

Prestwick, Scotland; Preston, England; Subang, Malaysia; and Saint-Nazaire,

France. In the U.S., Spirit's core products include fuselages, pylons, nacelles

and wing components. Additionally, Spirit provides aftermarket customer support

services, including spare parts, maintenance/repair/overhaul, and fleet support

services in North America, Europe and Asia. Spirit Europe produces wing

components for a host of customers, including Airbus.

This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning future

business operations. Actual results or circumstances may vary materially from

those indicated or implied in this press release as a result of certain risks

and uncertainties, including the accuracy or completeness of our initial

assessment of damages; the availability of insurance to cover losses as

expected; and our efforts to restore operations at our Wichita, Kan. facility

in a timely manner; as well as other risks and uncertainties, including but not

limited to those detailed in Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. Securities and

Exchange Commission filings.

SOURCE: Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.

CONTACT: Coleen Tabor, Investor Relations,

         +1-316-523-7040, or

         Ken Evans, Corporate Communications,

         +1-316-523-4070, both of Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.




