◎航路作図のOAGマッパーを発表  分析、予測などで威力を発揮


◎航路作図のOAGマッパーを発表  分析、予測などで威力を発揮

AsiaNet 49119

☆共JBN 外0563(産業、航空)(12・4・25)


◎航路作図のOAGマッパーを発表  分析、予測などで威力を発揮

【ロンドン24日PRN=共同JBN】航空情報の世界リーダーでUBMエイビエーション (http://www.ubmaviation.com)の1ブランドであるOAG(http://www.oag.com)は24日、同社最新の飛行分析マッピング・ツールであるOGAマッパー(OGA Mapper、http://www.oagaviation.com/mapper)を発表した。航空情報の世界リーダーOAGによるこの新しい革新的製品は、1000社以上の航空会社と3500カ所以上の空港のスケジュールを蓄積する市場トップのOAGデータベースから抽出されたデータに基づいて航空経路マップを素早くプロットする最先端のマッピング・ソフトウエア技術に、強力な国際フライト・スケジュールの検索機能を結びつけたものである。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110908/NY64578LOGO






 *OAGマッパーは業界トップのOAGフライト・スケジュール(OAG Flight Schedules)データベースによって駆動される使い勝手が良く直感的に理解できる航路作成ツールである。ユーザーは最新のソフトウエアを使用することによって、特定のパラメーターを入力し、解析、計画、政策決定時のプレゼンテーションに利用できるカスタム化された航路地図を素早く作成できる。詳細はウェブサイトhttp://www.oagaviation.com/mapperを参照。

 *UBMエイビエーション社(UBM Aviation)はUBM社(UBM Plc)の子会社で、市場をリードする革新的な航空ソリューションのパイオニアである。熟知された当社のブランドは、当社顧客が航空ルートを開発し、金融上の成長を推進するために必要なデータ、分析、イベント、メディア、コンサルティングなどのサービスを提供する。詳細はウェブサイト(http://www.ubmaviation.com)を参照。



Andrew Sibley

Corporate Communications

UBM Aviation

+44 (0)1582 600 111


OAG Launches Mapper, a New Network Analysis Mapping Tool


LONDON, Apr. 24, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    OAG [http://www.oag.com ], a UBM Aviation [http://www.ubmaviation.com ]

brand, today unveiled its new aviation analysis mapping tool, OAG Mapper

[http://www.oagaviation.com/mapper ]. This latest innovation, from the

global leader in aviation intelligence, combines a powerful global flight

schedule query with advanced mapping software technology to quickly plot route

network maps, based on data drawn from OAG's market leading schedules database

of 1,000 airlines and over 3,500 airports. It is ideal for those in commercial,

marketing and strategic planning roles across the airlines, airports, tourism,

consulting and route network related industry sectors.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110908/NY64578LOGO )

    A web-based tool that eliminates the need to hand-draw network routes onto

maps, OAG Mapper [http://www.oagaviation.com/mapper ] allows users to either

import IATA Airport codes, or to enter a carrier, airport, equipment type or a

combination of these and generate custom network maps in seconds. The user can

then highlight key routes by changing the thickness and colour of the lines and

label them for easy reference, save the map to their profile and export to jpeg

for use in network planning, forecasting, strategy and executive presentations.

    "Aviation professionals who plan, forecast and analyse airline networks

have never before had a single system that allows them to bring their network

plans and presentations to life in an online format," said Rob Shaw, OAG

Product Director. "The OAG Mapper tool provides users with the ability to

easily build an online library of custom-generated aviation route maps. It is a

great example of how using OAG data intelligently can lead to the development

of new solutions that help streamline our customers' processes, increasing

productivity and saving valuable time."

    Discover more about enhancing network planning, forecasting and

presentations with the power of OAG Mapper at http://www.oagaviation.com/mapper.

    Editors' Notes:


    - OAG, a UBM Aviation brand, is the trusted source for aviation information

      and analytical services. Our leading aviation databases unrivalled in

      their scale, accuracy and comprehensiveness are integral to the worlds'

      aviation industry operations. For more information, visit


    - OAG Mapper is an easy to use and intuitive aviation mapping tool powered

      by the industry leading OAG Flight Schedules database. The advanced

      software enables users to enter specific parameters and quickly generate

      a custom aviation network map for use in analysis, planning and executive

      presentations. For more information, visit


    - UBM Aviation, a UBM plc company, is the pioneer of innovative market

      leading aviation solutions. Our instantly recognisable brands provide the

      data, analysis, events, media and consultancy services that drive route

      development and financial growth for our customers' businesses. For more

      information, visit http://www.ubmaviation.com.

    SOURCE:  UBM Aviation

    CONTACT: Andrew Sibley

             Corporate Communications

             UBM Aviation

             +44 (0)1582 600 111





