◎モルディブがDV防止法制定  大統領は担当省の新設提案


◎モルディブがDV防止法制定  大統領は担当省の新設提案

AsiaNet 49138

☆共JBN 外0574(産業、DV)(12・4・26)


◎モルディブがDV防止法制定  大統領は担当省の新設提案



大統領はこの法律を施行、DVの認識を高め、被害者が虐待を通報できるメカニズム、被害者と加害者のための精神的社会復帰サービスを提供する「家族保護局(Family Protection Authority)」を新設した。

大統領はこのような取り組みを補完するため、モルディブ社会で最も傷つきやすい人々を積極的に保護する「ジェンダー・児童・人権省(Ministry of Gender, Children and Human Rights)」を新設するよう提案した。







Maldives President Ratifies Landmark Domestic Violence Bill


MALE, Maldives, Apr. 26 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

President Dr Mohamed Waheed has ratified a landmark Bill to provide protection

for victims of domestic violence and punish offenders of such crimes.

The legislation - the first protection of its kind for domestic violence

victims in the Maldives - ensures all acts of domestic violence will now be a

criminal offence. Victims of domestic violence will be given protection and

safety and necessary steps will be taken to prevent domestic violence through

law enforcement and the rehabilitation of offenders.

The President has established a Family Protection Authority to implement the

legislation, create awareness of domestic violence, provide mechanisms to

enable victims to report abuse and provide psychological and rehabilitative

services for victims and perpetrators.

To supplement this effort, the President has proposed the establishment of a

new Ministry of Gender, Children and Human Rights to actively protect those who

are most vulnerable in Maldivian society.

This is the first piece of legislation to be passed by President Waheed since

he took office on February 7th 2012.

Speaking after the ratification of the bill, President Waheed said:

"I am delighted for the great privilege of ratifying the Prevention of Domestic

Violence Bill. One out of every three women in the Maldives has been subject to

some form of violence or abuse in her lifetime. This legislation will, for the

first time, ensure that victims of domestic violence in the Maldives are

protected by the law."

Note to editor:

For further details of the Bill:


Source: The Republic of Maldives




