◎スマートグリッド先進例示す  連合組織が初の報告書


◎スマートグリッド先進例示す  連合組織が初の報告書

AsiaNet 49159

☆共JBN 外0581(産業、電力)(12・4・27)




【ロンドン27日PRN=共同JBN】世界各国・地域のスマートグリッド団体連携組織「国際スマートグリッド連合(Global Smart Grid Federation=GSGF)」が、グローバルなスマートグリッドの現状に関する初の報告を発表した。報告はスマートグリッド展開に伴う主要課題を研究、世界中の先進的プロジェクトに脚光をあてている。報告はGSGF現メンバー、オーストラリア、カナダ、欧州大陸、英国、アイルランド、韓国、日本、米国の詳細な調査に基づいている。


ブルームバーグ・ニュー・エナジー・ファイナンス(Bloomberg New Energy Finance)でエネルギー関連スマートテクノロジーを担当するアルバート・チュン氏は「報告は対象国個々のスマートグリッドの状況に洞察力に富む視点を与えた。GSGFの国際協力と最善事例共有に対する実務的アプローチを称賛したい」と述べた。







GSGFはさらに、スマートグリッド配備の広範な課題に対処する政府間組織「国際スマートグリッド行動ネットワーク(International Smart Grid Action Network=ISGAN)」と協力。この官民結合体は情報伝達と協業の場を提供、電力システムと気候変動の懸念に応える国際社会の合意形成を促進している。




Rich O'Neill

Global Smart Grid Federation

Email: roneill@gridwise.org

Website: http://www.globalsmartgridfederation.org/

Global Smart Grid Federation Publishes Report on Leading Smart Grid Projects Around the World


LONDON, Apr. 27, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

          The Global Smart Grid Federation (GSGF), a collaboration among

national and regional smart grid associations from around the world, announced

the release of its inaugural report on the global state of smart grid.. The

report investigates the key challenges facing deployment of smart grid as well

as highlights leading projects from around the world. The report is based on

extensive research from current GSGF member markets; Australia, Canada,

Continental Europe, Great Britain, Ireland, Korea, Japan and the United States.

     "The report provides industry leaders with real-world best practices that

can be applied to their own projects," said Guido Bartels, GSGF Chairman.

"...it also provides policy makers with insights into successful national smart

grid activities, while providing regulators with models of innovative

regulatory constructs that enable cost effective investments. This report is a

clear indication of the consumer and system benefits gained through global

collaboration as we work to transform the world's electricity systems."

      Albert Cheung, Head of Energy Smart Technologies at Bloomberg New Energy

Finance, said, "The report gave very insightful perspectives on the individual

national context for smart grids in each of the countries profiled. I

compliment GSGF for its practical approach to global collaboration and sharing

of best practices".

     The report interviewed leading smart grid project managers around the

world and reached a few key conclusions:

    --  The funding of national security objectives, environmental policy goals

        and job growth is being passed from the tax payer to the electricity

        rate payer.

    --  Engaging consumers from the beginning of the smart grid deployment

        process is a key to success. Utilities should be less technocratic in

        their approach and employ best practices from other consumer-centric


    --  As smart grids increasingly become the mechanism to meet environmental,

        security and economic goals, there is a role for governments to work

        closely with utilities in stating the value of consumer participation.

     The report can be downloaded from the GSGF website at


     Established in 2010, GSGF is committed to creating smarter, cleaner

electricity systems around the world. By linking the major public-private

stakeholders and initiatives of participating countries, the federation shares

best practices, identifies barriers and solutions, fosters innovation, and

addresses key technical and policy issues.

     In addition, GSGF works with the International Smart Grid Action Network

(ISGAN), an intergovernmental organization to address the broad challenges of

deploying smarter grids. This nexus of public and private sector provides a

forum for communication and collaboration, which will facilitate

consensus-building within the international community to address electricity

system and climate change concerns.

Member organizations of GSGF include Smart Grid Australia, GridWise Alliance

(U.S.), EDSO for Smart Grids (EU), SmartGrid Ireland, Japan Smart Community

Alliance, Korea Smart Grid Association, Israel Smart Energy Association, Smart

Grid Canada, SmartGrid GB (Great Britain), and India Smart Grid Forum.

     CONTACT: Rich O'Neill

              Global Smart Grid Federation

              Email: roneill@gridwise.org

              Website: http://www.globalsmartgridfederation.org/

     SOURCE: Global Smart Grid Federation




