◎ISM社傘下スポーツ選手の広告を代理  BGM社


◎ISM社傘下スポーツ選手の広告を代理  BGM社

AsiaNet 49351

☆共JBN 外0660(産業、広告)(12・5・16)


◎ISM社傘下スポーツ選手の広告を代理  BGM社

【ポンパノビーチ(米フロリダ州)16日PRN=共同JBN】企業スポンサー、マーケティング・コンサルティング・グループのボス・グローバル・メディア社(Boss Global Media、BGM)はこのほど、インターナショナル・スポーツ・マネジメント社(International Sports Management、ISM)との間で独占提携契約に調印し、ISM社が抱えるスポーツ選手のスポンサー権、広告の代理を行うことになった。ISM社は世界的なスポーツ・マネジメント・エージェンシーで、ゴルフ、クリケット選手を中心に一流プロスポーツ選手の代理を行っている。








Boss Global Media

Hayden Trepeck

Phone US: +1-800-385-0524





Boss Global Media to Handle Sponsorships for International Sports Management's Client Athletes including: Darren Clarke, Louis Oosthuizen, Charl Schwa


Boss Global Media to Handle Sponsorships for International Sports Management's Client Athletes including: Darren Clarke, Louis Oosthuizen, Charl Schwartzel, and Lee Westwood

POMPANO BEACH, Fla., May 16, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Corporate sponsorship and marketing consulting group Boss Global Media has

signed an exclusive partnership with International Sports Management (ISM) to

handle sponsorships and endorsement representation for ISM's client athletes.

ISM is an international sports management agency that represents prominent

international professional athletes focusing on golfers and cricketers. "ISM's

list of athletes is stellar," says BGM VP for Business Development Hayden

Trepeck. "We are excited about the opportunity to partner their high-profile

clients with preeminent corporate sponsors."

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120329/FL79011LOGO-b )

    ISM was founded in 1989 by former professional golfer and current Managing

Director Andrew "Chubby" Chandler to meet the management needs of European

professional golfers and cricketers. ISM is currently expanding its clientele

into professional footballers/soccer players, as well. ISM's roster of

high-profile clients includes major's champions Darren Clarke, Louis

Oosthuizen, and Charl Schwartzel, as well as former #1 player in the world Lee

Westwood. ISM also manages several golf tournaments around the world. "I am

delighted that Boss Global Media will be representing ISM clients and excited

about the opportunities this partnership will generate," said Chandler.

    To inquire about partnership opportunities for any of ISM's athletes please

contact BGM VP for Business Development Hayden Trepeck at +1-561-289-7952 or


    A Worldwide Leader in Athletic and Entertainment Sponsorship

Boss Global Media is a worldwide leader in athletic and entertainment

sponsorship with clients around the world. BGM is committed to serving its

athletes, corporations, organizations and businesses through sponsorship,

media, and entertainment marketing services with the goal of increasing the

bottom line for all of its clients. BGM's representation has led to many

mutually beneficial partnerships between high-profile individuals,

organizations and corporations.

    Boss Global Media

    Hayden Trepeck

    Phone US: +1-800-385-0524




    SOURCE: Boss Global Media




