◎デヨング前CEOが副会長に就任  SSI


◎デヨング前CEOが副会長に就任  SSI

AsiaNet 49339

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◎デヨング前CEOが副会長に就任  SSI

【シェルトン(米コネティカット州)16日PRN=共同JBN】SSIは16日、同社のキース・デヨング(Kees de Jong)最高経営責任者(CEO)が6月29日付けで取締役副会長に就任すると発表した。デヨング氏の担当分野は戦略的開発となる。さらに、同氏は引き続き、オンラインおよびオフラインのサンプリング、データ収集メソッドで重要な役割を果たし、SSIのパートナーシップの拡大を支援する。

起業家、マーケットリサーチの第一人者で、さらには2005年にSSIが買収した欧州を本拠とするブルーマース・アクセス・パネルズ(Bloomerce Access Panels)の創設者であるデヨング氏(43)は、3年半にわたりCEOを務めてきた。その間、同氏はSSIを統合されたグローバルな組織に構築し、売上高と収益の両面において強力な本業の成長を達成することに成功した。この展開の鍵となったのは、強力な管理チームの創設と、SSIの画期的なオンライン・サンプリング・プラットフォームであるSSIダイナミックス(SSI Dynamix、商標)を開発した技術への大幅投資である。SSIは2011年、オピニオノロジー(Opinionology)と合併し、新組織は他社にないグローバルなオンライン・オフライン能力を備えることになった。

SSI取締役会はデヨング氏の後任として、クリス・ファニング(Chris Fanning)氏を新たなCEOに任命した。2012年2月に社長兼最高執行責任者(COO)としてSSIに入社したファニング氏は、ビジネスマネジメント、経営幹部のリーダーシップ、戦略的計画立案、実務面の役割での25年にわたる経験がある。同氏はSSIに入社する前は、1997年にラティス・セミコンダクター社(Lattice Semiconductor Corporation)に戦略的計画立案担当ディレクターとして入社、その後戦略的計画立案担当副社長、ソフトウエアとIPソリューション担当副社長などさまざまな幹部職を歴任したあと、臨時CEOを務めた。ラティスの前は、ボストン・コンサルティング・グループのシカゴ・オフィスでコンサルタントおよびプロジェクト・リーダーを務めた。







Jackie Lorch,

Vice President, Global Knowledge Management,



SSI's CEO Kees de Jong transitions to new role


SHELTON, Conn., May 16, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    SSI announced today that CEO Kees de Jong has been appointed Vice Chairman

of the Board of Directors, effective June 29th 2012. De Jong's area of focus

will be strategic development. Additionally he will continue to play a key role

in SSI's thought leadership in online and offline sampling and data collection

methods and support the expansion of SSI's partnerships.

    De Jong (43), entrepreneur, market research veteran and founder of European

based Bloomerce Access Panels (acquired by SSI in 2005) has held the CEO

position for 3.5 years. During that period he successfully structured the

company to be a unified global organization delivering strong, organic growth

in both revenue and profitability. Key in that development was the creation of

a strong management team and the significant investments in technology that

created SSI's revolutionary online sampling platform SSI Dynamix(TM). In 2011

SSI successfully merged with Opinionology, giving the new organization unique

global online and offline capabilities.

    The Board has appointed Chris Fanning to succeed De Jong in the position of

Chief Executive Officer. Fanning, who joined SSI in February 2012 as President

and COO brings 25 years of experience in business management, executive

leadership, strategic planning and operational roles. Prior to SSI, he served

as interim CEO of Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, having first joined the

company in 1997 as Director, Strategic Planning before being promoted to

various senior roles including VP, Strategic Planning and VP, Software and IP

Solutions. Prior to Lattice, Fanning worked for The Boston Consulting Group as

a Consultant and Project Leader out of their Chicago office.  

    Commented De Jong: "I'm excited about my new role and the appointment of

Chris as my successor. Chris brings the experience and skills to continue to

strengthen the organization and lead SSI into its next chapter of growth.

Leading SSI over the past years has been an enormously exciting and rewarding

experience. The panel, sample and data collection market is in continuous flux,

and SSI is now one of the strongest players with the most advanced sampling

science and technology in the industry and the best people to service its


    Fanning comments: "I look forward to building upon the foundation that has

been put in place by Kees and the team and growing SSI into the number one

player in the industry. We have a great team that is focused on innovation and

service, and I am excited at the significant opportunity ahead for the company

and its stakeholders."

    About SSI...

    SSI (http://www.surveysampling.com) is the premier global provider of

sampling solutions and data collection for survey research. SSI reaches

respondents in 72 countries via Internet, telephone and mobile/wireless.

Value-add services include questionnaire design consultation, programming and

hosting, and data processing.  SSI serves more than 2,000 clients, including 48

of the top 50 research organizations. Founded in 1977, SSI employees 1,300

people throughout 30 offices in 15 countries.


    CONTACT:  Jackie Lorch, Vice President, Global Knowledge Management,

+1-203-567-7256, Jackie.lorch@surveysampling.com




