◎ アジア限定レストランガイド2012/2013版に向け、お気に入りのレストランに投票してください

Ate Ideas Pte. Ltd.

◎ アジア限定レストランガイド2012/2013版に向け、お気に入りのレストランに投票してください

AsiaNet 49299





シンガポール、2012年5月18日/PRニュースワイヤー-アジア/ -- ミーレ・ガイドは、改めて2012/2013版の投票および推薦を受け付けています。この度、ミーレ・ガイドの日本語ウェブサイト(http://www.mieleguide.com/lang/ja)もご利用いただけるようになりました。

(ロゴ: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/04/25/20120425183826637725.jpg )





Tweeter向けキャッチコピー: 食通の皆様、お気に入りのレストランを今年のミーレ・ガイドに投票してください!締め切りまで、あとわずか1週間。今すぐhttp://bit.ly/mieleguideをご覧ください!

Facebook向けコメント: 食通の皆様、お気に入りのレストランを今年のミーレ・ガイドに投票してください!締め切りまで、あとわずか1週間。今すぐhttp://mieleguide.com/votingをご覧ください!


ミーレ・ガイド ウェブページ:http://mieleguide.com/

ミーレ・ガイド Facebookファンページ:http://www.facebook.com/TheMieleGuide

出所: Ate Ideas Pte. Ltd.

Less Than One Week Left to Vote for Your Favourite Restaurant in the 2012/2013 Edition of Asia's Definitive Restaurant Guide


SINGAPORE, May 18, 2012 /PRN-Asia=KYODO JBN/ --

The Miele Guide is once again accepting votes and nominations for its 2012/2013

edition. For the first time, The Miele Guide voting website is now available in

Japanese: http://www.mieleguide.com/lang/ja

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/04/25/20120425183826637725.jpg )

With less than one week to go, all food lovers out there are urged to vote for

their favourite noteworthy restaurants via http://mieleguide.com/voting before

voting closes on 25th May 2012.

If you have had a truly memorable dining experience this past year, now is the

time to say THANK YOU to your top spots by voting them into the ranks of The

Miele Guide's 500 finest restaurants in Asia.

All voters will receive a special discount of 25% off every pre-order of The

Miele Guide 2012/2013 edition.

About The Miele Guide: Created in 2008, The Miele Guide is Asia's first

authoritative and independent guide to the region's finest restaurants. Each of

the 500 restaurants in the guide are selected through a rigorous voting

process, involving Food and Beverage professionals, food writers, restaurant

critics and most importantly, the public.

Tweet-worthy blurb: To all #foodlovers, only 1 wk left to #vote ur favourite

restaurants into this yr's The Miele Guide! Visit http://bit.ly/mieleguide now!

Facebook shoutout: To all food lovers out there, you have only 1 week left to

vote your favourite restaurants into this year's The Miele Guide! Don't miss

out, visit http://mieleguide.com/voting now!

Useful links:

The Miele Guide Webpage: http://mieleguide.com/

The Miele Guide Facebook Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/TheMieleGuide

SOURCE  Ate Ideas Pte. Ltd.




