


AsiaNet 49518



【成都(中国)2012年5月31日PRN=共同JBN】ゼネラル・エレクトリック・カンパニー(General Electric Co、GE)は中国南の四川省の省都、成都にChina Innovation Center(チャイナ・イノベーション・センター、CIC)を建設したと発表した。同センターは成都ハイテク産業開発区の西開発区に位置し、GEの世界で最初に機能するイノベーション・センターになる。GEによれば、成都CICは研究開発、マーケティングの両部門を併せ持ち、現地のヘルスケア、シェールガス掘削技術、新産業自動化ソリューション、グリーン・エネルギーなどを重点的に取り扱うと言う。

GE会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)のジェフ・イメルト氏は「当社としてはオープン イノベーション、特に成都CICで実現される顧客との共同による創造アプローチは、中国の未来の成長に参加し、貢献しようとするGEのような多国籍技術企業には不可欠なものだ」と述べた。



ソース: Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development Zone

GE Opens China Innovation Center in Chengdu

GE Opens China Innovation Center in Chengdu


CHENGDU, China, May 31, 2012 /PRN-Asia=KYODO JBN/ --

General Electric Co (GE) announced that a China Innovation Center (CIC) has

been completed in Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province, southwest

China. Located in the west park of the Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development

Zone (CDHT), CIC Chengdu is the first functional innovation center of GE

worldwide. According to GE, CIC Chengdu will combine research and development

sections with marketing ones, focusing on local healthcare, shale gas drilling

technology, new industrial automation solution, green energy and so on.

"We believe open innovation practices, especially the customer co-creation

approach embodied in CIC Chengdu, is essential for multinational technology

companies such as GE as we participate and contribute to China's future

growth," Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt said in Chengdu today.

The new center will localize its business, building on local capabilities and

developing local resources by working with customers and partners in exploring

new technical solution for the needs of the local market. It is said that $80

million of investment has been used in the construction, recruitment, and

operation of the new project. The building in the west park of CDHT covers an

office space of 33,500 square meters with more than 30 laboratories, providing

customers and over 500 employees advanced facilities and equipments.

Ranking as the 4th of the national high-tech zones, CDHT (Chengdu High-tech

Industrial Development Zone) has not only appealed GE, but also attracted other

global industrial tycoons such as Intel, TI, Foxconn, Dell, Lenovo, Siemens and

Philips, which forms clusters of Integrated circuits, photoelectric displays,

software and service outsourcing and electronic terminals manufacturing in the

area. In 2011, CDHT's industrial value-added output rose 25.2 % to 70.65

billion RMB. The value-added of large industrial enterprises increased 36.4% to

40.87 billion RMB. Fixed asset investment totaled 48.96 billion RMB, up 22.1%.

Value of export reached 11.61 billion US dollars, up 222.5%. Total revenue

reached 21.67 billion RMB, up 36.92%.

SOURCE: Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development Zone




