◎世銀とEarthstone Groupが後援  初のアジア鉱山投資会議

Mining Indaba LLC

◎世銀とEarthstone Groupが後援  初のアジア鉱山投資会議

AsiaNet 49491


◎世銀とEarthstone Groupが後援  初のアジア鉱山投資会議

【ニューヨーク2012年5月30日PRN=共同JBN】シンガポールで2012年10月29-31日に開かれるアジア鉱山投資会議(Investing in Asia Mining Indaba、http://www.AsianMiningIndaba.com)の主催者はこのほど、世界銀行と国際金融公社(IFC)の後援を取り付けたと発表した。世界銀行とIFCの参加に加えて、アジアの強力な鉱山会社のEarthstone Groupが初の同会議のプラチナスポンサーになることも、正式契約された。

(ロゴ: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120529/NE15116LOGO



Mining Indaba LLCの上級副社長兼マネジングディレクター、ジョナサン・ムーア氏は「われわれは2012年2月に、アジア地域で手つかずのこの強力で新しいチャンスに、世界の鉱業・投資専門家をいち早く注目させるアジア鉱山投資年次会議の開催を発表した。その発表以来、世界銀行グループとEarthstone Groupのほか、アジアの鉱業や投資業界、政府代表、報道機関の多くから圧倒的な支持を受けた」と述べた。

Earthstone Groupのエクゼクティブディレクター、ラビ・プーリー氏は「この年次会議が素晴らしいのは、アフリカ鉱山投資会議で成功したネットワーク基盤をアジアへ持ち込むことだ。この基盤こそ、アジアが鉱業のバリューチェーン全体で資本化を模索する上で不可欠となり、Earthstone Groupにとっても、真剣な投資家や重要な政府代表と接触できることで、持続的拡大に向けて鍵となる戦略的機会になる」と指摘した。


*デービッド・ヘール氏=David Hale Global Economics

*フランク・ホームズ氏=U.S. Global Investors, Inc.


*リリアン・テン氏=China-Africa Development Fund


*コーブス・ファンデルワット氏=Beijin Axis

アジア鉱山投資会議は、プラチナスポンサーのEarthstone Groupや、世界銀行、IFCなど多様なスポンサーによって支えられている。さまざまな経済団体や国際的な報道機関もパートナーになった。


▽Mining Indaba LLCについて

アジア鉱山投資会議は、鉱山投資会議としては世界最大規模で、アフリカ最大の鉱山会議であるアフリカ鉱山投資会議を組織しているMining Indabaが提供する。Mining Indabaは18年以上にわたって南アフリカなどのアフリカ諸国の人々と提携し、アフリカの鉱山に数十億ドルの外国投資を誘致している。詳しい情報は


ソース: Mining Indaba LLC




Maria Palombini

Mining Indaba LLC



The World Bank Group, Earthstone Group Support Inaugural Investing in Asian Mining Indaba Conference


NEW YORK, May 30, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The organisers of the Investing in Asian Mining Indaba, to be held on 29 - 31

October 2012 in Singapore (http://www.AsianMiningIndaba.com), are proud to have

secured the sponsorship of the World Bank and the International Finance

Corporation.  Further to the World Bank and IFC's participation, the organisers

have officially signed Asian mining powerhouse, Earthstone Group, as the

Platinum Sponsor for its first annual conference.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120529/NE15116LOGO )

"Mining in Asia has tremendous potential to promote sustainable economic

growth, if the revenues from those resources are invested in much needed

infrastructure and human capital," explains Paulo de Sa, manager of the World

Bank's Oil, Gas and Mining unit. "Asian Mining Indaba provides us with an

excellent platform to reach out to multiple stakeholders from government,

private sector, and civil society, and see how we all together can best address

the opportunities and challenges ahead."

Investing in Asian Mining Indaba is an annual professional conference dedicated

to the capitalisation and development of mining interests in Asia. The event

will attract the most influential stakeholders -- financiers, investors,

international mining houses, Asian government delegations, and other

stakeholders -- vested in the Asian mining value chain.

"In February 2012 we publicly announced the inaugural Asian Mining Indaba

presenting global mining and investment professionals an early look at this

powerful new opportunity awaiting in the Asian region," said Jonathan Moore,

Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Mining Indaba LLC. "Since the

announcement we have received overwhelming support from the World Bank Group,

Earthstone Group and many others from the Asian mining and investment

community, government delegations and the press."

"The exciting thing about this annual conference is bringing the successful

networking platform of the African Mining Indaba to Asia. This platform will be

critical to Asia as it seeks capitalisation throughout the entire mining value

chain and will serve as a key strategic opportunity for Earthstone Group's

continued expansion in Asia providing us with access to serious investors and

critical regional government delegations," explains Ravi Puri, Executive

Director, Earthstone Group.

The inaugural Investing in Asian Mining Indaba will feature an assembly of

unparalleled keynote presenters renowned for their global macro-economic,

international mining and regional commodity investment expertise.

-- DAVID HALE, David Hale Global Economics

-- FRANK HOLMES, U.S. Global Investors, Inc.

-- JIM ROGERS, Author, Financial Commentator and Successful International


-- LILIANG TENG, China-Africa Development Fund


-- KOBUS VAN DER WATH, The Beijing Axis

The Investing in Asian Mining Indaba is supported by multiple sponsors

including its platinum sponsor, Earthstone Group, the IFC, World Bank, and many

others, and has partnered with multiple trade and international media partners.

Visit http://www.AsianMiningIndaba.com for registration details and full

conference agenda featuring the Asian mining ministerial forum, commodity

review and outlook, and other expert sessions.

About Mining Indaba LLC

Investing in Asian Mining Indaba is presented by Mining Indaba, LLC, the

organiser of the world's largest investment mining event and Africa's largest

mining event -- Investing in African Mining Indaba. Mining Indaba LLC has

partnered with South Africa and other African nationals for more than 18 years

to channel billions of dollars of foreign investment into African mining. For

more information, visit http://www.miningindaba.com.

SOURCE: Mining Indaba LLC

NOTE TO EDITORS:  Investing in Asian Mining Indaba is open to qualified members

of the press. All press registrants will be required to apply for press

accreditation. Visit http://www.AsianMiningIndaba.com/press for details.

CONTACT:  Maria Palombini

          Mining Indaba LLC






