◎オスロで「民衆の敵」研究 イプセン・フェスティバル

National Theatret

◎オスロで「民衆の敵」研究 イプセン・フェスティバル

AsiaNet 49621

共同JBN 0780(2012.6.12)

◎オスロで「民衆の敵」研究 イプセン・フェスティバル




国際イプセン賞は世界最大の演劇賞である。今年の賞はドイツの作曲家、演出家であるハイナー・ゲッベルス(Heiner Goebbels)に贈られる。ゲッベルスによるEraritjaritjaka、Stifters Dinge の2つのゲスト・パフォーマンスはフェスティバルのプログラムに含まれており、授賞式とレセプションは9月8日(土)に行われる。

極北の小さな国がこれほど世界クラスの劇作家を生み出してきたのは驚くべきことである。イプセンは世界で最も有名な劇作家であり、現代のヨン・フォッセ(Jon Fosse)の作品は世界中で上演されており、今やアルネ・リグレ(Arne Lygre)は、フォッセの足跡を追い、「私は消える」(I disappear) がフェスティバルで上演される。









フェスティバルの記者証、国際イプセン賞授賞式の招待状は入手可能である。詳しい情報はhttp://nationaltheatret.no/Nationaltheateret/Internationalhttp://www.internationalibsenaward.comまたは広報マネジャーのStine Strachan (stine.strachan@nationaltheatret.no)へ。

ソース: National Theatret

An Enemy of the People in Oslo


OSLO, Norway, June 12/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    The International Ibsen Festival in Oslo is the original and has inspired

Ibsen Festivals around the world from Tokyo to Minnesota. This festival hosts

the world's biggest theatre award and stages a very different version of An

Enemy of the People.

    An Enemy of the People could not be more relevant. A play about an

individual who stands against his own people, Rimini Protokoll turns it into a

study of the city today asking: Do you agree that in matters of right and wrong

the individual should take precedence over the multitude? Is "the strongest man

in the world (...) the man who stands most alone?"

    The Ibsen Festival has become an influential voice in world theatre and is

not scared of controversy. Ibsen was a controversial playwright who changed

theatre in Europe dramatically. The festival reflects this by showcasing truly

original versions of Ibsen's own plays and performances by influential

international playwrights and directors.

    The International Ibsen Award is the world's biggest theatre award. This

year, the award goes to German composer and director Heiner Goebbels. Two guest

performances by Goebbels, Eraritjaritjaka and Stifters Dinge are included in

the festival programme and the award ceremony and reception take place Saturday

8th September.

    It is extraordinary that a little country in the far north has produced

such worldclass playwrights; Ibsen is one of the wold's most famous

playwrights, contemporary Jon Fosse is being performed all over the world and

now Arne Lygre is set to follow in Fosse's footsteps. Arne Lygre's I disappear

will be performed during the festival.

    The International Ibsen Festival is hosted by the National Theatre in Oslo

23rd August-9th September 2012.

    Notes to editors:


    - Ibsen was born in Norway in 1828

    - Some of his most famous plays are A Doll's House, Ghosts, Peer Gynt and

      Hedda Gabler

    - Ibsen has been translated into 78 languages and performed in countries

      all over the world for over 100 years

    - Ibsen influenced European writers such as George Bernard Shaw, Oscar

      Wilde and James Joyce

    - Many consider Ibsen the greatest playwright since Shakespeare

    - Ibsen spent much of his life in Germany and Italy

    Festival press passes and invites to the award ceremony for the

International Ibsen Award are available. For more information, please visit

nationaltheatret.no http://nationaltheatret.no/Nationaltheateret/International

and http://www.internationalibsenaward.com or contact publicity manager Stine

Strachan on stine.strachan@nationaltheatret.no.

    SOURCE: National Theatret




