◎Diesel Technology Forumが国際がん研究機関に支持表明

Diesel Technology Forum

◎Diesel Technology Forumが国際がん研究機関に支持表明

AsiaNet 49679

共同JBN 0799 (2012.6.13)

◎Diesel Technology Forumが国際がん研究機関に支持表明

【ワシントン2012年6月13日PRN=共同JBN】Diesel Technology Forum(http://www.dieselforum.org/)のアレン・シェーファー事務局長は13日、ディーゼル排気の分類についての世界保健機関(WHO)付属機関の国際がん研究機関(International Agency on Research for Cancer、IARC)が行った発表措置に関する以下の声明を発表した。

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120201/MM46474LOGO

「われわれはディーゼル燃料および排気に関する科学的考察を歓迎し、支持する。ディーゼル業界のコミットメントは、同分野の専門家と多数の利害関係者が参加する独立系の健康影響研究所(HEI)がまとめた『高等共同排気研究』(Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study、ACES、http://pubs.healtheffects.org/getfile.php?u=709)に対する業界の資金提供によって明確になっている。米環境保護局(EPA)、カリフォルニア州大気資源局(CARB)、および業界がスポンサーとなったこの画期的な研究は、『ディーゼル排気露出について生物学的影響はほとんどみられない』と提言している」













Steve Hansen


+1-301-668-7230 (o)

+1-202-355-3664 (c)




ソース: Diesel Technology Forum

Diesel Technology Forum Statement On Action by the International Agency on Research for Cancer


WASHINGTON, June 13, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Allen Schaeffer, Executive Director of the Diesel Technology Forum

(http://www.dieselforum.org/ ), issued the following statement today regarding

the actions by the World Health Organization's International Agency on Research

for Cancer (IARC) regarding the classification of diesel exhaust:

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120201/MM46474LOGO)

    "We welcome and support scientific discussion regarding diesel fuels and

emissions. The industry's commitment is underscored by its funding for the

independent peer-reviewed, multi-stakeholder Advanced Collaborative Emissions

Study (ACES) (http://pubs.healtheffects.org/getfile.php?u=709 ) by the Health

Effects Institute (HEI).  This landmark study sponsored by U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency, California Air Resources Board, industry and HEI suggest

'few biologic effects to diesel exhaust exposure'.

    "Air pollution is a critically important health issue and the diesel

industry takes clean air concerns very seriously.  Diesel engine and equipment

makers, fuel refiners and emissions control manufacturers have invested

billions of dollars in research in an ongoing effort to develop technologies

that reduce emissions to meet the increasingly diverse and stringent clean air

standards in all nations throughout the world.   

    "New technology diesel engines, which use ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel,

advanced engines and emissions control systems, are near zero emissions for

nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and particulate matter.  In the U.S., EPA

indicates that diesel accounts for less than six percent of all particulate

matter in the air.

    "In the U.S., emissions from heavy-duty diesel trucks and buses have been

reduced by 99 percent for nitrogen oxides - an ozone precursor - and 98 percent

for particulate emissions.

    "Critical to this progress has been ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel which has

reduced sulfur emissions by 97 percent - from 500 PM to 15 PM - enabling

advanced emissions control devices.

    "Because more than 90 percent of all global trade is powered by diesel

engines, these advancements are enabling broad international environmental and

public health benefits throughout the world. "

    Several recent scientific and academic research studies have highlighted

the important advancements in clean diesel technology:

    -- May 24, 2012 California Air Resource Board  

       (http://www.arb.ca.gov/board/ma/2012/ma052412.htm ): International

       scientists reported a 50 percent reduction of black carbon in ambient

       air over the past 20 years primarily due to advancements in clean diesel


    -- April 12, 2012 Health Effects Institute study provides important new

       insights into the emissions and health effects of the new diesel. These

       and related findings were recently presented at a CARB Research Seminar



63 ).

    -- March 2012 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Report to Congress on

       Black Carbon (BC) (http://www.epa.gov/blackcarbon/ ): "[T]he United

       States will achieve substantial BC emissions reductions by 2030, largely

       due to controls on new mobile diesel engines."

    -- April 23, 2012 North Carolina State University

       (http://news.ncsu.edu/releases/wms-frey-trucks/ ): Diesel trucks in

       compliance with newer standards showed a 98 percent decrease in NOx and

       94 percent reduction in PM emissions.


    Steve Hansen


    +1-301-668-7230 (o)

    +1-202-355-3664 (c)

    (Additional information)


the-international-agency-on-research-for-cancer )

    SOURCE: Diesel Technology Forum




