◎InGen BioSciencesがCylexと独占提携  ImmuKnowを仏に提供

InGen BioSciences

◎InGen BioSciencesがCylexと独占提携  ImmuKnowを仏に提供

AsiaNet 49606

共同JBN 0772 (2012.6.14)

◎InGen BioSciencesがCylexと独占提携  ImmuKnowを仏に提供

【シリーマザラン(フランス)2012年6月14日PRN=共同JBN】モノパラメトリック、マルチパラメトリックの生体外診断検査薬の開発、商業化を専門とするInGen BioSciencesは、世界的な生命科学会社で免疫性を輝かせる生体外診断製品に集中しているCylex Incorporated(本社・米メリーランド州コロンビア、http://maps.google.fr/maps?hl=fr&rlz=1T4ADRA_enFR416FR416&q=columbia+MD+US&um=1&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=0x89b7dfb06369a051:0xf0d6bd65b687635d,Columbia,+Maryland,+%C3%89tats-Unis&gl=fr&ei=A4XDT9mZLsyE8gOkr7WCg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBcQ8gEwAA )と新たな独占提携関係を結んだと発表した。

Cylexとの独占提携によって、InGen BioSciencesはFDA認可、CEマークを受け、IVDDに対応している唯一のアッセイで、臓器移植の免疫抑制療法を受けている患者の長期にわたる全般的な免疫機能の変化を探知するImmuKnow(登録商標)をフランスの医療共同体に提供する。

臓器移植は末期段階の臓器不全には効果的な治療法であり、世界的に広く実行されている。「贈与と移植の世界観察機関(GODT=Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation)」の2010年のデータ(WHOとONTの協力で作成)は年間の固形臓器移植は10万6879件で、このうち7万3179件が腎臓移植、2万1602件が肝臓移植、5582件が心臓移植だったとしている。(1)



Cylexのブラッド・L・スチュアート社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「Cylexは細胞の免疫機能を測定する生体外診断アッセイでは首位に立っている世界的な生命科学会社であり、ImmuKnowはよりよい患者ケアを提供するのに不可欠な確立され、受け入れられている技術である。InGen BioSciencesとの販売提携は、患者に個別化された管理を提供したいと考えているフランスの移植専門家に最高のサービスを提供するエキサイティングな機会を示すものである」と語っている。

InGen BioSciencesのイザベル・バックルCEOは「Cylexとのこの独占提携は大変光栄であり、免疫学の革新的な提供製品を強化し、わが社のHLA IVDポートフォリオを補完し、急激に変化する診断薬の分野で健康管理専門家の現在と将来の必要を満たす統合された具体的なクラス最高のソリューションにおけるわが社の地位を強化するものである。わが社のパートナーのONE LAMBDAと新たなパートナーのCylexによって、ドナーと移植を受ける人のマッチング評価と移植後患者のパーソナル化された監視のための診断ツールを求めている移植専門家の必要に対応する」とコメントしている。

InGen BioSciencesは2001年の創立以降、19%の複合成長(CAGR)を経験し、従業員は65人(うち15%は研究開発に専念している)に上る。最初の独自製品であるBJI InoPlex(商標)は整形外科医、感染症専門家などの健康管理専門家向けの非侵襲で使いやすい術前、術後インプラントの感染探知ツールで、2011年に発売された。

1. 2010 Estimates from the Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation.

http://www.transplant-observatory.org/Pages/Uses-of-Data.aspx last visited May 30th 2012.

2. FishmanJ A. Infection in solid-organ transplant recipients. N Engl J

Med. 2007;357:2601-2614..

3. Cainelli F., Vento S. Infections and solid organ transplant rejection: a cause-and-effect relationship? The Lancet Infectious Diseases,2002 ; 2: Issue 9, : 539-549

4. Kowalski, R J.; Post, Diane R.; Mannon, Roslyn B. et al. Assessing Relative Risks of Infection and Rejection: A Meta-analysis using an Immune Function Assay. Transplantation 2006 ; 82 - Issue 5: 663-668.

5. Cabrera R, Ararat M, Soldevila-Pico C, et al. Using an immune functional assay to differentiate acute cellular rejection from recurrent hepatitis C in liver transplant patients. Liver Transpl. 2009;15:216- 222.


▽InGen BioSciences Groupについて

The ambition of excellence(優秀性への野望)

InGen BioSciences Groupは柔軟で反応が速い顧客中心の会社で、患者のための生物学者の必要に応える最適な技術革新(製品とサービス)のために努力し、先進的な生体外診断キット、臨床使用向けのオートマットを(独自にあるいはライセンスを得て)開発、販売している。

-同社は主として感染症、移植診断、自己免疫、品質管理製品、独自製品のTetanos Quick Stick(登録商標)を含む敏速検査薬に集中している。


-InGen BioSciencesは約750社の欧州の顧客にプラットフォーム分析と組み合わせた高性能試薬を円滑なサービスで供給している。現在の顧客は病院、個人検査施設、輸血サービス、研究施設である。



-グループはISO 9001(2008年)、13485(2004年)認証を受けている。

-持続可能戦略アライアンスはInGen BioSciences Groupが、製品販売、買収と地理的拡大を進めるIVD(生体外診断薬会社)、あるいは集団検査や独自技術のインライセンス開発、共同開発、社内開発を進める学術機関、バイオテク会社、医薬品会社とともに、世界の解決されていない問題に対する革新的なソリューションを提供するという使命を追究するためのカギである。

詳しい情報は http://www.ingenbiosciences.comへ。


1992年に創立されたCylexはベンチャーの支援を受けた世界的な生命科学会社で、本社は米メリーランド州コロンビア。Cylexは免疫を輝かすことを意図して生体外診断製品を開発、製造、商業化している。ISO 13485(2003年)、9001(2000年)認証を受けおり、これは医療製品の設計、開発、製造の国際的に認められた標準に従っていることを意味している。Cylexは近年急成長を経験しており、北米、欧州、アジアで発給された特許の堅実なポートフォリオを持っている。




CylexのImmuKnowアッセイはわずか1 mlの血液を使って臓器移植患者の全般的な免疫機能を敏速に測定する。







1.Cabrera R, Ararat M, Soldevila-Pico C, et al. Using an immune functional assay to differentiate acute cellular rejection from recurrent hepatitis C in liver transplant patients. Liver Transpl. 2009;15:216- 222.

2. Sanchez-Velasco P, Rodrigo E, Valero R, et al. Intracellular ATP concentrations of CD4 cells in kidney transplant patients with and without infection. Clin Transplant. 2008;22:55-60.

3. Bhorade SM, Janata K, Vigneswaran WT, Alex CG, Garrity ER. Cylex ImmuKnow assay levels are lower in lung transplant recipients with infection. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2008;27:990-994.

4. Husain S, Raza K, Pilewski JM, et al. Experience with immune monitoring in lung transplant recipients: correlation of low immune function with infection. Transplantation. 2009;87:1852-1857.

5. Kiyosaki K, Kobashigawa J, Patel J, et al. The benefit of immune monitoring (Cylex): a review of 864 immune monitoring assays in heart transplantation. Presented at: The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation 29th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; April 22-25, 2009; Paris, France; Abstract 511.

6. Humar A, Michaels M. American Society of Transplantation recommendations for screening, monitoring and reporting of infectious complications in immunosuppression trials in recipients of organ transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2006;6:262-274.7. Augustine NH, Pasi BM, Hill HR. Comparison of ATP production in whole blood and lymphocyte proliferation in response to phytohemagglutinin. J Clin Lab Anal. 2007;21:265-270



Bahar Turkoglu,

CCA France: bturkoglu@ccapr.com or +33(0)1-41-43-02-27

ソース:InGen BioSciences

InGen BioSciences Group, Exclusive Distributor for Cylex Incorporated in France, Reinforces its Translational Medicine Positioning




    InGen BioSciences, specialised in the development and commercialisation of

mono and multiparametric in vitro diagnostic tests announced a new exclusive

partnership with Cylex Incorporated (Columbia, Maryland, US) (


), a global life sciences company focused on in vitro diagnostic products

intended to illuminate immunity.

With this exclusive partnership with Cylex, InGen BioSciences will provide to

the French medical community the only FDA-cleared, CE marked and IVDD compliant

assay that detects changes in global immune function over time in patients

undergoing immunosuppressive therapy for organ transplant: ImmuKnow


    Organ transplantation is an effective therapy for end-stage organ failure

and is widely practised around the world. Global Observatory on Donation and

Transplantation (GODT) 2010 data (produced by the WHO-ONT collaboration) report

106879 total solid organ transplants per year of which 73179 kidney transplants

, 21 602 liver transplants and 5 582 heart transplants[1].

    Studies show that long-term use of immunosuppressants is associated with

significant morbidity and mortality in transplant recipients and current

monitoring systems of immunosuppression in those patients are typically focused

on prevention of clinical toxicities of immunosuppressive drugs. Minimising the

risk of infection and rejection in post-transplant patients is therefore

crucial and challenging for clinicians.[2-5] Unfortunately, these strategies

are often not tailored to the individual and do not determine the optimal level

of immunosuppression for these patients.[3]

    ImmuKnow, is an innovative platform, using a small blood sample, to simply

and reproducibly assess immune cell function, providing medical professionals

with crucial insight for individualised allograft transplant patient management

allowing them to better tailor immunosuppressant drug regimens to prevent organ

rejection while avoiding infection.

    "Cylex is a global life sciences company leading in vitro diagnostic assays

that measure cellular immune function and ImmuKnow is an established, accepted

technology that is critical to providing better patient care" says Brad L.

Stewart, President and CEO of Cylex. "This distribution partnership with InGen

BioSciences represents an exciting opportunity for offering the best possible

services to French transplant professionals seeking to provide individualised

management for their patients."

    "We are very proud of this exclusive partnership with Cylex which

reinforces our innovative offerings in immunology, complements our HLA IVD

portfolio and strengthens our positioning in integrated, concrete best-in-class

solutions for present and future needs of healthcare professionals in the

rapidly evolving field of diagnostics", comments Isabelle Buckle, CEO of InGen

BioSciences. "With our partners ONE LAMBDA and now CYLEX, we respond to

transplant specialists needs of diagnostic tools for assessing donor-recipient

matching as well as a personalised monitoring of transplanted patients."

    Since its foundation in 2001, InGen BioSciences has experienced 19 percent

compound growth (CAGR) and counts 65 employees (of whom 15% are dedicated to

R&D). Its first proprietary product, BJI InoPlex(TM), a non-invasive and easy

to use tool for detection of infections in pre-and post-operative implants for

orthopaedic surgeons, infectious diseases specialists and other healthcare

professionals, was launched in 2011.

    1. 2010 Estimates from the Global Observatory on Donation and


       http://www.transplant-observatory.org/Pages/Uses-of-Data.aspx last

       visited May 30th 2012.

    2. FishmanJ A. Infection in solid-organ transplant recipients. N Engl J

       Med. 2007;357:2601-2614..

    3. Cainelli F., Vento S. Infections and solid organ transplant rejection: a

       cause-and-effect relationship? The Lancet Infectious Diseases,2002 ; 2:

       Issue 9, : 539-549

    4. Kowalski, R J.; Post, Diane R.; Mannon, Roslyn B. et al. Assessing

       Relative Risks of Infection and Rejection: A Meta-analysis using an

       Immune Function Assay. Transplantation 2006 ; 82 - Issue 5: 663-668.

    5. Cabrera R, Ararat M, Soldevila-Pico C, et al. Using an immune

       functional assay to differentiate acute cellular rejection from

       recurrent hepatitis C in liver transplant patients. Liver Transpl.

       2009;15:216- 222.

    Notes to Editors

    About the InGen BioSciences Group

    The ambition of excellence.

    The InGen BioSciences Group, a flexible, reactive, client centric company

striving for optimum innovation (products and services) to meet the needs of

biologists for their patients - develops and markets (proprietary or licensed)

advanced in vitro diagnostic kits and automats for clinical use.


    - The company's primary focus is on infectious diseases, transplant

      diagnostics, auto-immunity, quality control products and rapid tests

      including its proprietary product Tetanos Quick Stick(R).

    - Turnover reached 23.3 MEUR in 2011.

    - InGen Biosciences supplies with seamless services a large selection of

      high-performing reagents combined with platform analysis to roughly 750

      European customers. Its current customers are hospitals, private

      laboratories, blood transfusion services and research laboratories.

    - InGen, the distribution part of the Group, has historical footprint in

      France, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland and strong brand recognition in

      Europe with 25 longstanding partnerships.

    - The Group's R&D arm, IBS, specialises in the development of mono and

      multiparametric tests using proteomics technologies - IBS brings to

      market clinically relevant, innovative, CE marked and IVDD compliant

      assays that are minimally invasive, fast, cost-effective. Over 15 patent

      families, 39 patent applications are currently registered.

    - The group is ISO 9001 (2008) and 13485 (2004) certified.

    - Sustainable strategic alliances are keys for InGen BioSciences Group to

      pursue its mission in delivering innovative solutions to unsolved

      matters worldwide with IVD companies for product distribution,

      acquisitions & geographic expansion or with academics, biotech and

      pharma for companion tests, in-licensing, co-development & in-house

      development of proprietary technologies.

    For more information please visit: http://www.ingenbiosciences.com

    About Cylex

    Originally founded in 1992, Cylex is a venture-backed global life sciences

company based in Columbia, MD USA. Cylex develops, manufactures and

commercializes in vitro diagnostic products intended to illuminate immunity.

The Company received certification to ISO 13485:2003 and 9001:2000, signifying

compliance with internationally recognized standards in design, development and

manufacturing of medical products. Cylex experienced exponential growth in

recent years and holds a robust portfolio of patents issued in North America,

Europe and Asia.

    Cylex's first FDA-cleared product, ImmuKnow

(http://www.cylex.net/hcpclinicians/gettoknow.html), represents patented

technology designed to give clinical researchers insight for individualized

patient management. Combined with individual patients' clinical factors and

other routine monitoring tests, the ImmuKnow assay results help guide decisions

in therapy to avoid over- or under-immunosuppression. ImmuKnow is currently

sold in 18 countries.

    For more information, visit http://www.cylex.net.

    About ImmuKnow(R)

    The Cylex ImmuKnow assay uses only 1 ml blood to provide rapid assessment

of global immune function in organ transplant patients.

    The ImmuKnow assay defines three immunological response zones: strong,

moderate and weak. These zones can guide physicians in patient management.

    ImmuKnow detects intracellular ATP synthesis in stimulated CD4+ cells

selected from whole blood by monoclonal antibody coated magnetic beads. The

amount of ATP produced reflects global T cell function. The measurement of CD4+

activation reflects cellular immunity because the CD4+ lymphocytes orchestrate

cell-mediated immunity through immunoregulatory signalling.

    The utility of the ImmuKnow assay has been well characterized and validated:


    - Over 650,000 assays run

    - 25 prospective and interventional studies in more than 1000 transplant


    - More than 120 clinical studies

    1.Cabrera R, Ararat M, Soldevila-Pico C, et al. Using an immune functional

assay to differentiate acute cellular rejection from recurrent hepatitis C in

liver transplant patients. Liver Transpl. 2009;15:216- 222.

    2. Sanchez-Velasco P, Rodrigo E, Valero R, et al. Intracellular ATP

concentrations of CD4 cells in kidney transplant patients with and without

infection. Clin Transplant. 2008;22:55-60.

    3. Bhorade SM, Janata K, Vigneswaran WT, Alex CG, Garrity ER. Cylex

ImmuKnow assay levels are lower in lung transplant recipients with infection. J

Heart Lung Transplant. 2008;27:990-994.

    4. Husain S, Raza K, Pilewski JM, et al. Experience with immune monitoring

in lung transplant recipients: correlation of low immune function with

infection. Transplantation. 2009;87:1852-1857.

    5. Kiyosaki K, Kobashigawa J, Patel J, et al. The benefit of immune

monitoring (Cylex): a review of 864 immune monitoring assays in heart

transplantation. Presented at: The International Society for Heart and Lung

Transplantation 29th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; April 22-25, 2009;

Paris, France; Abstract 511.

    6. Humar A, Michaels M. American Society of Transplantation recommendations

for screening, monitoring and reporting of infectious complications in

immunosuppression trials in recipients of organ transplantation. Am J

Transplant. 2006;6:262-274.7. Augustine NH, Pasi BM, Hill HR. Comparison of ATP

production in whole blood and lymphocyte proliferation in response to

phytohemagglutinin. J Clin Lab Anal. 2007;21:265-270



    For any further information please contact:

    Bahar Turkoglu,

    CCA France: bturkoglu@ccapr.com or +33(0)1-41-43-02-27

    SOURCE: InGen BioSciences




