◎frogがAndroid体験を再定義  次世代AQUOSでシャープと提携


◎frogがAndroid体験を再定義  次世代AQUOSでシャープと提携

AsiaNet 49699 

共同JBN 0816 (2012.6.18)

◎frogがAndroid体験を再定義  次世代AQUOSでシャープと提携

【東京2012年6月18日PRN=共同JBN】大手デザイン・イノベーション企業であるfrogは18日、使い勝手に優れ大幅なパーソナル化が可能で、見事な外観をもつ新たなAndroidスマートフォン体験を提供する「Feel UX」の開発のためにシャープと提携したと発表した。この提携によって、両社組織の枠組みを超えて結集したストラテジスト、デザイナー、エンジニアから成るグローバルなチームは、シャープの次世代AQUOSスマートフォン向けに特徴的で有意義な「connected experience(つながる体験)」をデザインする。

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/06/18/20120618081304846075.jpg



シャープのAQUOSスマートフォン向けに新しくデザインされた「Feel UX」は、2012年夏に日本で発売され、以下の機能を備えている。






「Feel UX」に関する詳細はウェブサイト






frogは世界の大手企業と連携し、デザイン、エンジニア、ならびに有用な製品とサービスを市場に提供することを支援する。frogは、1000人以上のデザイナー、ストラテジスト、ソフトウエア・エンジニアから成る多岐分野にわたるチームを擁し、多様なテクノロジー、プラットフォーム、メディアに及ぶconnected experience(つながる体験)を提供する。frogは、家庭電化製品、通信、ヘルスケア、エネルギー、自動車、メディア、エンターテインメント、教育、金融、小売、ファッションなどの幅広い業界と連携している。顧客には、Disney、GE、HP、Intel、Microsoft、MTV、Qualcomm、Siemensをはじめ、その他多くのフォーチュン500社がある。frogは1969年に創設され、サンフランシスコに本社を置き、アムステルダム、オースティン、ボストン、バンガロール、ヨハネスブルグ、キエフ、ミラノ、ミュンヘン、ニューヨーク、シアトル、上海、ビニツァにオフィスがある。frogはグローバルなイノベーションとテクノロジーサービス企業であるAricent Groupが所有する1企業である。Aricent Groupは、Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.、Sequoia Capital、The Family Office、CPP Investment Boardが所有している。frogは世界経済フォーラムのGlobal Growth Companyメンバーである。



Emily Chong


Tel + 86 21 6157 7129

Mobile + 86 186 2130 8910


frog Redefines Android Experience


TOKYO, June 18, 2012 /PRN-Asia=KYODO JBN/ --

Leading design and innovation firm frog today announced that it has partnered

with Sharp Corporation (Sharp) to create "Feel UX", a new Android smartphone

experience that is easy to use, highly personalized, and visually stunning. The

collaboration brings together a global interdisciplinary team of strategists,

designers, and engineers across both companies to design a distinctive and

meaningful connected experience for the next generation of Sharp's AQUOS


(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/06/18/20120618081304846075.jpg )

According to global business analytics firm comScore, four out of five mobile

phone users in Japan currently own a feature phone. However, in February 2012,

the number of purchased smartphones surpassed the number of feature phones over

the same period. This signals an ever-increasing importance for handset

manufacturers to design and develop compelling and differentiated smartphone

experiences for consumers.

"To capture the expanding market of smartphone users, we wanted the new Sharp

AQUOS handsets to be a unique kind of Android experience, to look and feel

different and standout from competitors," said Paul Pugh, Vice President,

Creative, Software Innovation at frog. "By simplifying the interaction model

and reducing clutter through a more curated experience, it will be immediately

apparent to customers how to use the phones and make them more personal. In

addition, the design caters to current Android users by giving them new tools

to organize and optimize their handsets, while personalizing the phone in ways

not previously possible."

The newly designed "Feel UX" for Sharp's AQUOS smartphones will be available in

Japan during the summer of 2012 and include the following features:

    -- Personalized and innovative lock-screen experience, allowing users to

       browse photos and widgets without unlocking the devices

    -- Real-time weather display motion experience and animation

    -- Desirable, gender-neutral palette and visuals

    -- Streamlined, curated home space to smoothly manage applications,

       widgets, and shortcuts

"frog was chosen as Sharp's innovation partner because of the company's unique

combination of consumer insights, strategy, design, and software engineering

capabilities," said Itsuki Kouchi, Division Deputy General Manager, Global

Product Development Center at Sharp. "Through our collaboration with frog, we

have adopted an advanced approach to Android's concept, features, and

philosophy, creating a distinctive device that will ultimately increase the

life of the product and enhance customer satisfaction."

For more information about "Feel UX", please visit www.sharp.co.jp/k-tai/ and


About Sharp Corporation

Sharp Corporation is a worldwide developer of innovative products and core

technologies that play a key role in shaping the future of electronics. As a

leader in liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and digital technologies, Sharp offers

one of the broadest and most advanced lines of consumer electronics,

information products and electronic components, while also creating new network

businesses. Sharp Corporation employs 64,400 people in the world (as of March

31, 2012) and recorded consolidated annual sales of 2,455,850 million yen for

the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012.

For more information, please visit http://sharp-world.com/index.html.

About frog

frog works with the world's leading companies, helping them to design,

engineer, and bring to market meaningful products and services. With an

interdisciplinary team of more than 1,000 designers, strategists, and software

engineers, frog delivers connected experiences that span multiple technologies,

platforms, and media. frog works with a broad spectrum of industries, including

consumer electronics, telecommunications, healthcare, energy, automotive,

media, entertainment, education, finance, retail, and fashion. Clients include

Disney, GE, HP, Intel, Microsoft, MTV, Qualcomm, Siemens, and many other

Fortune 500 brands. Founded in 1969, frog is headquartered in San Francisco,

with locations in Amsterdam, Austin, Boston, Bangalore, Johannesburg, Kiev,

Milan, Munich, New York, Seattle, Shanghai, and Vinnitsa. frog is a company of

the Aricent Group, a global innovation and technology services firm. The

Aricent Group is owned by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., Sequoia Capital, The

Family Office, and CPP Investment Board. frog is a Global Growth Company member

of the World Economic Forum.

For more information, please visit www.frogdesign.com.


Emily Chong


Tel + 86 21 6157 7129

Mobile + 86 186 2130 8910

SOURCE: frog




