Rio+20 - Red Cross Red Crescent Urges Investment in Resilience and Women


Rio+20 - Red Cross Red Crescent Urges Investment in Resilience and Women

AsiaNet 49807

RIO DE JANEIRO, June 22, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

- IFRC Statement on Rio+20

One message rings loud and true as Rio +20 comes to a close: we must listen to

and invest in people's abilities to bring about long lasting development in

their communities. We cannot count on governments alone to solve the world's

problems and meet the needs of the most vulnerable.

The "we" refers to all partners needed for strengthening resilience and

development, namely civil society organizations, Red Cross and Red Crescent

Societies, the UN, the private sector, local communities and governments.  We

all must work closely as a team and make sure that resources reach the most

vulnerable. Our innovative partnership with the global business community and

the World Economic Forum-through the Friends of Rio call to action-is an

example of converting this rhetoric into action. We urge Governments to provide

an enabling environment for this and the many other sustainable development


Sustainable development will not be shaped by a document that comes out of Rio

+20 but determined by how well we mobilize the power of humanity for action.

The message and the needs are clear - vulnerable and marginalised populations

need our support.

The best support we can give is to work closely with people and their

communities, often through Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers, who have the

knowledge and initiative to drive long-term solutions that promote resilience

and in turn, sustain development.

In fact, one theme that emerged again and again at the Rio +20 Conference

events and discussions was recognizing women as key stakeholders in development


Take the pressing issue of food security for example: in some countries 60% of

the agricultural labour force is made up of women. As fathers, brothers and

sons leave rural areas to seek work and secure income, the focus on women and

support for smallholder farmers has become urgent. Breaking the chronic cycle

of food insecurity requires policies and laws that protect women's rights and

also to facilitate access to farmland, favorable small-business loans and -

crucially - to education and equipment.

Creating the space for women to a play greater role in their environment builds

resilience. Building resilience creates strong communities; strong communities

create strong economies and ultimately sustain development. Bottom line,

building resilience is key to protecting long-term development gains.

As part of our investment to build resilience, the International Federation of

Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is committed to allocating up to 10% of

appeals for disaster risk reduction. We are now calling on others - many of

whom have been talking these past eight days about sustainability - to also

commit more funding towards long-term efforts to build resilience.

Cutting through the clutter of tens of thousands of people, dozens of important

issues and the debate over the outcomes of Rio+20, the International Federation

of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has one thing to say after our time in

Rio: governments, donors, the corporate sector and the humanitarian sector must

invest more in strengthening the resilience of people and their communities

most at risk to crises and disasters.

Finally, we would like to applaud and thank the Brazilian Red Cross for their

support and the Brazilian government for creating the space for an event that

brought the world's attention to sustainable development.





