◎今年のUAE最優秀投資銀行はFCSIB World Finance誌

First Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank (FCS)

◎今年のUAE最優秀投資銀行はFCSIB World Finance誌

AsiaNet 49857

共同JBN 0866 (2012.6.29)

◎今年のUAE最優秀投資銀行はFCSIB World Finance誌

【ドバイ(アラブ首長国連邦)2012年6月28日PRN=共同JBN】非常に高い評価を得ている雑誌World Financeはこのほど、2012年の「アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)最優秀投資銀行」にFirst Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank (FCSIB)を選んだ。

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120628/538624

World Finance誌が設けた高評価の委員会が、戦略やアイデア、技術革新を大幅に達成、特定の分野での最高の実績など一連の判断基準をもとに、読者の意見を取り入れて今年の受賞者を選んだ。こうした賞は、投票で参加するものとしては業界唯一の名誉ある賞である。

First Capital of Switzerland(FCS)グループのアブドルラーマン・アルアンサリ最高経営責任者(CEO)は「ここ数年は金融業界、特に投資銀行部門にとって難しい時期だった。中東金融業界における前向きの変化を形作っていくうえでマーケット・リーダーであろうと絶えざる努力を続けているわれわれの名前が真に認められた。今回の受賞は、カスタム化された適正ソリューションを、市場内の最適なところに提供するとのわれわれの公約を、顧客や利害関係者に対して改めて示すものだ」と述べた。

FCSIBはドバイ国際金融センター(DIFC)に本拠をおくブティック型投資銀行で、ドバイ金融サービス庁(DFSA)  から認可を受け、規制下にある。経済が低迷する舵取りが難しい時期にスタートしたFCSIBは、総額21億米ドル以上にのぼるトランザクション・パイプラインを用いて、中東・北アフリカ(MENA)地域やアジア、中国、中南米の各地域で投資銀行分野で強力なプレゼンスを築いてきた。




より詳しい情報は http://www.fcswiss.comを参照。

ソース: First Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank (FCS)

First Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank (FCSIB) Named as the Best Investment Bank 2012 in the UAE



     First Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank (FCSIB) has been recognized

as the "Best Investment Bank in the UAE" for 2012 by critically acclaimed

magazine World Finance.

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120628/538624 )

    World Finance's esteemed panel, with input from its readers, determined the

winners based on a series of criteria that are based on strategies, ideas and

innovations signifying achievements and best practices in a particular field.

These awards are the only industry honors based on voter participation.

    First Capital of Switzerland (FCS) Group CEO Abdulrahman Al Ansari said:

"The last few years have been difficult for the financial industry and

investment banking sector in particular. This award comes as a genuine byline

for our continued endeavors to be a market leader in setting the pace for a

positive shift in the financial industry in the Middle East. This award

reestablishes our pledge to our valued clients and stakeholders to provide

optimal, customized solutions to place them in the best possible position

within the market."

    FCSIB is a boutique investment bank located in the Dubai International

Financial Centre (DIFC) and authorized and regulated by the Dubai Financial

Services Authority (DFSA). Having started its journey during the demanding

times of an economic slump, FCSIB has come a long way to achieving a strong

investment banking presence in MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, as

well as in Asia, China and Latin America with an aggregate transaction pipeline

of over USD2.1billion.

    FCS plans to continue its success story by focusing on evolving markets and

establishing key associations with partners across the globe to increase its

worldwide presence. Ethical investments through the establishment of a

Healthcare Fund and a Natural Resources & Commodities Fund are the key focus

areas for FCS for the year 2012-2013.

    The team behind FCSIB combines years of international and regional

experience across sectors. The team members have wide-ranging expertise in

developing, shaping and executing financial transactions globally with a strong

focus on the Middle East, Africa and emerging markets.

    With focus on existing and ongoing strategic partnerships with global

players in the Asian and European market, FCSIB plans to continually evolve and

develop strategic associations within the banking and finance domain to

establish its presence further.

    For more information, please visit: http://www.fcswiss.com

    SOURCE: First Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank (FCS)




