◎アペロールカクテルで新記録  ベネチアの広場で群衆が乾杯

カンパリ・グループ(Gruppo Campari)

◎アペロールカクテルで新記録  ベネチアの広場で群衆が乾杯

AsiaNet 49824

共同JBN 0860 (2012.7.2)

◎アペロールカクテルで新記録  ベネチアの広場で群衆が乾杯

【ベネチア(イタリア)2012年6月30日PRN=共同JBN】ベネチアで新記録に乾杯! ベネチアの象徴、サンマルコ広場で6月29日、「アペロール・スプリッツ(Aperol Spritz)!新記録万歳!」というイベントに数千人が結集し、「最大のアペロール・スプリッツ祝賀会」でギネスブック新記録に挑戦した。2657人が歴史を画するためにグラスを合わせ、アペロール・スプリッツの社会的気分を味わった。







カンパリ・グループ(Gruppo Campari)の最高販売責任者、アンドレア・コンゾナト氏は「アペロール・スプリッツとともに社交活動をしてお祝いする理由を人々に与えたかった。ギネス世界記録の樹立ほどそれにふさわしいものはない。ヴェネト州有数の伝統的で人気ある飲料の生誕地に敬意を表するため、サンマルコ広場を選んだ」と話した。








ソース:Gruppo Campari

Aperol Spritz! Happy Record!


VENICE, Italy, June 30/ PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     - Over 2,600 raise their glasses to set a new world record in Venice!  

      On June 29th thousands descended on the iconic Piazza San Marco in Venice

for Aperol Spritz! Happy Record! to attempt the Guinness World Record for the

'Largest Aperol Spritz Celebration'. 2,657 people joined in the social spirit

of Aperol Spritz eager to clink their glasses to make history.

     To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


     The successful setting of the new record was officially announced at 19:45

CET and was overseen by a team of local judges from Guinness World Records.

     With all attendees dressed in orange T-shirts, they filled up Piazza San

Marco and stood in the formation of an Aperol Spritz glass as they took their

positions for the 'Largest Aperol Spritz Celebration' representing the

distinctive colour and spirit of the drink.

     Lorenzo Veltri, Guinness World Records adjudicator said: "To see so many

people come together and to share in the spirit of Aperol Spritz was fantastic.

It is always exciting when a brand new Guinness World Records is achieved and

this has been a truly unique experience."

     The celebration saw a great participation from all over the country with

52% of people from Italy and 48% from abroad joining in this social


     Andrea Conzonato, Chief Marketing Officer, Gruppo Campari, said: "We

wanted to give people a reason to socialize and celebrate with Aperol Spritz

and what better way than setting a new Guinness World Record. We chose Piazza

San Marco in order to pay tribute to the birthplace of one the most traditional

and popular drinks of the Veneto Region."

     Aperol Spritz! Happy Record! saw hundreds of people enjoying the day with

their friends just as the ultimate social drink, Aperol Spritz, should be

enjoyed. The sparkling refreshing flavour, the low alcohol content and bright

orange colour, make it the perfect drink that evokes the Italian lifestyle,

from the aperitif hour to an evening in the piazza (square).

     To enjoy your own Aperol Spritz just get a tumbler or large balloon glass

and follow the simple instructions. It's as easy as 3, 2, 1:

     * 3 parts of Prosecco (Gruppo Campari recommends Cinzano Prosecco DOC)

     * 2 parts of Aperol

     * 1 dash of soda

     * ice and a slice of orange

     Add ice and a slice of orange, pour in the Prosecco, the Aperol and add a

dash of soda. Then sit back, relax and enjoy a great drink with great friends.

    SOURCE: Gruppo Campari




