
UBM Aviation Routes


AsiaNet 50097

共同JBN 0963(2012.7.20)


【マンチェスター(英国)2012年7月19日PRN=共同JBN】セーシェルで7月8日から10日まで開催されたRoutes Africa(ルーツ・アフリカ)イベントの期間中に、UBM Aviationの1部門であるRoutesとInternational Council of Tourism Partners (ICTP)は、フライト目的地にとって航空会社による接続の善し悪しが価値を持つことに理解を深めるため協力することに合意した。

RoutesとICTPの2組織はWorld RoutesとRoutesの地域的イベント双方についてプログラムを開発する。このプログラムは接続性の主要取引、開発、人的側面に明確に焦点を当てることになる。そのためのワークショップ、会議、その他関連の活動はまた、主な課題を選び出して持続可能な航空産業成長の恩恵、影響、チャンスを生み出す実務的方法を探求する。このプログラムは、広く発展途上市場とアフリカ市場でこのタイプの成長を促進することに重点を置くことになる。

セーシェルのアラン・サンタンジュ観光相はRoutes Africaイベントが素晴らしい1週間だったとして、「旧友との新しい型のコラボレーションの触媒になることは極めて名誉である。われわれは今度は、ICTPとRoutesの継続的な仕事を支援し、ユニークなバニラ諸島(インド洋島嶼群)スピリットが協力し合った結果であると思える確かな達成感に近づくことを誓う」と語った。

UBM Aviation Routesのデビッド・ストラウンド空港担当副社長は「これはここセーシェルで成功した会議の実に素晴らしい成果のひとつである。それはわれわれがこれまで主催したアフリカ・サービス拡大に関する最大の会議だっただけでなく、これまでほとんどすべてのビジネスが航空会社、空港、観光庁などの間で実施されてきた会議のひとつでもある。サンタンジュ観光相の包括的な考え方のおかげで、われわれはビジョンや世界的なカバー範囲が当社のそれと極めて近いICTPと交流するチャンスが与えられた。RoutesとICTPは共に、持続可能な航空産業成長促進にコミットしている」と述べた。





 *Routesは航空機の航路開発分野を専門にしているコンサルタント会社で、英マンチェスターに本社を置くASM Ltd.の一部として1995年に創立された。http://www.asm-global.com

 *RoutesとASMは2010年8月にUBM Aviation Worldwide Ltdに買収された。RoutesはUBM Aviationのブランドである。UBM Aviationはデータ、情報製品、市場内部情報、ニュース、世界航空業界に関連するイベントの提供を専門としている。



 *The International Council of Tourism Partners (ICTP)は、質の高いサービスとグリーン成長にコミットしている世界的目的地の旅行・観光に関する草の根の連合体である。





ソース:UBM Aviation Routes

Routes and International Council of Tourism Partners Join Forces


MANCHESTER, England, July 19/ PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    During the recent Routes Africa event, which took place 8-10 July in the

Seychelles Routes, part of UBM Aviation and the International Council of

Tourism Partners (ICTP) reached an agreement to work together to advance the

understanding of the value of airline connectivity for destinations.

    The two organisations will develop programmes around both World Routes and

Routes' regional events that will give a clearer focus on the main trade,

development, and human dimensions of connectivity. These workshops, conferences

and other related activities will also identify the key challenges and explore

practical ways to unlock the benefits, impacts and opportunities of sustainable

aviation growth. The programmes will maintain a strong focus on promoting this

type of growth to developing markets generally and the African market


    Seychelles Minister of Tourism and Culture Alain St. Ange said that this

had been a great week for the Seychelles: "To be a catalyst for new forms of

collaboration between old friends is a very special privilege. We in turn

pledge our support to the continuing work of ICTP and Routes, and to ensure

that the unique spirit of the Vanilla Islands remains close to the

accomplishments that I know will result from their work together."

    David Stroud, Executive Vice President Airports for UBM Aviation Routes

commented: "This is one of the really exciting outcomes of our very successful

meeting here in the Seychelles. It was not only the biggest meeting on

extending Africa services that we have ever held, but also the one where the

most business ever was done between airlines, airports, and tourism

authorities. Thanks to the inclusionary thinking of Minister St. Ange, we have

had the opportunity to interact with ICTP, whose vision and global coverage

fits closely with our own. We are both committed to promoting sustainable

aviation growth."

    These sentiments were echoed by Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President of

ICTP, who welcomed the opportunities to build the worldwide network of support

for an expanding air transport system geared to green growth transformation

saying: "It is very appropriate that we start here in Africa and in the Vanilla

Islands, which depend on sustainable aviation growth for poverty reduction and

lifestyle development. We will continue to keep these needs at the centre of

our global collaboration with Routes."

    Notes to Editors

    About Routes

    - Routes organises world-renowned airline and airport networking events

through its regional and global Route Development Forums. Each year, there is

one global event and one regional event in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas

and CIS respectively. http://www.routesonline.com

    - Routes was founded in 1995 as part of the Manchester UK-based ASM Ltd., a

consultancy specialising in the field of route development for airports.


    - Routes and ASM were acquired by UBM Aviation Worldwide Ltd in August

2010. Routes is a UBM Aviation brand. UBM Aviation specialises in the supply of

data and information products, market intelligence, news and events related to

the global aviation industry. More information can be found at


    About ICTP

    - The International Council of Tourism Partners (ICTP) is a grassroots

travel and tourism coalition of global destinations committed to quality

service and green growth.   


    - ICTP engages communities and their stakeholders to share quality and

green opportunities including tools and resources, access to funding,

education, and marketing support. ICTP advocates sustainable aviation growth,

streamlined travel formalities, and fair coherent taxation.     

    - ICTP supports the UN Millennium Development Goals, the UN World Tourism

Organization's Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, and a range of programs that

underpin them.     

    - ICTP has members in Anguilla; Aruba; Bangladesh; Belgium, Belize; Canada;

China; Croatia; The Gambia; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Grenada; India; Indonesia;

Iran; Korea (South); La Reunion (French Indian Ocean); Malaysia; Malawi;

Mauritius; Mexico; Morocco; Nicaragua; Nigeria; Northern Mariana Islands (USA

Pacific Island Territory); Sultanate of Oman; Pakistan; Palestine; Rwanda;

Seychelles; Sierra Leone; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Tajikistan; Tanzania;

Trinidad & Tobago; Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe; and from the US: Arizona,

California, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Missouri, Utah, Virginia, and Washington.

    For more information, go to: http://www.tourismpartners.org

    SOURCE: UBM Aviation Routes




