


AsiaNet 50166

共同JBN 0992(2012.7.26)


【ニューヨーク2012年7月26日】クネセット(イスラエル議会)の二国方式解決議員会議のメンバーは25日、パレスチナ当局は経済崩壊の瀬戸際にあると警告するOneVoice Israel(ワンボイス・イスラエル)(http://www.onevoice.org.il)のプレゼンテーションを聴いた。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120428/DC96873LOGO-b

関心を持つ約100人の市民が議員会議のヨエル・ハッソン議長、アミル・ペレツ議員を含む10数人の議員とともに、不健全なパレスチナ経済が持つ意味、停滞している和平交渉がイスラエルの政治と安全保障に持つ意味についてOneVoice Israelとの討議に加わった。イスラエル・パレスチナ関係の専門家であるゲルション・バスキン氏(http://www.twitter.com/gershonbaskin)が準備したリポートは、占領を終わらせ二国方式解決を実現する可能性について、否定的な方向に変化しているパレスチナの世論に経済危機が危険なほど相互関連していることを明らかにした。




OneVoice Israelのタル・ハリス・エクゼクティブディレクター (http://www.twitter.com/talharris1)は「占領が終わる見通しは薄れ、パレスチナ経済の成長率は後退しており、新たな流血のラウンドの条件をつくり出している。平和に代わるものは現状維持ではない。平和に代わるものは戦争である。解決はイスラエルに対するパレスチナの依存を低下させ、すべての隣国と平和な関係を持つ独立国の樹立を認めることである」と述べている。



OneVoice Israelとハッソン議員が発想し、共同で設立した二国方式解決議員会議(http://blog.onevoicemovement.org/one_voice/2011/01/knessets-two-state-solution-caucus-launches-amid-political-shakeup-.html)の35人のメンバーは、二国方式の解決が依然としてイスラエル政府の政策の最優先事項であり、紛争終結への圧力を維持すると確言している。




Ivan Karakashian, Communications Director, PeaceWorks Foundation,

OneVoice Movement, +1-212-897-3985 x 124, +1-212-897-3986,


OneVoice warns Knesset members of Palestinian economic collapse


NEW YORK, July 26, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Members of the Two-State Solution Caucus in the Knesset heard a

presentation by OneVoice Israel (http://www.onevoice.org.il/ ) on Wednesday,

warning that the Palestinian Authority was on the verge of economic collapse.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120428/DC96873LOGO-b)

    Over 100 concerned citizens joined a dozen parliamentarians, including

Caucus chairmen MK Yoel Hasson and MK Amir Peretz, in a discussion with

OneVoice Israel about the implications of an ailing Palestinian economy and

stalled peace talks on Israeli politics and security. The report, prepared by

Gershon Baskin (http://www.twitter.com/gershonbaskin ), an expert on

Israeli-Palestinian relations, revealed how the economic crisis dangerously

interconnects with negatively shifting Palestinian public opinion on the

possibilities of ending the occupation and achieving the two-state solution.

    "This dangerous combination increases chances of a change in Palestinian

leadership when, for many, there's never been a more ideal leadership for

peacemaking," said Baskin. "Increasing numbers of Israelis and Palestinians are

losing confidence that there remains a possible two-state solution, which

creates urgency for positive political movement on both sides," he added.

    The Palestinian economy witnessed a sharp drop in growth so far in 2012,

falling from 9% during the first quarter of last year to 5.4% this year,

according to the report, which relied on data from the Palestinian Finance

Ministry, high-level Palestinian security officials, and the World Bank. The

Palestinian Authority accumulated a national debt of $1.5 billion, in addition

to its debt of $1.2 billion to local private banks.

    With restrictions on Palestinian exports and half of the Authority's budget

contingent on the transfer of tax revenues that Israel collects - though often

punitively withholds - for them, the Palestinian government has struggled to

pay 153,000 public sector employees, including 30,000 security personnel.      

    "Prospects for ending the occupation are narrowing while the growth of the

Palestinian economy lags behind, creating conditions for another round of

bloodshed," said Tal Harris (http://www.twitter.com/talharris1 ), executive

director of OneVoice Israel. "The alternative to peace is not the status quo;

the alternative to peace is war. The solution lies in reducing Palestinian

dependence on Israel and allowing them to establish an independent state at

peace with all its neighbors."

    The report also noted the Palestinian Authority's inability to seek

assistance from the International Monetary Fund because it lacks

internationally recognized country status. The Knesset's Two-State Solution

Caucus members in attendance, representing Kadima, Labor, Meretz, and Hadash,

found the facts eye-opening and stressed the urgency of returning to


    "The Palestinian Authority's severe financial crisis and the implications

presented in the discussion should disturb everyone's sleep," said MK Yoel

Hasson (Kadima). "The prime minister must cease his policy of inaction on the

political status quo, which does not serve Israel's interests."

    The 35 members of the Two-State Solution Caucus (


), conceived and co-created by OneVoice Israel and MK Hasson, ensure the

two-state solution remains a top priority on the Israeli government's agenda

and maintain pressure to end the conflict.

    OneVoice is an international grassroots movement that aims to amplify the

voice of Israeli and Palestinian moderates, empowering them to demand a

two-state solution. The movement educates and trains Israeli and Palestinian

youth in leadership skills, non-violent activism, and democratic principles. To

support and contribute to OneVoice, join us at www.onevoicemovement.org.

    SOURCE:  OneVoice

    CONTACT: Ivan Karakashian, Communications Director, PeaceWorks Foundation,

OneVoice Movement, +1-212-897-3985 x 124, +1-212-897-3986,





