


AsiaNet 50150

共同JBN 0987(2012.7.26)


【ニューヨーク2012年7月25日PRN=共同JBN】コティの最高経営責任者(CEO)バーンド・ビーツ氏は先頃、同社取締役会に対して退任する旨を通知した。コティは7月24日、ニューヨークで取締役会を開いて同氏の決定を受け入れ、その後満場一致でCoty Prestige社長を過去10年にわたり努めてきたミシェル・スカナビーニ氏(Michele Scannavini)を8月1日付けで後任に任命した。


コティ会長のバート・ベクト氏は「コティの歴史にとって重要なこの時に、ミシェル・スカナビーニ氏がビーツ氏の跡を継いでくれることになり喜んでいる」として、次のように述べた。「スカナビーニ氏はコティのデザイナー・ブランド・ライセンスおよび当社のフレグランス事業の影の立役者だ。彼は買収企業の統合を進めることにも成功しており、その中にはユニリーバから買収したUCI、LVMHから買収したAmerican Designer Fragrancesなどがある」




ビーツ氏はさらに「後任のスカナビーニ氏は20年以上にもわたる知己である。取締役会は将来に向けたコティの指導者としては、これ以上ない良い選択をした」と付け加えた。両氏はプロクター・アンド・ギャンブル社(Procter & Gamble)でスカナビーニ氏がビーツ氏の下で働いていた頃からの知り合いである。


コティ入社前スカナビーニ氏はFila Holding S.p.A.のCEOだった。同氏はミラノのボッコーニ大学を卒業後、数多くのマーケティング、販売、経営のポストを歴任し、その中には自動車メーカーのフェラーリ、マセラティもある。

▽コティ(Coty Inc.)について




ソース:Coty Inc.


Cysette Burset,


cysette_burset@cotyinc.com; or

Marian Salzman,

+1 212-367-6811,


Michele Scannavini, Coty Prestige President, Is Named Company's New Chief Executive Officer


NEW YORK, July 25, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Bernd Beetz announces retirement as Coty CEO, continues to serve on global

beauty company's board of directors

Bernd Beetz has advised the Coty Board of Directors of his decision to retire

as chief executive officer of the global beauty company. At its meeting in New

York yesterday, the Coty board accepted his decision and unanimously appointed

Michele Scannavini, who has been president of Coty Prestige for the past

decade, as his successor effective August 1.

For over a decade as Coty CEO, Bernd has established successful positions

across multiple geographies, categories, and segments of the beauty industry

where Coty competes, all of which have built solid foundations upon which Coty

flourishes today. He will remain on the Coty board as a non-executive director.

In this role he will continue to share his experience and contribute to a

smooth leadership transition supporting Scannavini.

"I am delighted that Michele Scannavini has agreed to succeed Bernd at this

important moment in Coty's history," said Bart Becht, Coty's chairman. "He is

the key architect behind Coty's designer brand licenses and the growth of our

fragrance business. Michele has also successfully led the integration of

acquired businesses, including UCI from Unilever and American Designer

Fragrances from LVMH."

Scannavini completed the creation of a comprehensive fragrance portfolio

through the launch of exclusive luxury licenses. He has also guided the

company's growing presence in skin & body care.

Becht added: "I have long admired Bernd for his vision and leadership, and on

behalf of the entire board and company, I thank him for leading Coty's

successes since he joined us in 2001. With an experienced management team, he

transformed Coty from primarily a fragrance maker into the emerging leader in

beauty with market-leading positions in both North America and in Europe."

"I am extremely proud of the work I have accomplished in the last 11 years, and

I thank my entire leadership team," said Beetz. "Together we have created a

company with a strong entrepreneurial culture and great brands. I'm now excited

to diversify my business interests while continuing to be part of the Coty

story, and will enjoy devoting more of my time to charitable activities in

addition to writing a book that I have wanted to do for some time."

Beetz added: "I have known Michele for more than 20 years, and the board could

not have appointed a better leader to continue guiding Coty into the future."

The two men have known each other since Scannavini reported to Beetz when they

both worked at Procter & Gamble.

Scannavini said: "I am inheriting a great company with great brands, great

people and a culture of innovation. Following Bernd Beetz, with whom I have

been working so closely, is a rare privilege. I am eager to continue the

journey together."

Prior to joining Coty, Scannavini was the chief executive officer of Fila

Holding S.p.A. A graduate of Boconi University, he gained a wealth of

experience in numerous marketing, sales and general management positions,

including roles at Ferrari and Maserati automobiles.

About Coty Inc.

Coty was created in Paris in 1904 by Francois Coty, who is credited with

founding the modern fragrance industry.

Today, Coty Inc. is the new emerging leader in beauty with annual net sales of

$4.5 billion. Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit, passion, innovation and

creativity, Coty Inc. has developed a portfolio of notable brands that compete

in all key distribution channels across both prestige and mass markets, and in

over 130 countries and territories.

For additional information about Coty Inc., please visit http://www.coty.com.

SOURCE: Coty Inc.

CONTACT: Cysette Burset, +1-212-479-4549, cysette_burset@cotyinc.com; or Marian

Salzman+1 212-367-6811, marian.salzman@eurorscg.com




