◎調査対象者の94%が宿泊先にホステルを考慮 Hostelworld.comが発表

Hostelworld.com in association with Lonely Planet

◎調査対象者の94%が宿泊先にホステルを考慮 Hostelworld.comが発表

AsiaNet 50195

共同JBN 1003(2012.8.1)

◎調査対象者の94%が宿泊先にホステルを考慮 Hostelworld.comが発表

【ダブリン2012年8月1日PRN=共同JBN】世界的金融危機の終わりが依然として見通せない中、多くの産業が苦しみ続けている。この傾向に逆らっている産業セクターの一つがホステル宿泊施設である。ナンバーワンのホステル予約サイトであるHostelworld.com(http://www.hostelworld.com)が大手旅行コンテンツプロバイダーのLonely Planetと協力し1日に発表した調査によると、今年夏の休暇で出かけようとしている人の94%がホステル宿泊施設を考えに入れている。また調査対象の80%は、最も信頼できるホステルの予約ウェブサイトとしてHostelworld.com(http://www.hostelworld.com)を名指ししている。





Hostelworld.comは予算、自主性、若者の旅行市場に関するオンライン予約の世界的大手プロバイダーである。同サイトは、世界180カ国で幅広い2万7000のホステル、ベッド&ブレックファスト、バジェットホテルの予約を提供し、サービス保証を提供している唯一のホステル予約サイトである。同サイトにはまた、350万件に上る宿泊者の感想や、受賞歴を持つ旅行ビデオとポッドキャスト、無料の特別シティーガイド、旅行ソーシャルネットワークなどが備わっている。Hostelworld.comの本社はダブリンにあり、Web Reservations International Ltd(WRI)が100%所有している。次の旅行計画をhttp://www.hostelworld.comで始めよう。

▽Lonely Planetについて

Lonely Planetは、旅行コンテンツプロバイダーの世界大手企業。1973年の創業で、好奇心の強い旅行者に世界を体験できるようにしており、受賞歴を持つウェブサイトであり、一連のモバイル、デジタル旅行商品、旅行コミュニティー専用のthe planet上であらゆる旅行目的地に関するガイドブックを通じ、目的地の中心に到達できるようにしている。Lonely Planetのサイトhttp://www.lonelyplanet.comを訪れてみよう。

ソース:Hostelworld.com in association with Lonely Planet

Global Hostel Demand on the Rise



          94% open to hostel accommodation as holiday makers look to cut costs;

          80% name Hostelworld.com [http://www.hostelworld.com ] as the most

                          trusted hostel booking website

    With no end in sight to the global financial crisis, many industries are

continuing to suffer. One sector going against this trend is hostel

accommodation. Research released today from Hostelworld.com

[http://www.hostelworld.com ], the number one hostel booking website, in

association with Lonely Planet, the world's leading travel content provider,

shows that 94% of people going on holiday this summer would consider hostel

accommodation. Over 80% of those surveyed also named Hostelworld.com

[http://www.hostelworld.com ] as the most trusted hostel booking website.

    The global study, which questioned over 5000 people in 141 countries, found

that the accommodation of choice for today's traveller is governed by cost. Of

those questioned, nearly 90% would not be prepared to pay more than $100(US)

per night for accommodation, with the majority (54%) prepared to cut their

accommodation budget to have their holiday of choice.

    The result is a booming trade for the global hostel industry with holiday

makers reaping the benefit by making their trip go further. Half of those

surveyed said they are looking to take a longer holiday than usual - 15 days or


    Feargal Mooney, CEO from Hostelworld.com said; "We are extremely honoured

to be selected as the most trusted hostel booking website. And the message

coming through from our survey is loud and clear -people want value for money

and they are seeing hostel accommodation as a way to do that. There has been a

renaissance in the way hostels are perceived, driven by exciting new

innovations at hostel properties worldwide and by more people looking to

stretch their travel budget. This is opening up a new market to the hostel

industry and one that we expect to see coming back now they have experienced

the high quality of accommodation available."

    About Hostelworld.com

    Hostelworld.com is the leading global provider of online reservations to

the budget, independent and youth travel market. We offer a huge range of

27,000 hostels, bed and breakfasts, and budget hotels in 180 countries

worldwide and are the only hostel booking site to offer a service guarantee.

Our site also features over 3.5 million guest reviews, award-winning travel

videos & podcasts, free customised city guides, a travel social network and

more. Hostelworld.com is headquartered in Dublin and is fully owned and

operated by Web Reservations International Ltd (WRI). Start planning your next

adventure at http://www.hostelworld.com

    About Lonely Planet

    Lonely Planet is the world's leading travel content provider. Started in

1973, we enable curious travellers to experience the world and get to the heart

of a place via guidebooks to every destination on the planet, an award-winning

website, a suite of mobile and digital travel products and a dedicated travel

community. Visit us at http://www.lonelyplanet.com.

    Source: Hostelworld.com in association with Lonely Planet




