◎Mittal氏がパートナーとしてKorn/Ferry Internationalに加わる

Korn/Ferry International

◎Mittal氏がパートナーとしてKorn/Ferry Internationalに加わる

AsiaNet 50218

共同JBN 1010(2012.8.3)

◎Mittal氏がパートナーとしてKorn/Ferry Internationalに加わる

【ムンバイ(インド)2012年8月3日PRN=共同JBN】人材管理ソリューションの世界大手プロバイダーであるKorn/Ferry International(NYSE:KFY)はこのほど、同社のSenior Client Partnerおよびデジタルメディア部門の地域リーダーとして、アブデシュ・ミッタル(Avdesh Mittal)氏を同社に迎え入れ、インドにおける顧客サービス能力を強化した。

ミッタル氏はKorn/Ferry Internationalのムンバイ・オフィスを拠点にして、インドの通信・メディア・エンターテインメントのセクターに重点的に取り組むとともに、同社の消費者・テクノロジー市場の中核メンバーとなる。




エグゼクティブ・サーチ会社の前には、ミッタル氏は20年以上にわたり、新規事業やベンチャー企業をはじめ、さまざまな産業で勤務する経験を積んだ。同氏は製造セクターに勤めることでキャリアを開始、その後サービス・セクターに転職して米サンタクララに本拠を置くテクノロジー新興企業のインド子会社で最高経営責任者(CEO)を務めた。同氏はその後、ムンバイを本拠とする産業企業からの非公開株式投資を通じて資金を調達し、ソフトウエア製品(広告)企業のIOL Technologies Pvt Ltd.を創設した。ミッタル氏はIOL在職中、ソフトウエア・ライセンス契約を通じてインドのインターネット・サービス分野で最大の企業数社と戦略的提携とパートナーシップを築いた。


▽Korn/Ferry International Asia Pacificについて

米州、アジア太平洋、欧州、中東、アフリカにプレゼンスを持つKorn/Ferry Internationalは、優れた人材管理ソリューションの世界的プロバイダーである。1973年にエグゼクティブ・サーチ会社としてアジアで初めてのオフィスを東京に構えたKorn/Ferryの本社はロサンゼルスにあり、現在はアジア太平洋地域の主要ビジネスセンターに18の事務所がある。Korn/Ferry社は顧客企業に向けて人材の招致・採用、開発、報酬のためのさまざまなソリューションを提供している。


ソース:Korn/Ferry International


Carol Lo,


Avdesh Mittal Joins Korn/Ferry International As Senior Client Partner


MUMBAI, India, Aug. 3, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Korn/Ferry International (NYSE:KFY), a premier global provider of talent

management solutions, has strengthened its India client service capabilities

with the addition of Avdesh Mittal as Senior Client Partner and regional leader

of the firm's Digital Media sector.

     Based in the firm's Mumbai office, Mr. Mittal will focus on the

Communications, Media and Entertainment sectors in India and will also be a

core member of the firm's Consumer and Technology markets.  

     "Avdesh's in-depth knowledge and understanding of the digital media space

promises to be a great asset to the firm and our clients," said Charles Tseng,

Korn/Ferry President, Asia Pacific. "With the addition of Avdesh to our strong

team in India, we look to broaden Korn/Ferry's reach in the growing and

important convergence and digital media arena as well as augment our

capabilities in the Consumer and Technology markets."

     Mr. Mittal brings a wealth of experience in recruiting C-level executives

in both established and emerging technology companies - primarily in the

telecommunications sector, convergence and internet technologies as well as in

broader media and entertainment.

     Before joining Korn/Ferry, Mr. Mittal was with another global executive

search firm where he was responsible for Communications, Media and

Entertainment as a Partner in the Global Technology and Services Practice.

     Prior to executive search, Mr. Mittal has more than two decades of

experience working across industry sectors and with start-ups and

entrepreneurial ventures. He started his career in the manufacturing sector

before moving to the services sector as CEO of the Indian subsidiary of a Santa

Clara-based (U.S.) technology start-up. He then established a software product

(advertising) company, IOL Technologies Pvt Ltd., which he funded through

private equity investment from a Mumbai-based industrial house. During his

tenure at IOL, Mr. Mittal built strategic alliances and partnerships with some

of the largest players in the internet service provider space in India through

a software licensing arrangement.

     Mr. Mittal graduated from Panjab University in chemical engineering where

he was top of class and a gold medallist. He is a Sloan fellow of the London

Business School where he earned a Master's degree in Management.  

     About Korn/Ferry International Asia Pacific

     Korn/Ferry International, with a presence throughout the Americas, Asia

Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, is a premier global provider of

talent management solutions. Korn/Ferry, based in Los Angeles, was the first

major global executive search firm to operate in Asia Pacific when it opened

its doors in Tokyo in 1973. Today it has 18 offices in key business centers

throughout the region. Korn/Ferry delivers an array of solutions that help

clients to attract, engage, develop, and retain their talent.

     Visit www.kornferry.com for more information about the firm, and

www.kornferryinstitute.com for thought leadership, intellectual property and


     SOURCE: Korn/Ferry International

    CONTACT: Carol Lo,





