◎ロシア、南米など新興経済圏との取引が拡大  第111回広州交易会


◎ロシア、南米など新興経済圏との取引が拡大  第111回広州交易会

AsiaNet 50304

共同JBN 1038 (2012.8.13)

◎ロシア、南米など新興経済圏との取引が拡大  第111回広州交易会






伝統的な中国の医薬・ヘルスケア製品市場もまた、心強いものである。交易会出展企業によると、前回の交易会に比べてロシアからの買い手の数が大幅に増えた。機械・電子製品の取引もまた大きく伸びており、中南米企業との契約高は前年比18.5%増加した。Anhui Light Industry International Co. Ltd.のセール担当であるワン・ビャオ氏は南米、ロシアからのバイヤーが一層増えたと語っている。




ソース:China Foreign Trade Centre (CFTC)

The 111th Canton Fair "The Growing Importance of Emerging Markets"


GUANGZHOU, China, Aug. 13, 2012 /PRN-Asia=KYODO JBN/ --

As the world's best athletes give everything during this summer's sporting

season, individuals and governments are trying equally hard to overcome the

challenges of the global economy. In Europe, experts are working to solve the

ongoing Euro crisis, while in the US small businesses are heading online to

boost sales. Beating the recession has become a medal-worthy activity in


In China, increased efforts have been made to expand trade with developing

economies such as Russia and Brazil. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao recently

proposed a free trade pact between China and South American trade bloc

Mercosur, which includes Brazil and Argentina. China wants to double its annual

trade with Latin America to US$400 billion over the next five years.

Russia, another new market area, is China's most important strategic partner

and trade relations between the two countries remain buoyant. Trade between the

two countries reached nearly US$80 billion in 2011 - the goal is to increase

this to US$200 billion by 2020.

Increasing trade with developing economies was one of the most encouraging

trends of the 111th Canton Fair, China's biggest trade show, which closed in

May. Business with BRIC countries and other emerging markets rose over 4%.

China's textile and apparel industry is capitalizing on new trade

relationships, with exports to Latin American countries rising 38% last year.

Over 4,000 textile and apparel companies participated in the 3rd phase of the

111th Canton Fair, eager to explore emerging market potential.

The market for traditional Chinese medicine and healthcare products is also

encouraging. According Fair exhibitors, the number of Russian purchasers

increased significantly over previous sessions. Trade in mechanical and

electrical products followed the overarching trend too - the value of contracts

with Latin American companies rose 18.5% year-on-year. Wang Biao, a salesman

from the Anhui Light Industry International Co. Ltd., said his company had

engaged far more buyers from South America and Russia.

Emerging economies are the focus of much of the world's new trade. China

remains one of the best places to take advantage of new business opportunities,

and the Canton Fair is the perfect one-stop shop for purchasing quality Chinese


Buyers and sellers look forward to the 112th session, opening on October 15,


For further information please visit: http://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en/index.asp

SOURCE: China Foreign Trade Centre (CFTC)




