
SNC Lavalin


AsiaNet 50309

共同JBN 1040 (2012.8.13)


【モントリオール(カナダ)2012年8月11日PRN=共同JBN】SNC-Lavalin(トロント証券取引所:SNC)はロバート・G・カード(Robert G. Card)氏が2012年10月1日付けで同社の社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)および取締役会の一員に就任すると発表した。

ロバート・カード氏の選考は世界的なエグゼクティブ・サーチによって行われたもので、同氏のエンジニアリング、建設分野および国際的な業務における優れた実績が認められた。同氏はスタンフォード大学で環境・土木工学の修士号を得ており、ハーバード大学でも学んでいる。カード氏は、フォーチュン500社の1社で、3万人のスタッフを抱え、世界80カ国以上で事業を行い、60億ドルの利益を上げているCH2M Hill Companies Ltd.グループでの勤務を含め、インフラストラクチャー、エネルギー関係のプロジェクトの業務、経営分野で40年近くの経験を持っている。

CH2M Hillでは要職を歴任しており、その中には国際部門の社長兼グループCEO、政府・環境・原子力部門社長、ファシリティー・インフラストラクチャー部門社長、エネルギー・水・ファシリティー部門社長などがあり、取締役会のメンバーでもあった。1996 年から2001年までの間、カード氏は米エネルギー省のロッキー・フラッツ核施設の操業、浄化、廃炉まで70億ドルをかけたプロジェクトを見ていた。最近では、92億ポンド(150億ドル)を費やし、非常な困難を伴ったロンドン・オリンピック施設を収める責任を負ったコンソーシアムを最高執行責任者(COO)として成功させている。これに含まれたすべての施設、ガス・水道・電気、交通の設計から建設、さらに解体、修復の計画までのすべてを予定通りに予算内で行った。








ソース:SNC Lavalin



Leslie Quinton

Senior Vice-President, Global Corporate Communications

SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.

+1-514-390-8000, ext. 7354



Denis Jasmin

Vice-President, Investor Relations

SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.

+1-514-390-8000, ext. 7553


SNC-Lavalin announces appointment of new President and CEO


MONTREAL, Aug. 11, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

           - Robert G. Card selected to head multinational E&C company

SNC-Lavalin (TSX: SNC) is pleased to announce that, effective October 1, 2012,

Robert G. Card will become its new President and CEO, and a member of the Board

of Directors.

After a global search, Bob Card was selected based on his excellent credentials

in leading engineering, construction and operations businesses internationally.

He earned a Masters degree in Environmental and Civil Engineering from Stanford

and attended Harvard. Card has almost 40 years of experience in the operations

and management of infrastructure and energy projects in the industry and with

the CH2M Hill Companies Ltd. group, a Fortune 500 engineering services firm

with 30,000 staff, a presence in more than 80 countries and $6B in revenues.

At CH2M Hill, he held a variety of positions, including President and Group

Chief Executive of the International division; President of the Government,

Environment & Nuclear division; President of the Facilities & Infrastructure

division; and President of the Energy, Water & Facilities division, as well as

having been on the Board of Directors. From 1996 to 2001, Card oversaw the

execution of a $7 billion project for the operation, cleanup and

decommissioning of the Rocky Flats nuclear facility for the U.S. Department of

Energy. More recently, he also acted as COO for the consortia responsible for

the successful delivery of the highly challenging 9.2B pounds Sterling ($15B)

London Olympics complex, which included everything from the design and

construction of all facilities, utilities and transportation right through to

the planning of site demolition and remediation, all on time and on budget.

Between 2001 and 2004, he acted as Under Secretary to the U.S. Department of

Energy, a Senate-approved presidential appointment in which he oversaw 65,000

federal and contract employees, and a budget in excess of $14 billion.

Card has broad experience in the areas of infrastructure development; nuclear,

fossil and renewable energy; water and waste management; mining; the

environment; transportation; and climate change and technology. His expertise

in delivering large-scale energy and infrastructure projects around the world

will stand him in good stead in his new role as CEO and President of one of the

world's largest engineering and construction firms.

"We considered several strong candidates from Canada and around the world,"

said Gwyn Morgan, Chair of the Board. "Our key focus was to identify an

experienced senior leader with both an extensive background in the

international engineering and construction (E&C) sector and a deep

understanding of the complexities of operating internationally. In addition to

having lived and worked in Canada, the U.S. and abroad, Bob has also gained

important leadership experience within the public sector. The Selection

Committee's lengthy and thorough interviews, followed by an assessment by the

entire Board and independent, external corroboration all reveal an

exceptionally intelligent, energetic and ethical leader, well-equipped to deal

with both the specific issues that face SNC-Lavalin and the broader strategic

challenges of global political and economic changes."

"SNC-Lavalin has long been known as an international player with significant

credibility in the E&C sector globally and excellent people," says Card. "I am

excited about the enormous opportunity that this company represents. I'm

looking forward to getting acquainted with the company's leaders and to

developing a better understanding of the next steps to be undertaken. My wife

Nancy and I are looking forward to moving to Quebec and especially to learning

to speak French, which is such an integral part of this global firm's heritage.

Montreal is an international, cosmopolitan city and a great place to have a

world headquarters."

Please note that a web-accessible press conference for media and the analyst

community will be held on October 1, 2012, the day that Mr. Card assumes his

new role, with further information to follow.

SNC-Lavalin is one of the leading engineering and construction groups in the

world and a major player in the ownership of infrastructure, and in the

provision of operations and maintenance services. SNC-Lavalin has offices

across Canada and in over 40 other countries around the world, and is currently

working in some 100 countries.


For further information:


Leslie Quinton

Senior Vice-President, Global Corporate Communications

SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.

+1-514-390-8000, ext. 7354



Denis Jasmin

Vice-President, Investor Relations

SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.

+1-514-390-8000, ext. 7553



    SOURCE:  SNC Lavalin




