◎Power Over Pressureが治療抵抗性高血圧症サイトを開設

Power Over Pressure

◎Power Over Pressureが治療抵抗性高血圧症サイトを開設

AsiaNet 50410

共同JBN 1055 (2012.8.23)

◎Power Over Pressureが治療抵抗性高血圧症サイトを開設

【エアランゲン(ドイツ)、バーミングハム(米アラバマ州)2012年8月22日PRN=共同JBN】Power Over Pressure運営委員会は22日、治療抵抗性高血圧症の診断法を高め、解決策を開発するヘルスケア専門家を支援するため作成された世界初のオンラインリソースを開始すると発表した。治療抵抗性高血圧症は世界の1億2000万人に影響を及ぼしている緊急かつ増加中の公衆保健問題となっている(注1、2)。この新しい無料のリソースは、米高血圧学会(American Society of Hypertension)と欧州高血圧学会(European Society of Hypertension)に承認され、世界の高血圧症専門家が開発したもので、http://www.PowerOverPressure.comで入手できる。

米アラバマ州バーミングハムにあるアラバマ大学の医学・生理・生物物理学教授、血管生物学・高血圧課程主任、Power Over Pressure運営委員会共同議長であるスザンヌ・オパリル医博は「さまざまな新しい治療法の取り組みと導入があったにもかかわらず、治療抵抗性高血圧症患者の割合は過去20年に62%増加しており、これら患者をケアして患者の転帰向上に取り組むあらゆる研究分野の医師にとって深刻な問題になっている。PowerOverPressure.comは、治療抵抗性高血圧症患者をより迅速に判定し、現在あるものとこれからの治療法を通じて最適なケア計画を見いだす医師の助けとなる教育指導、スライドセット、その他貴重なツールを含むワンストップの総合的デジタルロケーションになるよう設計された」と語った。










治療抵抗性高血圧症は患者の感情に深刻な影響を与え、その日常生活に大きな影響を与える。Power Over Pressureプログラムを通じて実施された、制御できない高血圧患者の4500人余りを調べた最近の世界的調査結果は、治療抵抗性高血圧症患者の驚くべき65%が、高血圧が最も深刻な健康上の心配事であると回答している。この患者の80%は、高血圧が全体的な心の平安にマイナスの影響があると答え、10人中6人(60%)が高血圧の結果として発作になるのではないかと深刻に悩んでいる。

ドイツ・エアランゲン大学病院の内科・腎臓・高血圧教授で腎臓病・高血圧学科臨床研究センターの腎臓・高血圧医療部長、Power Over Pressure運営委員会共同議長であるローランド・シュミーダー医博は「治療抵抗性高血圧症の疑いのある一部の患者は、降圧薬処方で血圧を制御できる可能性はあるが、一部の特に難治性の症例はできる限りの医薬治療でも制御することができないままである。それは医師、患者双方にとって、管理するには極めてもどかしい費用のかかる症状である。われわれが目指しているものは、PowerOverPressure.comが診断の精度を高め、この増加中でハイリスクの患者集団を積極的に治療するベストプラクティスをサポートする素晴らしいリソースになることである」と語った。


Power Over Pressureは高血圧の世界専門家チームによって開発され、世界のほぼ1億2000万人に影響を与えている衰弱性で生命を脅かす疾患である治療抵抗性高血圧症の診断と管理を増進する世界的キャンペーンである(注1,2)。Power Over Pressureは米高血圧学会と欧州高血圧学会から承認されている。詳しい情報はhttp://www.PowerOverPressure.comを参照。

Power Over Pressureは医療技術の世界的リーダーであるメドトロニック社(Medtronic, Inc.)の支援を受けている。

(注1)Egan, Brent M., et al. "Uncontrolled and Apparent Treatment Resistant

Hypertension in the United States, 1988-2008." Circulation 2011;124:1046-1058

(注2)Hypertension and cardiovascular disease. World Heart Federation. 2011


-risk-factors/hypertension/. Accessed March 2, 2012

(注3)Doumas, Michael, et al. "Benefits from Treatment and Control of Patients with Resistant

Hypertension." International Journal of Hypertension 2011 (2011) Article ID 318549, 8 pages, 2011. doi:10.4061/2011/318549.

(注4)Calhoun, David, et al. Resistant Hypertension: Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment : A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Professional Education Committee of the Council for High Blood Pressure Research. Circulation. 2008;117:e510-e526.


  Lee-Ann Murphy



ソース:Power Over Pressure

Global Hypertension Experts Launch First-of-its-Kind Online Resource to Help Healthcare Professionals Address Most Challenging Form of Hypertension


ERLANGEN, Germany and BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Aug 22, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Resource Endorsed by the American Society of Hypertension and the European

                             Society of Hypertension

    The Power Over Pressure steering committee today announced the launch of

the world's first online resource created to help healthcare professionals

improve diagnosis and develop solutions for treatment-resistant hypertension,

an urgent and growing public health issue that affects 120 million people

worldwide.[1],[2] Developed by global hypertension experts and endorsed by the

American Society of Hypertension and the European Society of Hypertension, this

new, free resource is available at http://www.PowerOverPressure.com .  

    "Despite focused efforts and the introduction of multiple new therapies,

the percentage of hypertension patients resistant to treatment has increased by

62 percent in the last 20 years - making it critical for physicians across all

disciplines who care for these patients to work together to improve patient

outcomes," said Suzanne Oparil, M.D., professor of medicine, physiology and

biophysics, director of the vascular biology and hypertension program in the

division of cardiovascular disease at the University of Alabama at Birmingham

in the United States and co-chair of the Power Over Pressure Steering

Committee. "PowerOverPressure.com was designed to be the one-stop comprehensive

digital location for everything related to treatment-resistant hypertension,

including educational guides, slide sets, and other valuable tools to help

physicians more quickly identify people with treatment-resistant hypertension

and optimize their care plans through current and emerging treatment


    Patients with treatment-resistant hypertension, defined as persistently

high blood pressure despite treatment with three or more antihypertensive

medications, have a three-fold increase in risk of cardiovascular events

compared to individuals with controlled high blood pressure.[3] It is often

caused by multiple factors including lifestyle and underlying conditions,

making its management complex and potentially requiring the involvement of

hypertension specialists.[4] Diagnosing treatment-resistant hypertension is a

process of elimination, and several factors must be considered before a patient

with presumed treatment-resistant hypertension can be classified as truly


    At PowerOverPressure.com healthcare professionals have access to a

systematic, step-wise approach to evaluate, diagnose, and manage

treatment-resistant hypertension. This approach can be used to help confirm the

diagnosis of treatment-resistant hypertension, as well as identify areas for

hypertension treatment optimization. The approach focuses on:

        -- Confirming the accuracy of blood pressure measurement

        -- Optimizing pharmacotherapy and adherence

        -- Addressing lifestyle barriers to blood pressure control

        -- Considering referral to a specialist

    Because the management of treatment-resistant hypertension patients often

requires a multi-disciplinary approach, the online resource was designed to

help establish community support among physicians and patients through

downloadable tools and materials including:

       -- A primer that highlights key educational topics in treatment-resistant

       hypertension, such as the magnitude of the problem, diagnosis,

       pathophysiology, and current and emerging management approaches

        -- Educational resources to foster peer-to-peer best practice sharing

    Treatment-resistant hypertension has a significant impact on patients

emotionally and has a profound impact on their everyday lives. A recent global

survey of more than 4,500 patients with uncontrolled hypertension, conducted

through the Power Over Pressure program, found an alarming 65 percent of people

with treatment-resistant hypertension reported that high blood pressure remains

their most serious health concern. Eighty percent of patients with

treatment-resistant hypertension reported that their high blood pressure has

had a negative impact on their overall peace of mind and six out of ten

patients (60 percent) admitted to being very worried about having a stroke as a

result of their high blood pressure.  

    "While some patients who suffer from presumed treatment-resistant

hypertension might achieve blood pressure control with an antihypertensive drug

regimen, some particularly difficult-to-treat cases may remain uncontrolled

despite maximal drug therapy," said Roland Schmieder, M.D., professor of

internal medicine, nephrology and hypertension and head of the clinical

research center hypertension and vascular medicine at the department of

nephrology and hypertension of the University Hospital Erlangen in Germany, and

co-chair of the Power Over Pressure Steering Committee. "It can be an extremely

frustrating and expensive condition to manage for both physicians and patients.

It is our goal that PowerOverPressure.com becomes the premier resource for

supporting best practices to improve diagnosis accuracy and actively treat this

growing, high-risk patient population."


    Developed by a team of global experts in hypertension, Power Over Pressure

is a global campaign to advance the diagnosis and management of

treatment-resistant hypertension, a debilitating and potentially

life-threatening disease affecting nearly 120 million people worldwide.[1],[2]

Power Over Pressure is endorsed by the American Society of Hypertension and the

European Society of Hypertension. For more information, please visit


    Power Over Pressure is supported by Medtronic, Inc., the global leader in

medical technology.

    [1] Egan, Brent M., et al. "Uncontrolled and Apparent Treatment Resistant

Hypertension in the United States, 1988-2008." Circulation 2011;124:1046-1058.

    [2] Hypertension and cardiovascular disease. World Heart Federation. 2011.

http://www.world-heart-federation.org/ cardiovascular-health/cardiovascular-

disease-risk-factors/hypertension/. Accessed March 2, 2012.

    [3] Doumas, Michael, et al. "Benefits from Treatment and Control of

Patients with Resistant Hypertension." International Journal of Hypertension

2011 (2011) Article ID 318549, 8 pages, 2011. doi:10.4061/2011/318549.

    [4] Calhoun, David, et al. Resistant Hypertension: Diagnosis, Evaluation,

and Treatment : A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

Professional Education Committee of the Council for High Blood Pressure

Research. Circulation. 2008;117:e510-e526.


    Lee-Ann Murphy



    SOURCE: Power Over Pressure




