Alternative Investment Opportunities for Pension Savings in Russian Federation & CIS


Alternative Investment Opportunities for Pension Savings in Russian Federation & CIS

AsiaNet 50449


    - Infrastructure projects offer alternative investment opportunities

    - BaltAES construction and completion of Khrabrovo Airport's reconstruction

highlighted as two examples

    - FOREX CLUB also warns investors on impact of Russian pension crisis

    Speaking in Kaliningrad, Russia Federation on the global economy's main

investment tools and how they can be used as alternatives to retirement

savings, Andrey Dirgin, Head of Research at FOREX CLUB Group of Companies,

stressed the importance of growth in the development of the Russian

Federation's and CIS's regional economic long-term infrastructure projects.

    (Logo: )

    In his presentation, Mr Dirgin highlighted projects such as the

construction of the BaltAES [ ]

and the completion of the Khrabrovo Airport's [ ]

reconstruction as projects that had the potential to boost the Russian economy.

    Andrey Dirgin, Head of Research at FOREX CLUB, said: "The implementation of

long-term projects, including preparations for the Football World Cup that'll

place in Kalilningrad in 2018, will give an additional financial lift to the

region.  We have seen an increase in investments - particularly in the hotel

sector - and there are ongoing talks over the development of recreational areas

in the Russian Federation's National Park 'Curonian Spit'.

    "In terms of regional direct investment, Poland and Lithuania are leading

the way. Moreover Cyprus, which is a traditional tax haven for the Russian

capital, is becoming a catalyst for the regional fiscal drive."

    FOREX CLUB analyst and teacher, Dmitry Voblikov, who also attended the

conference, pointed to forecasts that show that the Polish economy will grow by

2.5% this year compared to a decrease of 0.5% for the rest of the Eurozone. He

favors Polish investment and as a result, expects Poland to boost the region's

level of production in the short term. However he is more concerned with the

long-term impact of a Russian Federation pension system crisis.

    Dmitry Voblikov, Analystat FOREX CLUB, commented: "There is a developing

crisis in the Russian pension system - a crisis caused by increased pension

benefits exceeding levels of growth within the Russian Federation's local

economies. In this case, the existing system has led to a 1 trillion RUR

pension fund deficit.  The underlying issue in Russia is that, as with the rest

of the world, there is a large escalation in the number of senior citizens who

in turn increase the burden of pension payments."

    Voblikov anticipates a domino-like effect taking place in which the quality

of life for those in or approaching retirement deteriorates. This also brings

into question their ability to source additional investment instruments that

can help solidify retirement incomes, coupled with long-term profit.

    Dmitry Voblikov, Analyst at FOREX CLUB, said: "Every dollar invested in the

stock market could grow to $10 million in a 200-year term. Therefore, the

importance of investing, in particular in the foreign exchange market, cannot

be less profitable than that of the stock market. For example, yield investment

can boost a portfolio by 70% for the quarter, signaling the potential for

strong long-term growth."

    Notes to Editors

    The views expressed in this release are solely for information purposes and

do not constitute the provision of investment advice or an offer to sell, or a

solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation to buy or sell, any

security or services.

    About the Speakers

    Andrey Dirgin graduated from the Department of International Law, Moscow

State University of International Relations (MGIMO), and the Diplomatic Academy

of the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a specialist in international economic

relations.  In 2005-2006, he held the position of Leading Analyst in the

preparation of a number of studies in the United Nations Organization.  From

2007 to 2008, Mr Dirgin worked as Senior Analyst at the investment division of

IFC Metropol; from 2008 to 2009, he was Leading Expert on Global Markets in IC

BrokerCreditService.  In 2010, he joined the FOREX CLUB Group of Companies.  He

specialises in macro-economics in the Russian Federation and the United States,

metals, oil, currency and stock markets.

    Andrey Dirgin's biography in pdf format: .

    Dmitry Voblikov has been working as an analyst in the FOREX CLUB Group

since 2011. Prior to joining FOREX CLUB , he worked as a legal adviser to one

of the Russian shipbuilding enterprises - "Sudoremont-Zapad". Dmitry

specializes in the analysis of macroeconomic developments in Russia and abroad,

as well as in the fundamental and technical analysis of the Russian and global

financial markets. He is an expert in the analysis of economic and political

risks in Russia and abroad.

    In 2008 Dmitry graduated from advanced training "The analysis of financial

markets and trade in financial assets". Previously, he held courses at the

Academy of National Economy of the Government of the Russian Federation, and

received a Bachelor of Law in Kaliningrad Law Institute of the Interior


    About FOREX CLUB Group of Companies

    FOREX CLUB Group of Companies was established in 1997 and is now one of the

leading brokers of the global online trading and forex industry. FOREX CLUB

provides hundreds of thousand clients from over 120 countries with efficient

access to trading in financial markets, and offers professional educational

services in online trading, along with regular financial analysis.

    The FOREX CLUB Group of Companies includes: LLC FOREX CLUB


LIMITED, and the International Academy of Investments and Trading

[ ] (FSFM license #025928).

    LLC FOREX CLUB is a founding member of SRO CRFIN [ ], a

self-regulating organisation established in order to develop an efficient model

of the forex market regulation in Russia.





