◎「J14」が「OneVoice」と共同行動  中東和平会談の凍結に抗議で

The OneVoice Movement

◎「J14」が「OneVoice」と共同行動  中東和平会談の凍結に抗議で

AsiaNet 50457

共同JBN 1093 (2012.8.29)

◎「J14」が「OneVoice」と共同行動  中東和平会談の凍結に抗議で

【ニューヨーク2012年8月29日PRN=共同JBN】「#J14」運動は28日テルアビブで、社会正義に対する要請とイスラエル・パレスチナ紛争解決に対する要求の二つを密接にリンクさせるために「OneVoice Israel(ワンボイス・イスラエル)」と一緒に行動を起こした。




OneVoice Israelのエクゼクティブディレクター、タル・ハリス氏(http://www.twitter.com/TalHarris1)は「私たちの社会的要求は和平プロセスと同じに凍結されている。人々は和平プロセスが日々の生活に影響を及ぼしていることを過去20年以上も忘れてしまっている。われわれは、真剣な交渉にコミットすることで、入植を凍結し、紛争を今度こそ終わらせることが必要だということを思い出してもらうことを要求する」と述べた。





OneVoiceのイスラエルの活動家は和平プロセスに対する信頼回復と、交渉再開のために入植を停止することを要求している(http://blog.onevoicemovement.org/one_voice/2012/07/onevoice-activists-warn-against-report-promoting-settlement-expansion.html)。同時に、OneVoice Palestineはコミュニティー運動(http://blog.onevoicemovement.org/one_voice/2012/06/onevoice-trainees-of-generations-for-peace-spark-community-action.html)を指導し、地域に広がる欲求不満と絶望を和平合意に向けた大きな統一要求に変え、それによって占領を終結させ、パレスチナ独立国家を樹立し、すべてのクレームを終わらせようとしている。


ソース:The OneVoice Movement


Ivan Karakashian

Communications Director

PeaceWorks Foundation

OneVoice Movement

t +1-212-897-3985 x 124

f +1-212-897-3986


J14 movement joins OneVoice in protesting stalled peace talks


NEW YORK, Aug. 29 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The #J14 movement joined OneVoice Israel on Tuesday in Tel Aviv to draw for the

first time the inextricable link between calls for social justice and demands

for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120828/DC64579 )

(Logo:  http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120428/DC96873LOGO-b )

Hundreds congregated in Rothschild Boulevard around a massive ice wall,

symbolizing the "freeze" in peace talks and containing posters with information

on dozens of under-funded social programs in Israel, while the government

bleeds money toward conflict management over resolution. The Knesset's

Two-State Solution Caucus [


], led by MK Yoel Hasson and MK Amir Peretz, backed the event and spoke

critically about the Netanyahu government's growth of investments east of the

Green Line over good faith negotiations with the Palestinians.

"Our social needs are being frozen along with the peace process," said Tal

Harris [http://www.twitter.com/TalHarris1 ], OneVoice Israel executive

director. "People forgot over the last 20 years that the peace process impacts

their day-to-day life. We want to remind them of the need to freeze settlements

and end the conflict once and for all by committing to serious negotiations."

The #J14 protest movement [http://j14.org.il ] originally wished to avoid

politicizing their social justice drive, but could no longer ignore the hard

facts. The government's defense budget ballooned to $14.5 billion in 2012, much

of it to maintain the occupation, while education and health suffer serious

deficits. Israeli taxpayers have so far bankrolled the occupation and

settlement of Palestinian land to the tune of $50 billion while struggling to

make ends meet.

"The State of Israel cannot continue its economic prosperity while also

maintaining the freeze in the peace process," said Yossi Yona, a leading member

of the #J14 movement. "We must present an integrated approach that includes the

just and moral solution of two states, which ultimately translates to social

justice for all."

Singers Noa (Achinoam Nini) and Mira Awad, MKs Avishay Braverman, Nitzan

Horowitz, Akram Hasoon, Dov Khenin and Raleb Majadele, and Ambassadors Ilan

Baruch, Alon Liel and Daniel Shek, among others, participated in the

headline-grabbing event.

"In life there is no status quo, if you don't move forward you go backwards,"

said MK Dov Khenin. "The government of Netanyahu speaks of two states, but acts

on a daily basis to make this solution harder. The price? It's not only for the

Palestinians, we too are paying greatly."

OneVoice's activists in Israel are demanding halting settlement construction [


]  to restore confidence in the peace process and restart negotiations. In

parallel, OneVoice Palestine is leading community initiatives [


] to transform the frustration and hopelessness on the street into a mass

unified call for a peace agreement that ends the occupation, establishes an

independent Palestinian state and ends all claims.

OneVoice is an international grassroots movement that aims to amplify the voice

of Israeli and Palestinian moderates, empowering them to demand a two-state

solution. The movement educates and trains Israeli and Palestinian youth in

leadership skills, non-violent activism, and democratic principles. To support

and contribute to OneVoice, join us at www.onevoicemovement.org.       

SOURCE:  The OneVoice Movement

CONTACT: Ivan Karakashian

         Communications Director

         PeaceWorks Foundation

         OneVoice Movement

         t +1-212-897-3985 x 124

         f +1-212-897-3986





