◎航海用海図の電子・紙伝送で3社が提携  ChartCo、Jeppesen、KH Charts

Jeppesen; ChartCo; KH Charts

◎航海用海図の電子・紙伝送で3社が提携  ChartCo、Jeppesen、KH Charts

AsiaNet 50502

共同JBN 1122 (2012.9.3)

◎航海用海図の電子・紙伝送で3社が提携  ChartCo、Jeppesen、KH Charts

【ハンブルク(ドイツ)2012年9月3日PRN=共同JBN】航海用海図業界をリードするChartCo、Jeppesen、KH Chartsの3社は3日、国際造船見本市SMMハンブルグ2012会場で、ChartCo Selectサービスを通じてJeppesen社の公式航海用電子海図(ENC)をユニークな方法でアップデートするサービスを航行船舶に提供することになったと発表した。3社間の取り決めの一部として、KH Charts社がJeppesen顧客に対して紙製の海図製品を提供する。


Jeppesen製のデータおよびアップデートがChartCo社を通じて伝送されることに加え、KH Chartsが紙製の海図やその他の印刷物を提供することになるため、Jeppesenの顧客は完全な航海ソリューションを手に入れることになる。3社の顧客ベースを合計すると現在SOLAS条約に加盟している貨物船舶の約半数になる。


新サービスによって船舶業界はマーケットをリードするChartCoの伝送、ソフトウエア・ソリューションだけでなくJeppesenの確立された「SENC」データ形式およびOpenENC、Direct Licensing、Dynamic Licensingなどの柔軟なライセンス・オプションも利用できるようになる。定期契約顧客は「SENC」アップデートを自社船舶が必要なものだけに限定することができ、ChartCoが提供する機能を使えば、Jeppesen「SENC」の個々のセルだけを必要な時にダウンロードすることもできる。このユニークな伝送ソリューションによって船舶の効率が著しく向上するとともに、コミュニケーションコストも低減することができるため、航行船舶は電子海図情報を航行中に容易に獲得、アップデートすることができ、CDやDVDの現物を継続的に入手する必要がなくなる。








▽KH Chartsについて

KH ChartsはKelvin Hughes Groupの1事業部門で、世界数カ所の戦略拠点で事業を行い、同社の認定サブ・ディストリビューターのネットワークを使って世界の隅々に同社のサービスを提供している。今日では、年間で1万カ所以上の海図修正を行い、同社の高性能海図修正サービスを通じて、世界の何千という船舶に提供している。

KH Chartsは世界最大の海洋データ提供企業である。

ソース:Jeppesen; ChartCo; KH Charts


Christine Pomorski



christine.pormorski@jeppesen.com, or

Sue Holden

KH Charts/ChartCo



ChartCo, Jeppesen and KH Charts Partnership Allows Innovative Solution for Paper and Electronic Navigational Needs


HAMBURG, Germany, Sept. 3, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     - ChartCo will distribute updates for the Jeppesen official ENC service

     Today at SMM Hamburg, industry leaders ChartCo, Jeppesen and KH Charts

have announced that they will provide mariners with a unique method of updating

official ENCs from Jeppesen via the ChartCo Select service. As part of the

tripartite arrangement, KH Charts will also provide Jeppesen customers with

paper products.

     The partnership will allow the transfer of Jeppesen ENC data and updates

out to vessels using the proven ChartCo technology at a fraction of the normal

transmission costs. This approach, which will give mariners access to

automatically updated ENC data from Jeppesen in SENC or S-63 format, will make

it extremely simple and exceptionally cost effective for vessels to maintain up

to date ENC holdings.

     Alongside the distribution of Jeppesen data and updates through ChartCo,

KH Charts will provide paper charts and publications to Jeppesen customers to

provide a complete navigational solution. The combined existing customer base

represents at least half of the current SOLAS cargo fleet.

     "Navigators will have access to all required navigational data through one

source," said Jeppesen OEM Strategic Business Manager Paul Elgar. "By combining

the most up-to-date electronic and printed chart data and bringing it to

mariners through the industry's most trusted delivery source, this

best-of-all-worlds partnership will eliminate obstacles and hassles commonly

associated with chart compliance."

     The service will enable the industry to benefit from the market leading

ChartCo delivery and software solution together with the well-established

Jeppesen SENC format data and flexible licensing options, OpenENC, Direct

Licensing and Dynamic Licensing. Subscribers will be able to tailor SENC

updates to only those they need and ChartCo will also provide functionality

that will allow the downloading of individual Jeppesen SENC cells when

required. This unique delivery solution will dramatically increase efficiency

on board the vessel as well as reduce communication costs, allowing mariners to

easily obtain and update ENCs onboard the ship without the continual need for

the physical delivery of CDs or DVDs.

     "ChartCo has been at the forefront of delivering navigational data direct

to ships at sea since being incorporated in 1998," said Business Development

Director Steve Mariner. "We are proud to be working with Jeppesen, a market

leader in vessel operations services and navigational tools, and adding the

distribution of Jeppesen data to our extensive range of services. This

partnership will have a major impact on how ENCs are delivered and used by

mariners around the world as they face the challenge of mandated ECDIS."

     About ChartCo

     ChartCo was formed in 1998 and is widely regarded as the market leading

provider of electronic data directly to ships at sea through subscription based

services. Since this time the company has grown rapidly and now distributes

data via Broadcast, email and internet. It currently has more than 5,500


     ChartCo delivers paper and electronic charts and chart updates, weather,

port and piracy data.ChartCo offers global distribution through a world-wide

network of sales agents and is able to install and commission software in key

international ports using authorised service agents. ChartCo has built a

reputation for world-leading products and service and has succeeded in

developing an enviable and growing client list. ChartCo is based in London.

     About Jeppesen

     Jeppesen is a market-leading provider of vessel operations services and

digital navigation solutions, based on worldwide vector chart data type

approved to ISO19879, meteorological information and transmission technologies.

Jeppesen offers a wide range of navigation and operations products and services

to both recreational and commercial marine markets. Safety-conscious boaters

and operators of vessels ranging from coastal to SOLAS class, rely on Jeppesen

for innovative navigation solutions that improve safety and efficiency.

     Jeppesen is a subsidiary of The Boeing Company. Jeppesen corporate

information is available online at jeppesen.com.

     About KH Charts

     KH Charts, part of the Kelvin Hughes Group, operates from several

strategic locations worldwide and a network of approved sub-distributors extend

the KH Charts' service into all corners of the globe.Today in excess of 10,000

chart corrections per year are supplied through its high capacity chart

correction service to thousands of ships worldwide.

     KH Charts is the biggest distributor of maritime data in the world.

     SOURCE: Jeppesen; ChartCo; KH Charts

    CONTACT: Christine Pomorski



             christine.pormorski@jeppesen.com, or

             Sue Holden

             KH Charts/ChartCo






