◎長距離便では中東の伸び目立つ  9月のOAG統計


◎長距離便では中東の伸び目立つ  9月のOAG統計

AsiaNet 50538

共同JBN 1133 (2012.9.6)

◎長距離便では中東の伸び目立つ  9月のOAG統計


(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110908/NY64578LOGO


2012年9月のOAG FACTS(便数と座席数のトレンド統計)(http://www.oagaviation.com/OAG-FACTS/2012/September-Executive-Summary)によると、中東地域での航空便座席数は出発便、到着便合わせて合計で2011年9月に比べ5%増加し、月間では131万席になる見込み。また便数も出発便、到着便合わせて4%増の5万9771便となる見込み。






多くの主要航空運輸面で、中東地域は現時点での測定基準となっている半面、OAG FACTSではアジア太平洋地域が明日の航空運輸分野で巨大な地域となるべく急速に発展していることも明らかになった。










9月分のOAG FACTSレポート要約版は(http://www.oagaviation.com/OAG-FACTS/2012/September-Executive-Summary)で入手できる。


UBM Aviation(http://www.ubmaviation.com)ブランドのOAG(http://www.oag.com)は、航空情報や分析サービスにおける信頼できる情報源。OAGの主導的な航空データベースはその規模、正確さ、総合性から並ぶものがなく、世界の航空業界の業務に不可欠となっている。詳しい情報はwww.oag.comを参照。



Sarah Dixon

Product Marketing Director of UBM Aviation



Marc Cornelius

mcornelius@8020comms.com or

Sharon Campbell



both of 80:20 Communications

Middle East Leads Growth In Long-Haul Airline Seats In September, Says OAG Strong Asia Pacific Growth Confirms Region's Rising Influence


LONDON, Sept. 5, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    The Middle East will see the strongest growth of any global region in

available long-haul airline seats in September, adding 22,000 extra seats per

day, according to the latest statistics from OAG [http://www.oag.com ], the

market leader in flight schedule data.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110908/NY64578LOGO )


[http://www.oagaviation.com/OAG-FACTS/2012/September-Executive-Summary ]

(Frequency and Capacity Trend Statistics) report for September 2012 reveals an

expected 5% growth in available seats to and from the Middle East, compared to

September 2011, with 13.1 million anticipated in the month. Meanwhile, flight

operations to and from the region are expected to increase by 4% to 59,771.

    Rob Shaw, Director of Analytics at OAG, says: "Dubai is expected to lead

all major global hubs in September in terms of growth, with an 8% increase in

flights and a 12% increase in seats, a disparity partly reflecting Emirates'

adoption of the Airbus A380. However, Abu Dhabi is enjoying the fruits of its

own expansion strategy and will remain the fastest growing hub in the Middle

East, with a 16% increase in seat capacity to 1,661,512 compared to September

2011. Doha and Riyadh will also see strong growth in seat capacity of 10% and

5% respectively.

    "The Middle East remains at the vanguard of long-haul air traffic growth

globally. While this expansion in part reflects the ambitious growth targets of

the 'superconnector' airlines - Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways - airport

infrastructure investments across the region continue to make the Middle East

attractive to other long-haul carriers."

    In contrast to the region's long-haul growth, air traffic within the Middle

East is expected to decrease in September, with a 3% drop in both flights and

seats. Low-cost carriers (LCCs) are expected to increase their share of

intra-Middle Eastern seat capacity to 15%, an increase of 12% over September

2011. Meanwhile, LCC flights in the region are expected to grow by 16% in the

month, with 856 extra flights compared to the same period in 2011.

    Shaw says: "LCCs are increasing their market share in the Middle East. Not

only are they achieving robust growth within regional flights and seats, but

low-cost operations are also becoming more prominent in long-haul traffic. In

September, LCCs are expected to achieve 18% growth in flights and seats to and

from the Middle East compared to 2011, equivalent to 1,048 extra flights and

182,139 additional seats."

    Asia Pacific on the rise

    While the Middle East comes top in many key air traffic metrics today, OAG

FACTS also reveals the fast-gathering strength of Asia Pacific as tomorrow's

air traffic titan.

    Shaw says: "Atlanta is expected to remain the world's largest global hub in

September, with flight numbers level with September 2011 and seats up 2%.

However, Beijing is fast closing the gap, with a seat number deficit against

Atlanta of only 248,000 in September 2012, contrasted with 544,000 in September


    According to Shaw, Asia Pacific's rapid economic development is clearly

indicated by growth in the area's intra-regional air traffic. Asia Pacific

remains the world's largest market for regional air travel in terms of seat

numbers. "Only the Middle East and Asia Pacific will see increases in

intra-regional flights and seats in September compared to 2011. However, while

the Middle East is expected to show a healthy 16% growth in seats - an extra

145,000 - Asia Pacific will add 32% more seats in the month. That's an

additional 5.8 million."

    LCC seat capacity within Asia Pacific is expected to grow by 32% in

September versus the previous year, representing 7.2 million extra seats (over

241,000 additional seats per day). Meanwhile, LCC intra-regional flights in

Asia Pacific are due to increase by 24%.

    Shaw says: "The real hot spot for LCC growth is South East Asia, which will

see a huge 76% increase in seats versus September 2011, a rise of 4.4 million."

    Global highlights

    Worldwide, scheduled airline flights are expected to decrease by 0.4% in

September 2012 versus September 2011 (11,799 fewer), although seat capacity

will be 2% higher (6,088,628 more). The total number of scheduled flights

operating in September will be 2,615,534, with 340,191,374 seats offered.

    North America is expected to record the greatest volume decreases in

intra-regional volumes in the month, with a fall of almost one million seats

and 28,000 flights against the prior year, continuing the recent trend.

    Seat capacity performance at the top 10 global hubs will be mixed, with

only half recording increases. Heathrow, Chicago, Paris and Los Angeles are all

expected to show decreases. Frankfurt will be the fifth largest hub by seat

capacity, up from sixth in September 2011.

    For the year to date (January-September 2012), scheduled flights are

expected to show growth of 1% versus the same period last year, an increase of

324,842 flights. Seat capacity is expected to grow by 3%, creating 92 million

additional seats in the period.

    An executive summary of OAG FACTS September report is available here

[http://www.oagaviation.com/OAG-FACTS/2012/September-Executive-Summary ].

    Notes to Editors:

    OAG [http://www.oag.com ], a UBM Aviation [http://www.ubmaviation.com ]

brand, is the trusted source for aviation information and analytical services.

OAG's leading aviation databases are unrivalled in their scale, accuracy and

comprehensiveness and are integral to the world's aviation industry operations.

For more information, visit: http://www.oag.com.


    CONTACT: Sarah Dixon

             Product Marketing Director of UBM Aviation



             Marc Cornelius

             mcornelius@8020comms.com or

             Sharon Campbell



             both of 80:20 Communications




