◎ハイウエーパトロールがテーマ LAオートショー・デザインチャレンジ


◎ハイウエーパトロールがテーマ LAオートショー・デザインチャレンジ

AsiaNet 50534

共同JBN 1131 (2012.9.6)

◎ハイウエーパトロールがテーマ LAオートショー・デザインチャレンジ

【ロサンゼルス(米カリフォルニア州)2012年9月5日PRN=共同JBN】世界の設計事務所は、第9回年次ロサンゼルス・オートショー・デザインチャレンジ(Los Angeles Auto Show Design Challenge):2025年のハイウエーパトロール車両で競う。




Design Los Angelesディレクターで、The Design Academy, Inc.のパートナーでもあるチャック・ペリー氏は「デザインをする上で最も困難でしかしながら重要な課題は、将来を考えて今まで想像されることさえなかったトレンドやツールを想像し、これを創造することだ。今年のコンテストにはその上に警察活動という要素が入り、一層このコンテストの重要さが増し、参加企業のレベルにふさわしい挑戦になっている」と語っている。


参加作品の審査を担当するのはサンフランシスコのAcademy of Art UniversityのSchool of Industrial Designでエグゼクティブ・ディレクターを務めるトム・マタノ、デトロイトのCollege for Creative Studies学長でチーフ・アカデミック・オフィサーのイムレ・モルナール、パサデナのArt Center College of Designで交通デザイン・チェアを努めるスチュワート・リードの各氏。今年のゲスト審査員ブルース・マイヤー氏はCalifornia Highway Patrol 11-99 Foundationの理事会メンバーだが、この団体はカリフォルニア・ハイウエーパトロールの従業員や家族が困難な状況におかれた時に援助を行っている。マイヤー氏は有名コレクター、元レーサー、元ピーターセン自動車博物館会長としての知名度の方が高いかも知れない。

デザインチャレンジのスポンサー企業は以下の通り。世界第6位の自動車部品企業で自動車シート、排気規制技術、内装、外装などを専門にする仏フォルシア社(Faurecia、http://www.faurecia.com/Pages/Default.aspx)、米、欧州、日本の自動車メーカーとの密接な協力のもと最新コンセプトで作られた車両用タイヤを作るヨコハマタイヤ(http://www.yokohamatire.com/)。その他Design Los Angelesのスポンサーはダッソー・システムズ(Dassault Systemes、http://www.3ds.com)、米国不織布工業会(the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry 、INDA、http://www.inda.org/)、Lacks Enterprises(ラックス・エンタープライズ、http://www.lacksenterprises.com)。

▽Design Challenge(デザインチャレンジ)について

The Design Challengeは2012年11月28-29日のLA オートショー・プレスデーの期間に毎年開催される。過去9年間、Design Challengeは毎年新しいテーマを選び、大手自動車設計事務所が自らの能力を示し、互いに競い合いながら自動車設計の新しいアイデアを探ってきた。LAオートショー・プレスデーは北米最大の設計プロフェッショナルの集まりで、デザインに特化した各種行事を行っているが、その中には世界中の自動車業界の指導者が一堂に会する「デザイナーズ・ナイト」パーティーもある。

ソース:Los Angeles Auto Show


Jessica Schmidt,

Rogers Finn Partners,



Automotive Design Studios Envision Law Enforcement's Road Ahead  


LOS ANGELES, Sept. 5, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

- Design studios from around the world to compete in the ninth annual Los

Angeles Auto Show Design Challenge: Highway Patrol Vehicle - 2025

The pace of change in society accelerates every year, with breakthrough

technologies and rapidly developing countries constantly rewriting the rules in

a global economy. How this translates into life on the road for the general

public is open to interpretation, but for law enforcement, it is a

mission-critical assignment. To better patrol our roads and effectively

"protect and serve," the future highway patrol vehicle will have to be designed

with an entirely new set of considerations, including advanced powertrains,

alternative fuels, telemetrics and new sizes to effectively navigate dynamic

urban environments.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20060612/LAM005LOGO)

This year's Los Angeles Auto Show Design Challenge asks a highly competitive

field of major auto manufacturer design studios, from the U.S., Germany and

Japan, to solve this puzzle and create the ultimate law enforcement patrol

vehicle for the year 2025.  So far, design studios from Bentley, BMW, General

Motors, Honda, Hyundai and Subaru have accepted the challenge to use their

innovation and insight to explore creative solutions as they contend for this

annual design honor.

"One of the most difficult, yet important, tasks in design is looking into the

future to envision and create the trends and tools that haven't been imagined,"

said Chuck Pelly, director of Design Los Angeles and partner in The Design

Academy, Inc. "Adding the element of law enforcement to this year's competition

creates another layer of importance that makes a challenge equal to the level

of our participants."

The winning design will be announced Nov. 29 during an event at the LA Auto

Show Press Days. Judging criteria will be based upon various factors including:

consideration of future needs for advanced technology, speed and agility on

future freeway systems; creativity of the solution; meeting a specific region's

emission standards; and environmental sensitivity, including maintenance and

recyclability. All entries will be unveiled online at http://www.LAautoshow.com

in early November.

Entries will be judged by Tom Matano, executive director, School of Industrial

Design at San Francisco's Academy of Art University; Imre Molnar, provost and

chief academic officer at Detroit's College for Creative Studies; and Stewart

Reed, chair of Transportation Design at Pasadena's Art Center College of

Design. This year's guest judge, Bruce Meyer, is a board member of the

California Highway Patrol 11-99 Foundation, which provides emergency benefits

to CHP employees and the members of their families in times of crisis. Mr.

Meyer is perhaps better known as a high-profile collector, former racer and

past chairman of the Petersen Automotive Museum.

The Design Challenge is sponsored by Faurecia

http://www.faurecia.com/Pages/Default.aspx, the world's sixth-largest

automotive supplier specializing in automotive seating, emissions control

technologies, interior systems and auto exteriors, as well as Yokohama Tire

http://www.yokohamatire.com/, which works closely with auto manufacturers in

the U.S., Europe and Japan to develop tires for the latest concept vehicles.

Other sponsors that make Design Los Angeles possible include, Dassault Systemes

http://www.3ds.com/ , the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry (INDA)

http://www.inda.org/ and Lacks Enterprises http://www.lacksenterprises.com/.

About the Design Challenge

The Design Challenge takes place annually during the LA Auto Show Press Days,

Nov. 28-29, 2012. For each of the past nine years, a new Design Challenge theme

is chosen and the major automotive design studios showcase their talents,

competing against one another to further explore new ideas in automotive

design. The LA Auto Show Press Days hosts the largest gathering of design

professionals in North America for a variety of design-focused activities

including a Designers' Night party that brings together design industry leaders

from around the world.

SOURCE: Los Angeles Auto Show

CONTACT: Jessica Schmidt,

         Rogers Finn Partners,






