◎GITEXに正式出展を発表 MetaQuotes Software Corp

MetaQuotes Software Corp.

◎GITEXに正式出展を発表 MetaQuotes Software Corp

AsiaNet 50558

共同JBN 1140 (2012.9.7)

◎GITEXに正式出展を発表 MetaQuotes Software Corp

【リマソル(キプロス)9月7日PRN=共同JBN】MetaQuotes Software Corp. (http://www.metaquotes.net)は7日、ことし10月14日から18日までドバイの国際会議・展示場で開かれるGITEX Technology Week 2012(http://www.metaquotes.net)に出展すると発表した。世界的に最も重要なICT関連イベントで、MetaQuotesはTeamWox Enterprise Management System(http://www.teamwox.com/en)を展示ブースで、CLD-2A を展示場のCloud Confex(ホール6)でそれぞれ展示する。

金融サービス業界では十分に評価が確立しているMetaQuotes Software Corp. は、MEFTEC(http://www.metaquotes.net/en/company/news/3696)など多くの見本市に参加し、中東北アフリカ(MENA)地域全域でかなり活発な活動を展開しており、GITEX 2012への参加によって、SaaS(http://www.teamwox.com/en/groupware/articles/61/teamwox-saas)をベースにしたEnterprise Management SystemをMENA域内顧客が利用できるようにするのは、企業戦略からみて次の論理的展開と位置づけている。

調査会社ガートナーが行なった最新の調査では、SaaSをベースにした製品の市場は世界全体で2012年に約17.9%伸び、145億ドル以上の規模に達した。これを踏まえて MetaQuotes Software Corp. は、SaaSベースの製品に対する需要を十分に満たすため、Channel Partner Programを通じてMENA域内におけるプレゼンスを大幅に拡大していく。MENA地域は現在、戦略的に位置しているキプロスの本社が担当しているが、域内の広範囲な顧客ベースへのコミットメントの一環として、将来はアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)に事務所を開設する予定。


またMetaQuotes Software Corp.のガイエス・クリース最高執行責任者(COO)は「MENA域内のICTの将来にSaaSが果たす重要な部分を理解しており、GITEXがわれわれの顧客ベースを拡大する重要な機会であると認識している。われわれは強い意思を持ってGITEX 2012に参加する。MENA地域は技術に対する強い需要があり、われわれはその需要をすべて満たすつもりだ」と述べた。

▽MetaQuotes Software Corp.について

MetaQuotes Software Corp.は金融市場向けソフトウエア、アプリケーションの専門的開発企業。10年以上の経験を有しており、外国為替市場向けに最も優れた外為取引ソフトウエア・ソリューションの一つを提供しているなど、すでに市場リーダー的存在となっている。同社のTeamWox Enterprise Management Systemは、成功裏に業務を遂行するのに必要なすべての規模のツールを企業に提供している。





ソース:MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Success as a Service - MetaQuotes Software Corp at GITEX Technology Week 2012


LIMASSOL, Cyprus, Sept. 7 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    Today MetaQuotes Software Corp. [http://www.metaquotes.net ] announced its

participation in GITEX Technology Week 2012 [http://www.gitex.com ], one of the

largest and most important global ICT events. From October 14th-18th, 2012,

MetaQuotes will be exhibiting its TeamWox Enterprise Management System

[http://www.teamwox.com/en ] on stand, CLD-2A in the Cloud Confex (Hall 6) at

the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre.

    Already well established within the Financial Services sector, MetaQuotes

Software Corp. is highly active throughout the MENA region with participation

in numerous exhibitions including MEFTEC

[http://www.metaquotes.net/en/company/news/3696 ] and sees its participation in

GITEX 2012 as the next logical step in its corporate strategy by making its

SaaS based [http://www.teamwox.com/en/groupware/articles/61/teamwox-saas ]

Enterprise Management System available to regional clients.

    Recent research by Gartner suggests that the global market for SaaS based

products will significantly increase by around 17.9% to over $14.5 billion

during 2012, recognizing this, MetaQuotes Software Corp will be significantly

expanding its presence in the MENA region via its Channel Partner Program in

order to fully satisfy the demand for its SaaS based products. Currently the

MENA region is served by the strategically located Head Office in Cyprus with

the prospect of an office opening in the UAE in the future as part of its

commitment to its extensive customer base in the region.

    "GITEX offers us a unique opportunity to get out and actually meet our

Partners and Customers in the MENA region," said MetaQuotes Project Manager for

SaaS Products, Barry Fraser, "it gives us the chance to get first-hand feedback

about our product."

    "We realize the important part that SaaS will play in the future of ICT

within the MENA region and recognize significant opportunities to expand our

client base there, we have come to GITEX 2012 with strong intentions," said

MetaQuotes Software Corp. COO, Gaies Chreis, "The MENA region has a strong

demand for our technology and we intend to fully satisfy it."

    About MetaQuotes Software Corp.

    MetaQuotes Software Corp. is a professional developer of software

applications for the financial markets. With more than a decade of experience,

the company is already a market leader, providing one of the best Forex trading

software solutions on the market. The company's TeamWox Enterprise Management

System provides companies of any size all the tools needed for successful



    About GITEX

    For over 30 years, GITEX continually identifies the hottest global IT

trends and incubates these into the event either as new sectors or conference

programs. Organizing GITEX into specific industry sectors has enabled new

companies to participate in identified trends as well as giving visitors the

opportunity to engage, learn and implement the advances in the industry.


    Source: MetaQuotes Software Corp.




