◎CorvilがTrading Technology Risk Managementソリューションを発表


◎CorvilがTrading Technology Risk Managementソリューションを発表

AsiaNet 50556

共同JBN 1139 (2012.9.10)

◎CorvilがTrading Technology Risk Managementソリューションを発表

【ニューヨーク、ロンドン、東京、シンガポール2012年9月10日PRN=共同JBN】電子的取引企業のモニタリングおよびリスク緩和ソリューションのプロバイダーであるCorvilは10日、企業の取引インフラストラクチャーのテクノロジー・リスクの管理を支援する新しいソリューションを発表した。CorvilNet Solutionはテクノロジーに起因する危険に対する独立した防護壁とチェックポイントを追加提供することによって、この種の運用上のリスク管理を強化する。

 Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120605/537402


Corvilの Technology Risk Managementソリューションは処理スピードを犠牲にせずに、取引組織にすでに導入されている評価基準を補強することができる。このソリューションはシステム概観と、複雑に相互接続されたシステム全域にわたり動作を調整するための能力を提供する。組織がより多くの保護措置を講じれば、物的損失ないしは評判の下落につながるエラーや誤りのリスクを軽減できる。重要なことは、保護措置の各種レイヤーの独立性を高めれば高めるほど、より優れた全面的保護を提供できるということが十分認識されることである。


詳細についてはCorvil White Paperである「Strengthening Barriers against Trading Technology Risk」を参照。このWhite Paperはウェブサイトhttp://www.corvil.comで入手できる。




Sheila Carroll

e-mail: sheila.carroll@corvil.com

T: +353 -1-859-1040


Corvil Launches Trading Technology Risk Management Solution



    - Clients leverage CorvilNet Solution to strengthen Risk Management Function

    Corvil, a provider of monitoring and risk mitigation solutions for

electronic trading firms today announced a new solution to help firms manage

technology risk in their trading infrastructure. The CorvilNet Solution

strengthens this kind of operational risk management by providing additional,

independent barriers and check-points against technology-related hazards.

    Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120605/537402

    Trading technology involves highly automated decision making, complex

inter-connectedness and very high data rates.  CorvilNet has traditionally been

deployed to help companies manage performance and improve reliability in the

trading infrastructure.  Now, trading firms and exchanges have started looking

at leveraging Corvil technology as an independent and parallel monitoring

system to validate that trading behavior is within expected tolerances.  Where

trading behavior becomes anomalous or unexpected, limits breached, or any of a

wide variety of metrics triggered, emergency processes can be alerted. This

will happen without relying on the self-reporting of problems from the same

erroneously-behaving decision-making components.

    The Corvil solution for Technology Risk Management can augment existing

measures already in place in trading organizations with no loss of speed;

providing a more complete system overview and potential to reconcile behavior

across complex inter-connected systems. The more layers of protection an

organization implements, the lower the risk of errors or mistakes leading to

material or reputation losses. Crucially it is well recognized that the greater

level of independence between the various layers of protection, the greater

total protection provided.

    "Trade technology and operational risk must be managed to avoid financial

and reputational damage," said Corvil CEO, Donal Byrne.  "Our customers need a

complete overview and must understand what is happening throughout their

trading infrastructure. Corvil now offer comprehensive trade monitoring,

business level visibility tools and a consulting service to work hand-in-hand

with each customer. This delivers the complete and comprehensive overview

required in today's trading environment."

    For more information, please see the Corvil White Paper "Strengthening

Barriers against Trading Technology Risk". This White Paper is available from



    Corvil is a provider of Latency Management systems for global financial

markets. The company was founded in 2000 and operates from New York, London,

Singapore, Tokyo and Dublin. Customers use Corvil for precision monitoring,

troubleshooting and reporting of performance for their trading applications and

networks. In addition, Corvil's products are used to demonstrate latency

compliance and transparency of services such as co-location, direct feeds and

Direct Market Access (DMA) offered to trading clients. For more information on

Corvil, please visit http://www.corvil.com


    Sheila Carroll

    e-mail: sheila.carroll@corvil.com

    T: +353-1-859-1040

    Source: Corvil




