◎ボルボのテスト走行が成功裏に終了  車群追従走行技術が次段階に


◎ボルボのテスト走行が成功裏に終了  車群追従走行技術が次段階に

AsiaNet 50651

共同JBN1183 (2012.9.18)

◎ボルボのテスト走行が成功裏に終了  車群追従走行技術が次段階に

【イエーテボリ(スウェーデン)2012年9月17日PRN=共同JBN】最近のテスト走行によって、3年間にわたった長期プロジェクトは最終章を迎える。この長期プロジェクトは、自動運転技術における次段階の発展へとつながる。ボルボ・カー・コーポレーション(Volvo Car Corporation)は2009年以来、EUが資金を提供するSARTREプロジェクト(Safe Road-Trains for the Environment)を積極的に推進する原動力となり、車群追従走行技術を欧州の路上での実用化に一歩近づけてきた。



自動車の車群追従走行は安全、効率、走行距離、旅行時間を改善することを目的としており、その一方で交通渋滞の解消と大気汚染を減少させる。この技術は、ボルボの専用道路上で10年以内に見られるかもしれないが、ドライバーがプロのドライバーによって先導される「ロードトレイン(road train)」に加われるようになっている。自動車はそれぞれ先行車との距離、速度、方向を計測し、調整する。それぞれの車両は完全に切り離されており、いつでも隊列から離脱できる。いったんこの車列に加われば、ドライバーは車列が目的地へ向かっている間、リラックスして景色を眺めたり、本を読んだり、仕事をチェックしたりできる。SARTREプロジェクトは、現在のインフラを変更せずに通常の道路に展開可能な技術開発に重点を置いたこの種としては唯一のプロジェクトである。




「この技術は、交通をより環境に優しく安全でスマートなものにする革新的アプローチの有望な好例である。われわれは時として、ビジネスを通常通りでないように捉えることで持続可能なソリューションに到達する。これが、未来研究プログラムのHorizon 2020の一つとして、スマートで環境を保護し、統合された交通の研究に約70億ユーロを提案した理由である」




Landline: +44-207-309-1007 / +44-774-700-8310


ソース:Volvo Car Corporation

Driver Distraction a Thing of the Past?


GOTHENBURG, Sweden, Sept. 17 / PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

        - Landmark Driver Technology set to Reduce Road Traffic Accidents

      and Increase Fuel Efficiency Could be on Europe's Roads Within a Decade

     The latest test drive marks the final chapter in a three year long project

which has seen the development of the next step in autonomous driving

technology. Since 2009, Volvo Car Corporation has been the driving force behind

the EU funded SARTRE project (Safe Road-Trains for the Environment), bringing

vehicle platooning technology one step closer to becoming a reality on Europe's


     To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


     Vehicle platooning aims to improve safety, efficiency, mileage, and travel

time whilst relieving traffic congestion and decreasing pollution. The

technology - which could be seen on our motorways within a decade - allows the

driver to join a 'road train' lead by one professional driver. Each car

measures the distance, speed and direction and adjusts to the car in front. All

vehicles are totally detached and can leave the procession at any time. Once in

the platoon, drivers can relax and take in the scenery, read or catch up on

work whilst the platoon proceed towards its destination. SARTRE is the only

project of its kind to focus on the development of technology that can be

implemented on conventional motorways without any change to current


     Volvo Car Corporation predicts this type of technology will create

significant improvements to traffic flow and journey times, as well as

environmental benefits with energy saving potential of up to 20% on journeys.

Additionally SARTRE offers significant safety benefits.  Although fatalities

due to road traffic accidents on Europe's roads have decreased over the last

decade, there is still a way to go with a recent report revealing the EU's

roads saw over 30,000 fatalities in 2011[1]. The Swedish car maker has pledged

that by 2020 they will have eliminated deaths or serious injuries in new Volvo

cars and the technology developed as part of the SARTRE project brings the

company one step closer to recognising this ambition.

     The long term vision of the SARTRE project has been to create a transport

system where booking, joining and exiting a road train will be a smoother

experience than leaving your car behind and using public transport on long

distance trips. With this final demonstration of the technology on the road,

the stage is now set to set in motion the necessary steps that will see

legislation being passed in order for this revolutionary technology to be seen

on Europe's roads.

     Speaking about the SARTRE project, Maire Geoghegan-Quinn, European

Commissioner for Research and Innovation said:

     "This technology is a promising example of an innovative approach to

making transport greener, safer and smarter.  Sometimes we need to look beyond

business as usual to arrive at sustainable solutions. That is why we have

proposed nearly 7 billion euro for smart, green and integrated transport

research in our future research programme, Horizon 2020."

     Tomorrow's driving future may soon become a reality.

     For more information, or to request an interview, please contact:


     Landline: +44-207-309-1007 / +44-774-700-8310

1. http://ec.europa.eu/transport/road_safety/specialist/statistics/index_en.htm

     SOURCE: Volvo Car Corporation  




