◎DJサステナビリティー指数に選ばれる  ItausaとItau Unibanco

Itausa - Investimentos Itau S.A.

◎DJサステナビリティー指数に選ばれる  ItausaとItau Unibanco

AsiaNet 50667

共同JBN 1191 (2012.9.18)

◎DJサステナビリティー指数に選ばれる  ItausaとItau Unibanco

【サンパウロ2012年9月17日PRN=共同JBN】Investimentos Itau S.A.(Itausa)とItau Unibanco Holding S.Aは、2012/2013年版のダウ・ジョーンズ・サステナビリティー・ワールド・インデックス(Dow Jones Sustainability World Index=DJSI)の構成銘柄に再び選ばれたと発表した。新しい構成銘柄には米州と欧州、アジア、アフリカ、オセアニアの30カ国、340社が選ばれた。そのうちブラジル企業はRedecard S.A.とDuratex S.A.を含む9社だけだった。

Itau UnibancoとItausaはDJSIの構成銘柄となった期間に、重要な成果を発表してきた。

Itau Unibanco












ItausaとItau UnibancoがDJSIの構成銘柄になったことは、両社が長年、商取引での倫理的行為や透明性、法的義務の順守、コーポレートガバナンス、社会・文化・環境面での責任に務めてきたことを反映している。株主と社会全体のために価値を創造することを目指すわれわれは、こうした努力こそが将来にわたって成長を維持できる重要な要素であると考える。

Alfredo Egydio Setubal

Investor Relations Officer

Itau Unibanco Holding S.A.

Henri Penchas

Investor Relations Officer

Itausa - Investimentos Itau S.A.


Fernando Foz

Itau Unibanco Holding S.A.


ソース:Itausa - Investimentos Itau S.A.

Itausa and Itau Unibanco Included Again in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index 2012/2013 (DJSI)


SAO PAULO, Sept. 17, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Itausa - Investimentos Itau S.A. and Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. are pleased

to announce that they have once again been selected to be part of the Dow Jones

Sustainability World Index (DJSI), this time in its 2012/2013 edition. The new

portfolio is comprised of 340 companies from 30 countries in the Americas,

Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania of which only 9 are Brazilian, including

Redecard S.A. and Duratex S.A.

    Over the period in which they have been components of the Dow Jones

Sustainability Index, Itau Unibanco and Itausa have been able to report some

important achievements:

    Itau Unibanco

    -- Selected to be part of the index for the 13th consecutive year;

    -- Only Latin-American bank to be included in the index since its creation

       in 1999;

    -- In this latest edition, it was awarded the best score in the Banking

       sector in the "Human Capital Development", "Stakeholder Engagement"

       and "Anti-crime Policy/Measures" sections;

    -- Scored above the sector average in all survey criteria.


    -- Selected to be part of the index for the 9th year;

    -- Classified as leader for its sector (Financial Services) for the 6th

       consecutive year;

    -- Was awarded the highest score in the sector for 12 criteria: "Anti-Crime

       Policy /Measures", "Brand Management", "CRM", "Stakeholder

       Engagement", "Supply Chain Management", "Business Risks and

       Opportunities", "Environmental Policy/Management System"' "Controversial

       Issues", "Financial Inclusion", "Human Capital Development", "Labor

       Practice Indicators and Human Rights" and "Talent Attraction &


    The DJSI is made up of shares of companies with acknowledged corporate

sustainability, meaning that they are companies capable of creating long-term

shareholder value by taking advantage of business opportunities and by

successfully managing the risks associated with economic, environmental social

and cultural factors. What influences the index's decisions most is the quality

of company management, which is expected to integrate economic value with

transparency, corporate governance and social and environmental responsibility

as a means of achieving lasting sustainability.

    Ever since its creation in January 1999, the DJSI has become an important

benchmark for asset management companies, which base their investment decisions

on this index and which offer their clients a diversified range of products

revolving around the shares of companies on the DJSI, for their acknowledged

commitment to social, environmental and cultural development.

    The index is reviewed annually, based on questionnaires sent to the

companies and on publicly available company information. The survey this year

covered the 2,500 largest companies by market capitalization on the Dow Jones

Global Index, and 58 sectors. Only the 10% highest scoring companies in the

sustainability ranking in each sector are selected to be part of the index,

based on an analysis of over 20 items regarding the economic, social and

environmental performance of these companies.

    The participation in this Dow Jones index reflects Itausa's and Itau

Unibanco's long-term commitment to ethical conduct in their business dealings,

transparency, compliance with legal requirements, corporate governance and

social, cultural and environmental responsibility. We believe that this

commitment is the key factor that will allow us to maintain sustained growth

over the coming years, aimed at creating value for our shareholders and for the

community as a whole.

    Alfredo Egydio Setubal        Henri Penchas

    Investor Relations Officer    Investor Relations Officer

    Itau Unibanco Holding S.A.    Itausa - Investimentos Itau S.A.


    Fernando Foz

    Itau Unibanco Holding S.A.


    SOURCE: Itausa - Investimentos Itau S.A.




