


AsiaNet 50683

共同JBN 1193 (2012.9.18)


【ワシントン、東京2012年9月18日PRN=共同JBN】世界的な知的財産法律事務所シュグルー・マイアン外国法事務弁護士事務所(Sughrue Mion PLLC)(http://www.sughrue.com)のケビン・クンゼンドルフ弁護士は9月4日、東京で開催された日本ライセンス協会(LES)(http:// www.les-asiapacific.org)のLESアジア太平洋リージョナル会議で「AIAのルール」(米国発明法=AIAのルール)と題するパネルを主催した。クンゼンドルフ氏は、AIAが米特許法に及ぼす変更、日本企業が米国においてその知的財産権を守ろうとする際に及ぼす影響について講演した。

今年のLES会議のテーマは、「汎アジアにおけるライセンス知的財産の価値を最大限に高める」(http:// www.les-asiapacific.org/Docs/Asia%20Pacific%20Regional%20Meeting%20Program.pdf)だった。この行事は汎アジア、米国、欧州からの出席者にライセンスと知的財産における最近の出来事についてさまざまな進展と識見を共有する機会を提供した。




▽シュグルー・マイアン外国法事務弁護士事務所(Sughrue Mion, PLLC)について



▽国際ライセンス協会(Licensing Executives Society International)について


詳しい情報は http:// www.lesi.orgを参照。


Katherine Herring,

LEVICK for Sughrue Mion



ソース:Sughrue Mion

Sughrue Mion Attorney Kevin Kunzendorf Hosts "Rules for AIA" Panel at Licensing Executives Society Japan's Regional Conference


WASHINGTON and TOKYO, Sept. 18, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Discusses Impact of New U.S. Regulations for Japanese Companies

                              at Event in Tokyo

    Kevin Kunzendorf, an attorney at global intellectual property law firm,

Sughrue Mion PLLC (http://www.sughrue.com), hosted a panel on "Rules for AIA"

at the Licensing Executives Society (LES) (http:// www.les-asiapacific.org)

Japan's Regional Conference in Tokyo on September 4. Mr. Kunzendorf discussed

the changes that the America Invents Act (AIA) will make to U.S. patent law and

how the new regulations will impact Japanese businesses looking to protect

their intellectual property rights in the U.S.

    The theme of this year's LES Japan conference was "Maximizing the Value of

Licensing Intellectual Properties in Pan Asia." (

http:// www.les-asiapacific.org/Docs/Asia%20Pacific%20Regional%20Meeting%20Program.pdf

) The event sought to provide attendees from the Pan-Asian region, the U.S.,

and Europe an opportunity to share developments and insights on the latest

happenings in Licensing and Intellectual Property.

    The two-day conference also included keynote speeches from Licensing

Executives Society International (LESI) President James E. Malackowski; Chief

Judge Toshiaki Iimura, IP High Court (JAPAN); Commissioner of Japan Patent

Office Yoshiyuki Iwai; and Deputy Director of United States Patent and

Trademark Office (USPTO) Teresa Stanek Rea.

    In addition to Mr. Kunzendorf, Yoshi Kishimoto, Managing Partner for

Sughrue Mion's Tokyo office also participated in the conference. Mr. Kishimoto

was recently appointed to Tokyo American Intellectual Property Inn of Court, a

newly established Inn as part of the American Inns of Court specializing in

United States and Japan intellectual property law.

    The LES panel in Tokyo was one of many examples of how Sughrue Mion and its

attorneys are committed to providing education and counsel concerning

intellectual property issues. In addition to several events in Europe and Asia

this fall, the firm will host the inaugural Robert Shaw International

Intellectual Property Symposium on International IP Practice and the America

Invents Act at the University of New Hampshire on April 25, 2013.

    About Sughrue Mion, PLLC

    Sughrue Mion is the leading global intellectual property firm, helping

thousands of companies from around the world navigate the complexities of

patent and trademark law since 1957. Sughrue's practice is focused solely on

intellectual property law, and the firm has helped its clients secure more

patents than any other U.S. patent firm. Many of Sughrue's attorneys have

worked as Examiners in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and more

than 95 percent of the firm's attorneys are licensed to practice before the

USPTO. Sughrue brings unmatched experience in patent interference proceedings

and Post Grant Review, including ex parte and inter partes reexamination

proceedings. This expertise provides the firm's clients with a clear advantage

navigating the new America Invents Act (AIA) regulations. In addition to their

legal expertise, Sughrue's attorneys have technical and scientific backgrounds

ranging from biosimilars to nanotechnology, which allow for a true

understanding of its clients' businesses and business challenges. For more

information, please visit http://www.sughrue.com.

    About Licensing Executives Society International

    The Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) is an association

comprised of men and women who have an interest in the transfer of technology,

or licensing of intellectual property rights - from technical know-how and

patented inventions to software, copyright and trademarks. It is strictly

non-political and is free to grow by the creation of member societies

throughout the world irrespective of politics or the state of technology

development. For more information, please visit http:// www.lesi.org.


    Katherine Herring, LEVICK for Sughrue Mion



    SOURCE: Sughrue Mion




