


AsiaNet 50787

共同JBN 1229(12.9.30)


【コペンハーゲン(デンマーク)2012年9月30日】デンマークの製薬会社レオファーマ(LEO Pharma)はこのほど、乾せん(癬)の影響を調査するため定性、定量両面のデータによって情報提供する初のまさに大規模な国際研究を実施した。研究結果は、抑制、孤独、差別、苦悩の感情が患者に及ぼす大きなインパクトと関係しており、診断された(乾せん)症状の厳しさよりはるかに重要であることを明らかにしている。






英国のWhipps Cross University Hospital & Barts & the London NHS Trustのアンソニー・ビューリー博士は同研究をコメントして、「患者の現実は、実際であれ感じであれ、他人の反応が(患者の)生活を事実上の苦闘にすることができることである。われわれはこれらの問題について患者に積極的に問いかけて、それに従って処理を改める必要がある。われわれはこのデータセット全体をさらに分析する計画であり、それによって個人に応じたケアの支援になると考えている」と語った。



注1  Bewley A, Ersser S, Hansen M, Pevac C. Psychosocial and symptomatic

burden of psoriasis for patients in Europe, the USA and Canada. Abstract

presented at: EADV Congress, Prague, 27 - 30 September 2012 (ID number


注2 Basavaraj KH, Navya MA, Rashmi R. Stress and quality of life in

psoriasis: an update. Int J Dermatol 2011;50:783-92.

注3 A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia. Psoriasis. (Accessed May, 2012, at



ソース:LEO Pharma

International Study Highlights Need to Support Patients With Psoriasis Suffering Feelings of Isolation, Stigmatisation and Anxiety


COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Sept 30 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - LEO Pharma has conducted the first truly large scale international study

informed by both qualitative and quantitative data to investigate the impact of


    - The findings reveal that feelings of restriction, isolation,

stigmatisation and anxiety are associated with a high impact on patients'

lives; and are more important than diagnosed symptom severity

    Data from the Burden of Psoriasis patient research were presented this

weekend at the 21st EADV Congress in Prague, Czech Republic. The results from

the research, which included a quantitative online survey completed by 3,822

patients with psoriasis, showed 73% of patients surveyed scored their psoriasis

as having a moderate to high impact on their lives[1].

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    People living with psoriasis experience flare-ups that can result in the

appearance of thick, red, scaly skin lesions on any part of their body[2] [EN

]. The skin is often sore and itchy [2],[3], but the current study emphasizes

that the psychological impact of psoriasis can have an even greater impact on

patients' everyday lives[1].

    Factors analysed in the research included the influence of symptom burden,

healthcare professional (HCP) relationships, patient factors and the

psychosocial impact of psoriasis on how much the patient's psoriasis "dictates

how they live their life"[1]. Factors that were most strongly associated dealt

with daily activities, stigmatisation, isolation and anxiety. However,

diagnosed symptom severity was not a significant indicator[1].

    Commenting on the research Dr Anthony Bewley, Whipps Cross University

Hospital & Barts & the London NHS Trust, UK, said, "The reality for patients is

that the reactions of other people, real or perceived, can make life a real

struggle. We need to ensure that we actively question our patients about these

issues, and modify management accordingly. We plan further analysis of this

comprehensive data set, which we believe will help to individualise care".

    "The physical, psychological and social effects of psoriasis can have a

serious impact on people's lives," said LEO Pharma President and CEO Gitte P.

Aabo. "To give people with psoriasis the best chance of improving their quality

of life, we need to address the issues that affect them individually. The

Burden of Psoriasis patient research will help healthcare professionals learn

more about the impact that psoriasis has on peoples' lives and hence inform and

help evolve the way the disease is treated."


    1. Bewley A, Ersser S, Hansen M, Pevac C. Psychosocial and symptomatic

burden of psoriasis for patients in Europe, the USA and Canada. Abstract

presented at: EADV Congress, Prague, 27 - 30 September 2012 (ID number


    2. Basavaraj KH, Navya MA, Rashmi R. Stress and quality of life in

psoriasis: an update. Int J Dermatol 2011;50:783-92.

    3. A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia. Psoriasis. (Accessed May, 2012, at


[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001470 ])

    SOURCE: LEO Pharma




