◎企業管理ソフトを無料提供 MetaQuotesが政府機関に

MetaQuotes Software Corp.

◎企業管理ソフトを無料提供 MetaQuotesが政府機関に

AsiaNet 50841

共同JBN 1258(12.10.1)

◎企業管理ソフトを無料提供 MetaQuotesが政府機関に

【リマソル(キプロス)2012年10月1日PRN=共同JBN】企業管理システムTeamWox(http://www.teamwox.com)のデベロッパーであるMetaQuotes Software Corp.は1日、政府機関に対しTeamWoxを無料で提供すると発表した。


このソフトウエアは当初、企業体のニーズ対応に限って着想、開発されたものだった。しかし、製品が政府機関の関心を強く引き付けたため、MetaQuotes Software (http://www.metaquotes.net)が特別提供することになった。



MetaQuotes Software のガイエス・クリース最高執行責任者(COO)は「政府機関は膨大な職員を抱え、それがソフトウエアのライセンスに関連する問題をもたらした。結局、一部機関は自動システム導入の機会を逃す羽目になった。われわれはこの問題をすべて取り除き、業務遂行職員の人数にかかわらず政府機関にTeamWoxを完全無料(http://www.teamwox.com/en/buy/gov)で提供することを決断した」と語った。




▽MetaQuotes Software Corp.について

MetaQuotes Softwareは世界的に有名なプロのソフトウエアデベロッパーである。金融市場でよく知られており、外国為替取引ソフトウエアソリューション市場の世界的リーダーになっている。2007年以降、企業管理システムの開発に積極的に取り組んでいる。

Website: http://www.metaquotes.net



Website: http://www.teamwox.com

ソース:MetaQuotes Software Corp.

TeamWox Enterprise Management System Becomes Free for Government Entities  


LIMASSOL, Cyprus, Oct. 1 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Today, MetaQuotes Software Corp., the developer of TeamWox

[http://www.teamwox.com ] enterprise management system, has announced an offer

for free TeamWox for government entities.

    TeamWox is an enterprise management system designed to optimize the

efficiency of business management. Companies that use TeamWox in their daily

routines show better employee performance and reduction in general expenses.

This is achieved in a company through automation of work processes and seamless

teamwork coordination.

    The software was originally conceived and developed to meet the needs of

business entities alone. But after the product sparked great interest of

government entities, MetaQuotes Software [http://www.metaquotes.net ] came with

a special offer for them.

    Under the offer, any government entity could get the unlimited TeamWox

version for one third of the regular price


nment-organizations ] . A lot of government entities from different countries

of the world were delighted with the offer given and purchased the system. Some

companies however did not manage to get the product, in spite of being highly

interested in it.

    "Government entities have a large number of employees which brings about

problems associated with the software license," comments Gaies Chreis, COO of

MetaQuotes Software Corp. "Eventually some organizations have to turn down the

opportunity of employing the automation systems. We have taken a decision to

eliminate this problem altogether and now offer TeamWox to government entities

completely free of charge [http://www.teamwox.com/en/buy/gov ], regardless of

the number of employees they have on staff".

    The company already has a totally free version made available to

educational institutions


r-educational-institutions ] . Any educational institution is eligible to get

free TeamWox, subject to provision of a copy of the license of official state

registration. As a result, the system has spread to a great number of

educational institutions of different types, down to Olympic reserve schools.

    A similar requirement is now imposed on government entities as they can

only be eligible for free TeamWox after they provide a document confirming

their government entity status.

    About MetaQuotes Software Corp.

    MetaQuotes Software Corp. is a world-renowned professional developer of

software. The Company is very well known in the financial markets and is a

global leader in the Forex trading software solutions market. It has been

active in the development of enterprise management systems since 2007.

    Website: http://www.metaquotes.net

    About TeamWox

    Developed in 2009, TeamWox was warmly welcomed by the market. Since then

the system functionality has always been expanding and evolving. Today TeamWox

includes CRM, Technical Support via Service Desk and Live Chat, Electronic

Document Management, Payments and IP Telephony. The System is available in two

versions: as a standard version and SaaS.

    Website: http://www.teamwox.com

    SOURCE: MetaQuotes Software Corp.




