◎GeoModel Solarが太陽光発電の評価ツールpvSpot発売

GeoModel Solar

◎GeoModel Solarが太陽光発電の評価ツールpvSpot発売

AsiaNet 50869

共同JBN 1265 (2012.10.3)

◎GeoModel Solarが太陽光発電の評価ツールpvSpot発売

【ブラチスラバ(スロバキア)2012年10月3日】GeoModel Solarはこのほど、太陽光発電所に対する次世代パフォーマンス評価ツールであるSolarGIS pvSpotの発売を開始した。


GeoModel Solarマネジングディレクターのマルセル・スリ氏は「太陽光産業は既存太陽光発電(PV)能力を透明性を持って評価する中立的なデータとアプローチを必要としている。pvSpotは高解像度で有効な衛星データと実証されたアルゴリズムを利用するので、パフォーマンス評価の中立性と質が保証される。pvSpotは十分モニターされた公共スケールのPVプロジェクトに対する補完的ツールであるとともに、事実上は中小規模のPV施設に対する唯一信頼できるソリューションである」と語った。



RENERGIE Solarny Park Holding SK a.s.のカラウス・フックス最高経営責任者(CEO)は「われわれは衛星からのデータを実装し、当社のPV発電所ポートフォリオに対して、定期的に調和がとれ、有効で中立的なパフォーマンス評価を実現することを決定した」と語った。


▽GeoModel Solarについて

GeoModel Solarはスロバキアのデベロッパーであり、SolarGISデータベースとオンラインシステムのオペレーターである。同社は太陽エネルギーの開発と運用における効率を高め、不確実性を減らすことを目指し、太陽光発電の事前フィージビリティー、デザイン最適化、モニタリング、予測をサポートする確かなデータとソフトウエア・サービスを提供する。詳しい情報はhttp://geomodelsolar.euを参照。

ソース:GeoModel Solar

New Era in Performance Assessment of Photovoltaic Systems Starts with pvSpot


BRATISLAVA, Slovakia, Oct. 3, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    GeoModel Solar has launched SolarGIS pvSpot, a new generation performance

assessment tool for photovoltaic power plants.

    pvSpot is a unique solution that can be used to detect underperformance of

any photovoltaic (PV) power plant in Europe and South Africa. It is based on

the latest advancements in satellite-based solar modelling and electricity


    "Solar industry needs independent data and approaches for transparent

evaluation of existing PV capacities. Because pvSpot uses high-resolution

validated satellite data and proven algorithms, independence and quality of

performance assessment is guaranteed. While pvSpot can be used as a

complementary tool for well-monitored utility scale PV projects, it is

practically the only reliable solution for medium-size and small PV

installations," said Marcel Suri, managing director of GeoModel Solar.

    Comparison of actual and expected energy production is the best indicator

of performance. For evaluation, expected production must be calculated

precisely. This is only possible if site-specific solar radiation information

is available in real time.

    Until now, a typical practice has been to acquire data from cheap sensors

or nearby meteo stations. Such approaches compromise on accuracy of solar

radiation. Installing high-quality pyranometers and related hardware is a

better solution, but challenges still remain. Ground measurements are often

subject to errors due to missing or inconsistent data, shaded or unclean

sensors, and they require rigorous quality checking.

    "We have decided to implement satellite-based data, to achieve harmonised,

validated and independent performance evaluation of our portfolio of PV power

plants on regular basis," said Klaus Fuchs, CEO from RENERGIE Solarny Park

Holding SK a.s.

    Satellite-based solar radiation is a reliable option for investors and

lenders. pvSpot uses data from SolarGIS, recognised as the most accurate solar

resource database on the market. pvSpot has been showcased at EUPVSEC

exhibition in Frankfurt and it is accessible at http://solargis.info. The

SolarGIS platform was recently acknowledged at SNEC exhibition in Shanghai as

one of ten most advanced technologies in PV.

    About GeoModel Solar

    GeoModel Solar is a Slovakia-based developer and operator of the SolarGIS

database and online system. The company aims to increase efficiency and reduce

uncertainty in developing and operationof solar energy projects by delivering

bankable data and software services supporting the industry in prefeasibility,

design optimization, monitoring and forecast of solar power. For more

information, visit http://geomodelsolar.eu

    SOURCE: GeoModel Solar




