
Global Movement of Moderates Foundation (GMMF)


AsiaNet 50897

共同JBN 1276 (2012.10.3)




博士の観点は、ABAC(APECビジネス諮問委員会、APEC Business Advisory Council)の3人の日本人メンバーである三菱東京UFJ銀行の渡辺喜宏顧問によって支持された。3人の日本人メンバーは日本の首相直々の任命である。渡辺氏はイスラム金融の重要性を完全に認め、倫理的裏打ちのある「実体経済」の重要性を強調した。


このイベントは経団連会館で開催され、国際通貨研究所(IIMA)、マレーシアのGlobal Movement of Moderates Foundation(GMMF)、コンラート・アデナウアー財団(KAS)の共催だった。






アワンCEOはさらに「このシンポジウムは、常に財政支出、通貨経済、イスラム銀行業務、公共融資に関する専門家とスペシャリストの洞察を結びつけている。これらはすべて正義、均衡、卓越を基礎とした節度の探求に関連している」と語った。同CEOはまた、Global Movement of Moderates(GMM)がASEAN公認のアイデアとして、国際経済と金融問題、とりわけ近代生活の持続性を検討する適切なプラットフォームを選択したことを明らかにした。


Name   : Jenny Wong

         Senior Manager, Media & Communications

         Global Movement of Moderates Foundation (GMMF)

Mobile : 6017-3317906

E-mail : jenny@gmomf.org

Website: www.gmomf.org

ソース:Global Movement of Moderates Foundation (GMMF)

Islamic Finance Contributes to Global Financial Stability  


TOKYO, Japan, Oct. 3, 2012/BERNAMA=KYODO JBN/ --

According to Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin, the Shariah

compliant Islamic Finance is a viable alternative financial system for curbing

excessive leverage as well as delinking financial intermediation from the real


Addressing the International Symposium on 'Sustainable Growth - Financial

Stability' here yesterday, Awang Adek's keynote speech highlighted the

importance of Islamic banking to further bankroll the real economy, and how the

growing interest in Islamic finance as a force of moderation is receiving

global attention.

His view was seconded by Yoshihiro Watanabe, one of the three Japanese members

of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), whose membership came from the

direct nomination of the Japanese Prime Minister. Watanabe affirmed the

importance of Islamic Finance completely, given the emphasis on 'real economy'

as the ethical underpinning.

Deliberating on the lessons learned from previous and current economic and

financial crises, the conference was aimed at identifying the social and

economic governance models that could build more inclusive societies for

sustainable growth.  

The event, held at Keidanren Kaikan, Japan Business Federation, was jointly

organised by the Institute of International Monetary Affairs (IIMA), the Global

Movement of Moderates Foundation (GMMF) and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation


The conference brought together 200 policy analysts, scholars and decision

makers for a dialogue on sustainable growth and financial stability.

Among those present at the conference themed 'Current Lessons for Social and

Economic Governance' were Takehiko Nakao, the Vice Minister of Finance for

International Affairs in Japan, Michael Meister, the Deputy Chairman for

Finances and Budget in Germany, and Fan Gang, the Director of the National

Institute of Economic Research in China.

Fan Gang urged the participants to be mindful of the US and European crisis,

for they are now occurring in the core rather than at the periphery of the

economic system as in the case of the Asian financial crisis. Michael Meister

on the other hand, called for a more robust social insurance sector to cushion

the effects of unemployment and financial havoc.

Takehiko Nakao in turn argued that the over-incentivisation of the bankers have

unnecessarily heightened the risk of overleverage, as they take bigger risks on

behalf of their banks or companies to make immense personal gains, often at the

expense of millions of consumers and depositors globally.

'The problems were well articulated and conceptualized at the international

symposium to say the least. Since it precedes the upcoming joint World Bank and

International Monetary Fund meeting on October 12-14, the saliency of the

presentation was all the more welcoming,' said the CEO of GMMF, Khalek Awang

who was present at the conference.

'Invariably, the symposium combines insights of experts and specialists on

fiscal spending, monetary economics, Islamic banking and public finance, all of

which are relevant to the quest for moderation based on justice, equilibrium

and excellence,' said Khalek, adding that as an ASEAN endorsed idea, the Global

Movement of Moderates (GMM) has chosen a good platform to look into the

international economic and financial problems, especially the sustainability of

modern standards of living.


Name   : Jenny Wong

         Senior Manager, Media & Communications

         Global Movement of Moderates Foundation (GMMF)

Mobile : 6017-3317906

E-mail : jenny@gmomf.org

Website: www.gmomf.org

SOURCE: Global Movement of Moderates Foundation (GMMF)




