◎2012年オーストラリア・キャンペーンを発表 Delaware North Companies

Delaware North Companies

◎2012年オーストラリア・キャンペーンを発表 Delaware North Companies

AsiaNet 50912

共同JBN 1283 (2012.10.9)

◎2012年オーストラリア・キャンペーンを発表 Delaware North Companies

【メルボルン(オーストラリア)2012年10月9日PRN =共同JBN】Delaware North Companies(デラウェア・ノース・カンパニーズ)のオーストラリアリゾートで特別サービスと自然の不思議を楽しもう。Delaware North Companies Park & Resort Australiaが提供するリゾートに1年で1番すばらしい季節がやってきた。ウミガメが卵を産むグレートバリアリーフ、スペクタクルな雷鳴と稲妻が光るレッドセンター、ホリデーシーズンを迎えたダウンアンダーにはだれもが楽しめる何かがある。

▽ヘロン島リゾート(Heron Island Resort)、南グレートバリアリーフ





グレートバリアリーフの最南端に位置している。最近カリフォルニア州モンテレーで開催されている注目度の高いブルーオーシャン映画フェスティバルでCatlin Seaview Surveyとリンクされるようになって、水中環境スペクタクルとして、人気が上がっている。他に類を見ない水中体験はグーグルマップのストリートビューやパノラミオ(Panoramio)、グーグルプラス、グーグル・ワールド・ワンダー(Google World Wonder)でも、ダイバーを待っているヘロン島の水中疑似体験が少しできるようになった。



より詳しい情報は以下の通り。 (http://www.heronisland.com/multistay.aspx?utm_source=PRNewswire&utm_medium=PR&utm_campaign=AUSHoliday-Oct'_ewebeditor_ta_href=

▽リザード島リゾート(Lizard Island Resort)、 北グレートバリアリーフ





▽キングスキャニオン・リゾート(Kings Canyon resort)、オーストラリアのレッドセンター



▽Delaware North Companiesについて

Delaware North Companiesは世界で最大の、高い評価を得ている個人経営のホスピタリティー企業のひとつ。100年近く前にジェイコブ一族が創立し、現在でも一族が経営している、ホスピタリティー・飲食業界のグローバルトップ企業の一つ。グループの傘下にはDelaware North Companies Park & Resorts、Delaware North Companies Gaming & Entertainment、Delaware North Companies Travel Hospitality Services、Delaware North Companies Sportservice、Delaware North Companies International、Delaware North Companies Boston (TD Gardenを所有)がある。年間売り上げは26億ドルを超え、5万5000人の従業員が米国、カナダ、英国、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドで50万人の顧客にサービスしている。


ソース:Delaware North Companies


Emma Abbott,

+1-(716) 858-5613, eabbott@dncinc.com,

or Jesse Baier,

+1-(716) 858-5215, jbaier@dncinc.com,

both of Delaware North Companies,


Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts Australia Offers Special Holiday Experience for 2012  


MELBOURNE, Australia, Oct. 9, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

            Take advantage of special deals and natural wonders at

           Delaware North Companies' iconic Australian destinations

It's the most wonderful time of the year at Delaware North Companies Parks &

Resort Australia locations. From sea turtles laying eggs in the Great Barrier

Reef to spectacular lighting storms in the Red Centre, there is something for

everyone to enjoy during the holiday season down under.  

Heron Island Resort (


_ewebeditor_ta_href= ), Southern Great Barrier Reef - Experience this great

wonder for the holidays and witness a celebration of life and nature at Heron

Island.  Turtles can be seen laying eggs in November and later, hatchlings will

make their way back to the sea. More than 100,000 birds will visit the island

in December, and the annual mass synchronization of coral reef spawning can be

witnessed in November and December.

Heron Island (


), located on the southern tip of the Great Barrier Reef, recently reinforced

its position as one of the most spectacular underwater environments when it was

linked to the launch of the Catlin Seaview Survey at the high-profile Blue

Ocean Film Festival in Monterey, Calif. This unique underwater experience seen

through Street View feature within Google Maps, Panoramio, Google+ and Google

World Wonders, allows a taste of the underwater adventure awaiting divers at

Heron Island.

Experience this world wonder in person during the best time of year with our

multi-stay offer: Receive 15 percent off the nightly rate when combining both

Heron Island and Wilson Island (


_ewebeditor_ta_href= ). Visit the multi-stay (


_ewebeditor_ta_href= ) page for more information.

Lizard Island Resort (


_ewebeditor_ta_href= ), Northern Great Barrier Reef - The holiday season is

also a special time of year at Lizard Island. The coral reef begins its annual

spawning toward the end of November, illuminating the ordinarily blue water

with shades of orange. Turtles can also be seen grazing on sea grasses along

the beaches. For a limited time, guests can book five nights at Lizard Island

for the price of four. Visit the Special Offers (


_ewebeditor_ta_href=) page for more information.

Kings Canyon Resort (


_ewebeditor_ta_href= ), Australia's Red Centre - Kings Canyon Resort will be

the set for a variety of wildlife during the holiday season. Crested pigeons

will be seen in the trees making nests and laying their eggs. In January,

lightning storms will brighten up the sky - providing a spectacular light show.

For the holidays, receive 50 percent off the second night that you stay at

Kings Canyon.

About Delaware North Companies

Delaware North Companies is one of the largest and most admired privately held

hospitality companies in the world. Founded and owned by the Jacobs family for

nearly 100 years, it is a global leader in hospitality and food service. Its

family of companies includes Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts, Delaware

North Companies Gaming & Entertainment, Delaware North Companies Travel

Hospitality Services, Delaware North Companies Sportservice, Delaware North

Companies International and Delaware North Companies Boston, owner of TD

Garden. Delaware North Companies has revenue exceeding $2.6 billion annually

and 55,000 associates serving half a billion customers in the United States,

Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. For more information,

visit http://www.DelawareNorth.com.

SOURCE:  Delaware North Companies

CONTACT: Emma Abbott, +1-(716) 858-5613, eabbott@dncinc.com, or Jesse Baier,

+1-(716) 858-5215, jbaier@dncinc.com, both of Delaware North Companies,





