


AsiaNet 50911

共同JBN 1282 (2012.10.10)


【ウプサラ(スウェーデン)2012年10月9日PRN=共同JBN】電話ベース広告の技術、サービスで欧州首位のFreespee (http://www.freespee.com)は、Sunstone Capitalを幹事とした330万ユーロの新規ベンチャー融資調達を発表した。Freespeeはこの融資を元に、同社の位置自動認識モバイル・クリックコール広告の革新、および同社の急速な市場拡大を継続する計画。


現在、同社はより簡単で、より効果的なモバイル広告を求める需要の高まりに応え、企業や事業主をモバイル利用の消費者とリアルタイムでつなぐターンキー・ソリューションFreespee Adsを導入している。Freespee Adsは、直観的なクリックコール式のリッチメディア広告を位置データのアクセス、高度な通話フィルタリング・ツール群と組み合わせることで、どんなスマートフォンでもワンクリックの買い物を可能にしている。

Freespee創業者で最高経営責任者(CEO)のカール・ホルムクイスト氏は「当社は、クリックコール広告の今後の可能性やこれによって大小のサービス業がモバイル時代に広告をする方法が根本的に変わるのではないかと大変期待している。今年、当社が行った試験的テストでは、当社顧客はモバイル広告の支出に対して、初めて証明済みの、確かなリターンを得る経験をした。当社はFreespee Adsを欧州中の企業、事業主が利用できるようにしようと考えている」と語った。

今回のこの新規投資はSunstone Capitalが行う。同社は欧州を対象としたアーリーステージ投資家で、本拠をコペンハーゲンに置き、6億ユーロの資金を管理している。フィンランドのファンドInventureを含め、既存の投資家も今回の融資に参加している。





Freespee Raises EUR3.3M to Scale in Mobile Advertising


UPPSALA, Sweden, Oct. 9/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    - New Freespee Ads drives connected calls from smartphones -

    Freespee [http://www.freespee.com ], the European leader in call-based

advertising technology and services, announces a new venture financing round of

EUR3.3 million led by Sunstone Capital. Freespee plans to use the funding to

continue its innovation in location-aware mobile click-to-call advertising as

well as its rapid market expansion.

    Freespee has gained market leadership in 15 countries reaching over 35,000

business advertisers. Its click-to-call analytics solution enables insights

well beyond the click, offering advertisers and developers proven tools for

converting mobile audiences into revenue.

    Now, with demand soaring for simpler, more effective mobile advertising,

the company is launching Freespee Ads, a turnkey solution that connects

enterprises and business owners with mobile consumers in real time. Combining

intuitive click-to-call rich media ad units, access to location data and a

sophisticated set of call-filtering tools, Freespee Ads brings the possibility

of one-click conversions to any smartphone.

    "We are very excited by the opportunities in mobile click-to-call

advertising, and how it can fundamentally change the way both small and large

service businesses buy advertising in the mobile era," says Carl Holmquist,

Founder and CEO of Freespee. "In the pilots we have conducted this year, our

customers have experienced their first instance of proven and reliable return

on mobile advertising spend. We look forward to making Freespee Ads available

to enterprise and business owners throughout Europe."

    The new funding comes from Sunstone Capital, a pan-European early-stage

investor based in Copenhagen with EUR600M under management. Existing investors,

including the Finnish fund Inventure, also participated in the financing round.

    "Freespee matches well with our strategy to invest in early-stage ventures

with strong potential for global success," said Nikolaj Nyholm, Partner at

Sunstone, who also joins Freespee's board of directors. "With the mobile

advertising market clearly approaching a tipping point, we found Freespee

uniquely positioned to set new standards on how businesses buy advertising to

connect with mobile consumers. Their established leadership in Europe along

with a proven culture of innovation, gives us great confidence that Freespee

will be a leader in mobile advertising for many years to come."

    To execute on its growth plans, the company will add customer development

and support resources, establish commercial headquarters in London, and expand

its development center in Uppsala, Sweden.

    More information for media at:

    http://www.freespee.com/press, or contact

    press@freespee.com - tel. +358-9-8860-2050

    SOURCE: Freespee




