◎World Entrepreneurship Forumが開幕へ  122人のメンバーが参集

World Entrepreneurship Forum

◎World Entrepreneurship Forumが開幕へ  122人のメンバーが参集

AsiaNet 50935

共同JBN 1292 (2012.10.10)

◎World Entrepreneurship Forumが開幕へ  122人のメンバーが参集

【リヨン(フランス)2012年10月10日PRN=共同JBN】2012年10月10日、世界中が経済危機に見舞われ既存モデルがその限界を示している時にあたり、起業家精神は経済回復のための真正なソリューションとして注目を集めている。起業家精神に焦点を当てた唯一の国際的シンクタンクは今月、フランスのリヨンで5回目の会合を祝う。「The World Entrepreneurship Forum 2012(2012年世界起業家精神フォーラム)」には世界59カ国から122人のメンバーが参集する。フォーラム開催日程は2012年10月24日から27日まで。

(Logo : http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121010/567393





*EMLYON Business Schoolキャンパスで開会総会が開かれる。国際的に著名な7人(北米2、南米1、中国1、シンガポール1、欧州連合代表1、カメルーン1)が「World Tour of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems」について講演する。

*「2012年世界起業家賞」の授賞式は、ローヌ・アルプスRegional Council 本部での夕食会で行われ、5人の国際的に著名なリーダーが顕彰される。出席登録とプログラムは以下のサイトを参照。(http://lyon2012.world-entrepreneurship-forum.com/pe.php


The World Entrepreneurship Forumは、新たなヒューマニズムの育成を目的としている。これは世界市民の精神で社会正義と経済成長を結び付けた持続的発展の発明である。


▽The World Entrepreneurship Forumについて

EMLYON Business School(www.em-lyon.com)、KPMG France(www.kpmg.fr)、the Singapore institutions Action Community for Entrepreneurship(www.ace.sg)、南洋理工大学(www.ntu.edu.sg)、リヨン市(www.onlylyon.org)、リヨン商業会議所(www.lyon.cci.fr)、中国の浙江大学(www.zju.edu.cn)によって創立されたthe World

Entrepreneurship Forum は、富と社会正義の創造者としての起業家を専門とする初の世界的シンクタンクである。




Stephanie Kergall




ソース:World Entrepreneurship Forum

Fifth Edition of the "World Entrepreneurship Forum" to be Held in Lyon 24 - 27 October 2012


LYON, France, Oct. 10/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    10 October 2012: at a time of economic crisis all over the world, and when

existing models have shown their limitations, entrepreneurship has emerged as a

genuine solution to boost recovery. The only international think-tank focused

on entrepreneurs will celebrate its fifth event this month in Lyon. The World

Entrepreneurship Forum 2012 will gather 122 members from 59 countries.

    (Logo : http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121010/567393 )

    Selected for their entrepreneurial achievement and their commitment to

society in their country, the members comprise 80% entrepreneurs (business or

social entrepreneurs) and 20% policy-makers, experts and academics.

    This community of entrepreneurs from five continents is a unique concept

and a showcase for entrepreneurial solutions to the great challenges of our


    During the three-day event, the participants will brainstorm on the theme

of "entrepreneurial ecosystems." The questions include: how to cultivate

communities to drive wealth and social justice? What are the key success

factors? Can an innovative idea that functions in one ecosystem be transplanted

to another? How do ecosystems adapt, depending on the abundance or scarcity of

resources in their environment?

    Two sessions will be open to the public on 25 October:

    - The opening conference at the EMLYON Business School campus : seven

      internationally-famed speakers (2 North Americans, 1 South American, 1

      Chinese, 1 Singaporean, 1 representative of the European Union, 1

      Cameroonian) will take the audience on a "World Tour of Entrepreneurial


    - The awards ceremony of "Entrepreneurs for the World 2012" will recognize

      five internationally-renowned leaders during a gala evening at the Rhone-

      Alpes Regional Council headquarters. Registration and complete programme

      [http://lyon2012.world-entrepreneurship-forum.com/pe.php ]

    A White Paper will be published following the Forum to illustrate the best

entrepreneurial practices and to make recommendations to help influence the

global agenda in favour of entrepreneurship.

    The World Entrepreneurship Forum aims to foster a new humanism: the

invention of sustainable development which, in a spirit of global citizenship,

combines social justice and economic growth.

    This dual approach - economic and social - is one of the distinguishing

features of the Forum and it serves a single aim shared by all the members: the

promotion of entrepreneurship around the world and in every field of life, be

it economic, social, cultural or political.

    About the World Entrepreneurship Forum

    Created by EMLYON Business School (www.em-lyon.com), KPMG France

(www.kpmg.fr), the Singapore institutions Action Community for Entrepreneurship

(www.ace.sg) and Nanyang Technological University (www.ntu.edu.sg),

Greater Lyon (www.onlylyon.org), the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry

(www.lyon.cci.fr) and Zhejiang University (www.zju.edu.cn) in China, the World

Entrepreneurship Forum is the first worldwide think tank devoted to the

entrepreneur, creator of wealth and social justice.    

   Since 2008, 350 members from 76 countries have come together to find and

offer entrepreneurial solutions for the great challenges of our times.

    For further information: http://www.world-entrepreneurship-forum.com


    Press relations:

    To request official accreditation for complete access to all sessions of

the World Entrepreneurship Forum

Stephanie Kergall




    SOURCE: World Entrepreneurship Forum




