
Germany Trade & Invest


AsiaNet 50855

共同JBN 1256(12.10.10)


【ベルリン、横浜2012年10月9日】ドイツ貿易・投資振興機関(Germany Trade & Invest)とthe Health - Made in Germanyイニシアチブは、10月10~12日に横浜で開かれるバイオジャパン2012に協働参画する。バイオジャパン内で開催する2つのセミナーで、ドイツと日本のバイオテクノロジー企業、ドイツの著名なフラウンホーファー協会(Fraunhofer Insitute)、そしてドイツ貿易・投資振興機関の講師が、日本の製薬および診断分野の幹部にビジネスチャンスについて概要を説明する。





Health - Made in Germanyは、世界のパートナーとドイツのヘルスケア企業にとって両社に利益となる状況を生み出すイニシアチブである。このイニシアチブはドイツ連邦経済・技術省の支援を得て、ドイツ貿易・投資振興機関が進めており、企業、連邦クラスター、プロフェッショナル団体はヘルスケア分野のビジネスチャンスから利益を上げることができる。

ドイツ貿易・投資振興機関(Germany Trade & Invest)は、ドイツ連邦政府の対外貿易、対独投資誘致機関である。同機関はドイツ市場へのビジネス活動拡大を望む外国企業にアドバイスを提供する。また、外国市場への参入を望むドイツ企業には対外貿易に関する情報を提供する。

   Germany Trade & Invest

   Andreas Bilfinger

   Email: andreas.bilfinger@gtai.com

   T: +49(0)30-200099-173




ソース:Germany Trade & Invest

Germany Seeks Closer Partnership With Japan in Biopharmaceuticals



     Health - Made in Germany and Germany Trade & Invest share opportunities

for joint R&D and investment

    Germany Trade & Invest and the Health - Made in Germany initiative will

join forces at this year's BioJapan 2012 from October 10-12. In two seminars,

guests from German and Japanese biotechnology companies, Germany's renowned

Fraunhofer Insitute, and Germany Trade & Invest outline business opportunities

for Japanese executives in the pharmaceutical and diagnostic fields.

    "With world-class pharmaceutical industries and cutting-edge research,

Germany and Japan are natural partners. Both countries are also facing the same

challenges that come with aging societies. The conditions are just right to

intensify cooperation in order to share costs and speed market entry," stated

Iwami Asakawa, Germany Trade & Invest representative in Tokyo.

    Biotechnology cluster Bio-M in Munich and Cluster Osaka have been working

together for a year. This best-practice example can serve as inspiration for

other companies interested in expanding their reach.

    Germany features over 550 dedicated biotechnology companies. Nearly half of

these companies develop new drugs or diagnostic methods in the areas of human

and animal medicine.

    "In both countries, patent protection for several pharmaceuticals is

running out. There is a need for innovation, and small and medium-sized

companies have an excellent chance to work with established players. We see

this as a tremendous opportunity for innovative biotechnology companies,"

comments Gabriel Flemming, medical biotechnology expert at Germany Trade &

Invest in Berlin.

    Health - Made in Germany is an initiative to create win-win situations for

global partners and German health care companies. Supported by the Federal

Ministry of Economics and Technology and carried out by Germany Trade & Invest,

the initiative allows companies, federal clusters, and professional

associations to benefit from business opportunities in the health care field.

    Germany Trade & Invest is the foreign trade and inward investment promotion

agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. The organization advises foreign

companies looking to expand their business activities in the German market. It

provides information on foreign trade to German companies that seek to enter

foreign markets.

    Germany Trade & Invest

    Andreas Bilfinger

    Email: andreas.bilfinger@gtai.com

    T: +49(0)30-200099-173




    SOURCE: Germany Trade & Invest




