◎1、2字の.ORGドメイン名94件を公開  Public Interest Registry

.ORG, The Public Interest Registry

◎1、2字の.ORGドメイン名94件を公開  Public Interest Registry

AsiaNet 50980

共同JBN 1303 (2012.10.11)

◎1、2字の.ORGドメイン名94件を公開  Public Interest Registry

【レストン(米バージニア州)2012年10月10日PRN=共同JBN】インターネットのアドレスは、不動産のカーブアピール(外見の魅力)と同じく、企業や組織のネット上でのブランドの確立や業務拡大に大いに役立つ。オリジナルな「ジェネリック」トップレベル・ドメイン(TLD)の一つで、世界で1000万以上の登録がある「.ORG」ドメインの非営利運営組織であるPublic Interest Registry(http://www.pir.org、PIR)は10日、これまで登録対象外だった1字から2字の「.ORG」アドレス94件を公開する。利用できるドメイン名としては最も短く、最も憶えやすい。PIRはGo DaddyやeNomと提携し、「.ORG」ドメインの固有の信頼性と価値を尊重する企業や組織にこうしたアドレスを割り当て、活用してもらう。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20100628/ORGLOGO




登録希望者は「.ORG」ブランドの価値を守る意思を表明し、明確な利用計画を立案し、その計画を実行するだけの資財を持っている必要がある。Go DaddyとeNomは、予想される買い手との交渉や入札管理、登録商標問題の取り扱いといったアドレス割り当て作業で協力する。

Go Daddyのドメイン・ネーム・アフターマーケッツのディレクターを務めるポール・ニックス氏は「ドメイン名はまさに、『21世紀の不動産』のように、ネット上の単なる住所ではなく、オンラインでの身分証明である。この歴史的な出来事の一場面で、顧客が貴重なアドレスにそれぞれの社風を一体化させることに、わが社は喜んで助力したい」と話した。

eNom/Demand Mediaのタリン・ナイドゥ執行副社長は「PIRの長いパートナーのわが社としては、顧客が初めてこうした『.ORG』ドメインを使えるように助けることができて、とてもうれしい。こうした新しいアドレスは『.ORG』ブランドの価値の反映と向上であり、ドメイン名の分野では真に記念すべき出来事になる」と語った。


▽Public Interest Registryについて

Public Interest Registry(PIR)(http://pir.org/home)は.ORGトップレベル・ドメインを運営する非営利企業である。このドメインは、世界3位の「ジェネリック」トップレベル・ドメイン(TLD)で、世界中で1000万以上のドメイン名が登録されている。インターネット上の協力、安全、危機管理の提唱者であるPIRの使命は、世界中の非営利コミュニティーがインターネットをより効率的に利用できるようにするだけでなく、ドメイン・ネーミング・システム(DNS)についての政策およびその他の課題に関連するインターネット関係者の中でリーダー的役割を果たすことである。Public Interest Registryは2002年Internet Safetyによって創設され、米バージニア州レストンに本拠を置いている。

▽Go Daddyについて

Go Daddyは中小企業の育成に専念する世界最大のドメイン名、ウェブホスティング(http://www.godaddy.com/hosting/web-hosting.aspx )、新規SSL(https://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/ssl/ssl.asp)のプロバイダーである。数十種類のクラウドコンピューティング(http://www.godaddy.com/hosting/cloud-computing.aspx )サービスを提供し、Tier1 Research(Mass-Market Hosting Report-Winter 2012)によると、マスマーケットでのホスティングプロバイダーとしては世界最大手。Netcraft, LTD Secure Server



eNomはICANN認定のドメイン名で世界最大の登録会社である。Demand Media一族系列の企業としてeNomは、個人や組織によるドメイン名とサービスの売買を可能にしている。詳しい情報はwww.enom.comまで。

ソース:.ORG, The Public Interest Registry


Karyn Barr Amin,



.ORG Releases 94 Never-Before-Registered One- And Two-Character Domain Names


RESTON, Va., Oct. 10, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   Public Interest Registry, Go Daddy and eNom Partner on Allocation of

                         Rare Internet Addresses

Much like real estate, Internet "curb appeal" - otherwise known as an Internet

address - can help optimize a company or organization's online branding or

outreach efforts. Today, Public Interest Registry (PIR) (http://www.pir.org/) -

the not-for-profit operator of the .ORG domain, one of the original generic

top-level domains with over 10 million registrations - will release 94

previously unregistered one- to two-character .ORG addresses - the shortest and

perhaps most memorable domain names available. Through a partnership with Go

Daddy and eNom, the addresses will be made available through an allocation

process to companies and organizations who respect the inherent trust and value

of the .ORG brand.  

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20100628/ORGLOGO )

Referred to as "Project94," the list of available names includes the likes of

http://A.ORG , http://O.ORG , http://7.ORG , and http://PJ.ORG . When PIR first

took over operation of the .ORG domain in 2003, these names were reserved for

future allocation and deemed unavailable for immediate registration. Now, PIR

is releasing these addresses in response to community interest. With some web

addresses surpassing 20 characters, the one- and two-letter domain names carry

vast branding and marketing potential due to their brevity and memorability.

They also carry the inherent trust and reliability for which the .ORG domain is


"Due to the Internet's unquestionable popularity and expansion over the past 25

years, it's rare to have the opportunity to register brief domain names that

consist of one to two letters only. From our perspective, this list boasts

great potential for interested and qualified registrants who are looking to

boost and protect their online brand," said Brian Cute, CEO of Public Interest

Registry. "However, with great opportunity comes great responsibility, and we

want to ensure that we are rolling out these names in a manner that upholds the

standards that have become intrinsic to the .ORG domain. Both GoDaddy and eNom

understand .ORG's core mission, and we are confident that they will serve as

valued partners in this process."

The proceeds from Project94 will be directed to programs that enhance the open

development and security of the Internet, particularly in technologically

underserved parts of the world.  One specific program is expected to be an

initiative to drive the adoption of Domain Name System Security Extensions

(DNSSEC) among the broader Internet user community.

Overall, an interested registrant will need to demonstrate its commitment to

the .ORG brand values, have a distinct plan for how it proposes to use the new

domain, and have the resources to execute its proposed plans. Go Daddy and eNom

will jointly facilitate all aspects of the allocation process - from handling

the outreach to prospective buyers and managing auctions and handling trademark


"Domain names are, indeed, like '21st century real estate,' more than just an

address on the Web, they are an online identity," said Go Daddy Director of

Domain Name Aftermarkets Paul Nicks. "As part of this historic opportunity we

look forward to assisting our customers with integrating these very valuable

names into their organization's culture."

"As a long-time partner of The Public Interest Registry, we are very pleased to

be able to help make these .ORG domains available for the first time to

consumers," said Taryn Naidu, EVP, eNom/Demand Media. "These additions both

reflect and reinforce the value of the .ORG brand, and will be a truly

memorable event in the domain name space."

The "Project94" allocation officially kicks-off today. For more information on

PIR's "Project94," go to www.project94.org or www.pir.org .  

About Public Interest Registry

Public Interest Registry (PIR) (http://pir.org/home) is a nonprofit corporation

that operates the .ORG top-level domain -- the world's third largest "generic"

top-level domain with more than 10 million domain names registered worldwide.

As an advocate for collaboration, safety and security on the Internet, PIR's

mission is to empower the global noncommercial community to use the Internet

more effectively, and to take a leadership position among Internet stakeholders

on policy and other issues relating to the domain naming system. Public

Interest Registry was founded by the Internet Society

(http://www.internetsociety.org ) in 2002 and is based in Reston, Virginia, USA.

About Go Daddy

Go Daddy is the world's largest domain name provider, Web hosting (

http://www.godaddy.com/hosting/web-hosting.aspx ) provider and new SSL (

https://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/ssl/ssl.asp ) certificate provider, focused on

helping small businesses grow larger. Go Daddy provides dozens of cloud

computing ( http://www.godaddy.com/hosting/cloud-computing.aspx )-based

services and is the largest worldwide mass-market hosting provider by annual

revenue according to Tier1 Research (Mass-Market Hosting Report-Winter 2012)

and is the #1 provider of net-new SSL certificates for 2011, according to the

Netcraft, LTD Secure Server Survey. To learn more about the company, visit

www.GoDaddy.com/PR .

About eNom

eNom, Inc., is the world's largest ICANN accredited domain name wholesale

registrar. As part of the Demand Media family of companies, eNom makes it

possible for individuals and organizations to buy and sell Internet domains and

services.  For more information about eNom, please visit www.enom.com .

SOURCE:  .ORG, The Public Interest Registry

CONTACT: Karyn Barr Amin, +1-202-223-9260, pir@allisonpr.com




