◎アヴィバが新たなプラント設計製品AVEVA Everything3Dを公開


◎アヴィバが新たなプラント設計製品AVEVA Everything3Dを公開

AsiaNet 50928

共同JBN 1288 (2012.10.11)

◎アヴィバが新たなプラント設計製品AVEVA Everything3Dを公開

【パリ2012年10月11日PRN=共同JBN】アヴィバ(AVEVA)は11日、パリで開催されたAVEVA World SummitでAVEVA Everything3D(E3D)を公開した。AVEVA E3Dはテクノロジーを結集して、顧客がエンジニアリング、設計、建設など「無駄のない(Lean)」業務慣行を導入できる新バージョンを提供する。これによってプロジェクト実行全体のスピードが上がり、無駄を省くことが可能となる。アヴィバのIntegrated Engineering & Designアプローチの一環として、AVEVA E3Dは、新規建設プラント設計およびライフサイクル延長の改修プロジェクトを大幅に向上させる重要なイノベーションを提供する。この中核をなすのはレーザースキャン・データと3Dジオメトリーとの統合で、共通の設計作業向けの強力な製図ツールと直感的なユーザーインターフェースを提供する。

  (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121011/567347

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120619/538079






AVEVA E3Dには以下が含まれる。






 *現在のクラス最高製品であるAVEVA PDMSと平行運用できる能力。

AVEVA E3D は2012年12月中旬から市販される。

詳細な情報についてはウェブサイト「The Future of Plant Design」(http://www.aveva.com/futureofplantdesign)を参照するか、電子メールfutureofplantdesign@aveva.comか電話+44(0)1223-556655で問い合わせを。




Copyright 2012 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All product names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective holders.


Kate Magill

Communications Manager

AVEVA Corporate Marketing

Tel: +44(0)1223-558204

Email:  kate.magill@aveva.com

ソース:AVEVA Group Plc

AVEVA's New Plant Design Product AVEVA Everything3D Launched


PARIS, Oct.11, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     'Lean Construction' will speed overall project execution and deliver

reduced wastage

     AVEVA today launched AVEVA Everything3D (E3D) at the AVEVA World Summit in

Paris. AVEVA E3D will bring together technologies to provide a new vision

enabling customers to adopt 'Lean' working practices spanning engineering,

design and construction. This will speed overall project execution and reduce

wastage. As part of AVEVA's Integrated Engineering & Design approach, AVEVA E3D

brings significant innovations to greatly enhance new-build plant design and

through-life modification projects. Central to this is the integration of laser

scan data and 3D geometry; powerful drafting tools and intuitive user

interfaces for common design tasks.

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121011/567347 )

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120619/538079 )

    "The market for plant design solutions is changing and requires a new

vision," said Dave Wheeldon, CTO and Head of Engineering Design Systems, AVEVA.

"It is no longer enough to achieve error-free designs. The availability of

affordable new technologies makes it practical to broaden the reach of plant

design to encompass other stakeholders - vendors, fabricators and the

construction teams.

    "A key to unlocking the cost savings offered by adopting a 'Lean'

philosophy comes from the ability for teams remote from the design office to

communicate status and construction information as the build progresses."

    "Our customers are facing many new challenges," adds Bruce Douglas, SVP

Strategy and Marketing, AVEVA. "The pressure to extract more energy and mineral

resources is resulting in larger and more technically challenging projects. An

aging population of engineers in mature markets and an abundance of

inexperience in emerging markets is driving plant design software to be easy to

use, quick to be trained on and offer a faster time to production.

    "In addition, the emergence of mobile and cloud computing from the consumer

market into the business market enables remote workers, specifically those on

the construction site, to send crucial as-built information back to the design

team via status updates and laser scan data. This enables rapid and

cost-effective corrective actions to ensure maximum construction quality while

protecting the project schedule."

    AVEVA E3D will include:

    - A plant design system which is integrated with engineering and schematic


    - A 3D modelling capability of "real world" representation quality,

combining the best 3D graphics and laser scan point clouds.

    - A 2D drawing capability fully automated and integrated with the 3D model

    - Full interoperability with other design systems used in the design process

    - An architecture that can support project re-use and modular design with

the extension to support integration with cloud/mobile infrastructure.

    - The capability to operate in parallel with the current class leader:


    AVEVA E3D will be commercially available from mid-December 2012.

    For more information visit the 'The Future of Plant Design' web site:

http://www.aveva.com/futureofplantdesign. Alternatively, please contact AVEVA

on futureofplantdesign@aveva.com or +44(0)1223-556655 for more information.

    Follow AVEVA on twitter @avevagroup [http://twitter.com/#!/avevagroup ]

    Watch AVEVA on YouTube

[http://www.youtube.com/user/AVEVAGroup?feature=watch ]

    About AVEVA

    AVEVA is a leader in engineering design and information management

solutions for the plant, power and marine industries. For more than 45 years it

has delivered business critical software solutions to owner operators,

engineering contractors and shipbuilders around the world. For further

information please visit http://www.aveva.com/ednotes

    (c) Copyright 2012 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All

product names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective holders.

    Media contacts

    Kate Magill

    Communications Manager

    AVEVA Corporate Marketing

    Tel: +44(0)1223-558204

    Email:  kate.magill@aveva.com

    SOURCE: AVEVA Group Plc




