
The VELUX Group


AsiaNet 50994

共同JBN 1308 (2012.10.12)


【コペンハーゲン(デンマーク)2012年10月11日】ポルトガルのポルトで行われた2012年国際ベルックス賞(International VELUX Award)の授賞式で4点の受賞企画と10点の佳作が発表されると興奮は頂点に達した。スイス・チューリヒ工科大学の建築学生2人のチームが詩的な企画「共鳴、記憶」で第1位賞を受けた。

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121011/567673-a

 (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121011/567673-b

 (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121011/567673-c






▽ベルックス・グループ(VELUX Group)について


ソース:The VELUX Group

International VELUX Award 2012 for Students of Architecture: Team from Switzerland Takes First Prize Among 983 Entries


COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Oct. 11, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    The excitement has peaked with the presentation of four winners and ten

honourable mentions at the International VELUX Award 2012 event in Porto,

Portugal. A team of two students of architecture from ETHZ in Zuerich,

Switzerland, takes first prize for their poetic project "resonance, memory".

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121011/567673-a )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121011/567673-b )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121011/567673-c )

    According to the winning students the conception of their project has been

driven by a strong desire to move architecture beyond the physical world to

arouse emotions.

    - Nowadays, more and more architects are trying to think outside the box,

but the Award theme is just the right topic to make us go back to the core of

that box, says Bo Li, who developed the winning project together with his team

mate Ge Men.

    - The first prize project is impressive because it addresses three distinct

scales very eloquently, very powerfully and in a more comprehensive manner than

any of the other entries, says jury chairman Brigitte Shim in her motivation

for the winning project.

    A team of five students from the Inje University in Korea wins second

prize, whereas two teams from Poland and China share the third prize. In

addition to the four prize winning projects, the jury awards ten honourable

mentions representing China (4 projects), Belgium (2 projects), Portugal (1

project), Spain (1 project), Romania (1 project) and Denmark (1 project).

    All prize winners and honourable mentions have been decided unanimously

among the jury. The jury found the range of themes represented in the 983

entries from 59 countries very powerful, raising questions about the role of

light in architecture in many different ways.

    The International VELUX Award for Students of Architecture takes place

every second year, next time in 2014. Detailed information about the winners,

photos, and graphics are available for download from the press section on


    About the VELUX Group

The VELUX Group creates better living environments with daylight and fresh air

through the roof. The VELUX product programme contains a wide range of roof

windows and skylights sold in most parts of the world. The VELUX Group has

about 10,000 employees and is owned by VKR Holding A/S, a limited company

wholly owned by foundations and family. For more details, visit velux.com.

    SOURCE: The VELUX Group




