◎インフォシス第2四半期も増収増益  中間配当も決定


◎インフォシス第2四半期も増収増益  中間配当も決定

AsiaNet 51016

共同JBN 1314(12.10.12)

◎インフォシス第2四半期も増収増益  中間配当も決定

【バンガロール(インド)2012年7月12日】インドのIT企業インフォシス(Infosys Ltd、NASDAQ:INFY)は12日、9月30日までの2012会計年度第2四半期(7-9月期)連結決算の売上高は前年比2.98%増となったと発表した。

















 *インフォシスは雇用従業員に対するリーダーシップとイノベーションで米国の「Achievers 50 Most Engaged Workplace(商標)」の一つとして認められた。

 *インフォシスは国際アウトソーシング専門家協会(IAOP)から年間編さんされる「2012 Global Outsourcing 100 List 」で、規模と成長、顧客照会、組織能力、管理能力の4つのカテゴリーで第2位にランクされた。

 *インフォシスは2年連続して、P&G Global Business Services OrganizationからP&Gパートナーおよび共同制作イノベーションのエコシステムとの関係と作業への当社履行とコミットメントに対して「External Business Partner Excellence Award 」を受賞した。

 *インフォシス・チャイナは2年連続して、中国国際貿易促進委員会から「Top 10 Global Service Providers」にリスアップされた。

 *Infosys BPOは「Best Learning& Development Awards 2012」の「Innovation in Learning」賞を受賞した。

 *Infosys BPOは「Golden Peacock HR Excellence Award 2012」を受賞した。

 *Infosys BPOはAsia Pacific HRM Congress Awards - 2012で「Award for Institution Building」賞を受賞した。





あるエレベーター・エスカレーター・メーカーは、インドとアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)企業向けにOracle Siebel Customer Relationship Management(CRM)アプリケーションを使うサービスおよび保守ソリューションの実装に当社を選択した。またある消費者金融、信託、証券仲買、モーゲージ、保険商品とサービスのプロバイダーは、その市中銀行業務向けシングルサインオン・ソリューションを実装するため当社を選択し、統一ポータルですべての銀行業務アプリケーションに容易にアクセスし、顧客体験を強化する。

米国のある生命保険会社はMicrosoft Dynamicsプラットフォームに基づく次世代CRMソリューションを実装し、1万2000以上の積極的な外務要員、2100万のクライアント接触および200万世帯をカバーするため当社と提携した。当社はまたある総合エネルギー会社に対して、企業全体のアイデンティティーとアクセス管理ソリューションを実装する。


インフォシスはインドで法人登録のための電子署名認証ウェブサイト、MCA 21バージョン2プロジェクトをさらに強化し、新局面に移行するためインド企業省から選択された。MCA 21はインド政府の国家電子政府化計画(NeGP)の下で行う初のミッションモードプロジェクト(MMP)であり、オンラインポータルを通じて利害関係者、企業セクターとともに投資家によるMCAサービスへの容易かつ確実なアクセスを可能にする転換型で成功するプロジェクトである。










ある世界的な小売企業は、製品オペレーションを変革する製品ライフサイクル管理(PLM)ソリューションの設計と実装のために当社と提携、その結果大幅な財務上の節約を達成した。ある食料・飲料企業は、米国とカナダ全域にある数百の地点において同社の「Bring Your Own Device(BYOD、各自のデバイスを持ち寄る)」イニシアチブに向けたネットワーク・インフラストラクチャーの準備状況を評価するために当社を選択した。当社はまた、同社の将来に向けたモバイル戦略のためにネットワーク基盤を提言した。


▽Infosys BPO




欧州のあるホテル運営企業は、同社のオンライン顧客に対し、強化されたソーシャル・ショッピング体験を提供するためにInfosys CommerceEdge(商標)を採用した。このプラットフォームは、消費者をソーシャル・チャンネル上で友人と結び付けることによって購買プロセスをサポートする。顧客はシームレスに、自らの買い物についての評判を比較したり求めたりすることができるとともに、旅行体験を共有することもできる。多国籍のある消費者食品製品企業は、新興市場での2次的販売見通しを獲得し、流通コラボレーションとサプライチェーン計画を向上させるためにInfosys TradeEdge(商標)を選択した。

世界的な研究開発指向型バイオファーマ企業は、情報管理を変革し、薬品開発プロセスにおいて同社チームと厳格な法規制順守との調和を向上させるためにInfosys Edgeビジネス・プラットフォームを選択した。ある世界的なアパレルブランドは、次世代のオンライン消費者体験を生み出し、パーソナル化の拡大を推進し、消費者エンゲージメントを向上させるためにInfosys Omni Channel Personalization Engineを選択し、より高いコンバージョン率を達成した。



インフォシスのFinacle(商標)はGartner Magic Quadrant for International Retail Core Banking (IRCB) 2012(注)でリーダーに格付けされた。ガートナー(Gartner Inc.)は、ビジョンの実行能力とその完成度という2つの主要パラメーターに基づきベンダー/製品を格付けした。Finacle(商標)は、評価を受けた19のベンダー/製品の中でマーケットリーダーに格付けされた。





当社はクラウド・エコシステム・インテグレーターとして、30余りのパートナーと協力しており、ソリューションや知的財産に大規模な投資を行い、Infosys Cloud Ecosystem Hubソリューションを成功裏に立ち上げた。これは、企業が統合されたハイブリッド・クラウド環境を構築、管理、制御することを効率的に支援する初のソリューションである。

あるライフサイエンス大手企業は、同社の時代に相応しない統合サービスをクラウド型プラットフォームに移行、サポートするために当社と提携した。この提携にはクラウドのための統合サービスとともに新規のネーティブ・クラウド・アプリケーション開発も含まれる。米国の金融サービス大手企業は、必要なセキュリティー、ポリシー、規格を備えたサービスとデータのサブスクリプション、仲介、統合化、収益化の実現を目指して、オンラインサービス市場の基盤を構築し、クラウド型モデルを活用するために当社を選択した。当社はまた顧客のWindows Azureオペレーションも管理する。


▽Enterprise Mobility











インフォシスの財務担当責任者として6年間務めたV・バラクリシュナン取締役・CFOは、2012年10月31日付でCFOを辞任する。現在財務担当副社長のラジブ・バンサル(Rajiv Bansal)氏が2012年11月1日付でCFOに就任する。バラクリシュナン氏は取締役にとどまり、Business Process Management(Infosys BPO)、Finacle(商標)、India Business Unitの主要3部門に責任を持つ。

インフォシスの代表取締役共同会長であるクリス・ゴパラクリシュナン氏はこの人事について以下のように語っている。「バラクリシュナン氏はこの国随一のCFOの一人である。彼はチームを率いて、財務報告、コーポレートガバナンス、コンプライアンスに関し新しい基準を設定した。彼はトップパフォーマーとして、質の高い財務モデルを管理するのに成功し、このモデルは現在の経済不況の圧力に耐えた。インフォシスを形成するため若い世代に戦略的機会を与えるべきであるとする彼の信念によって、彼は自発的にCFOの地位を退き、それに代わってInfosys BPO、Finacle、India Business Unitに集中する道を選んだ」

「ラジブ・バンサル氏はFinance Departmentのまさに輝ける星だった。彼はインフォシスに13年間務めており、過去4年間バラクリシュナン氏の下で財務業務を担ってきた。この傑出した専門家が新しい役割に最適であることを望んでいる」

(注)ソース:ガートナー:“Magic Quadrant for International Retail Core Banking”Don Free, 26 September 2012


▽インフォシス(Infosys Ltd)について


インフォシス(NASDAQ:INFY)が15万3000人の社員と共に今日、どのように「未来企業を目指して(Building Tomorrow's Enterprise、登録商標)」いるか、以下のサイトを参照。


Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except share data)

                                                      September 30,     March


                                                           2012           2012


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                            $3,265         $4,047

    Available-for-sale financial assets                     943              6

    Investment in certificates of deposit                    49             68

    Trade receivables                                     1,264          1,156

    Unbilled revenue                                        368            368

    Derivative financial instruments                         27              -

    Prepayments and other current assets                    329            300

    Total current assets                                  6,245          5,945

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                         1,097          1,063

    Goodwill                                                191            195

    Intangible assets                                        34             34

    Available-for-sale financial assets                       2              2

    Investment in government bonds                           12              -

    Deferred income tax assets                               67             62

    Income tax assets                                       199            204

    Other non-current assets                                 32             32

    Total non-current assets                              1,634          1,592

    Total assets                                         $7,879         $7,537


    Current liabilities

    Derivative financial instruments                          -             $9

    Trade payables                                            6              5

    Current income tax liabilities                          241            207

    Client deposits                                           2              3

    Unearned revenue                                        144            107

    Employee benefit obligations                            109             98

    Provisions                                               40             26

    Other current liabilities                               501            482

    Total current liabilities                             1,043            937

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                          10              2

    Other non-current liabilities                            13             22

    Total liabilities                                     1,066            961


    Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value

    600,000,000 equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 571,398,846 and 571,396,401,

    net of 2,833,600 treasury shares each as of

    September 30, 2012 and March 31, 2012,

    respectively                                             64             64

    Share premium                                           703            703

    Retained earnings                                     6,974          6,509

    Other components of equity                            (928)          (700)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders

    of the company                                        6,813          6,576

    Non-controlling interests                                 -              -

    Total equity                                          6,813          6,576

    Total liabilities and equity                         $7,879         $7,537

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

    (Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)

                                     Three       Three

                                    months      months  Six months  Six months

                                     ended       ended       ended       ended

                                 September   September   September   September

                                  30, 2012    30, 2011    30, 2012    30, 2011

    Revenues                        $1,797      $1,746      $3,549      $3,417

    Cost of sales                    1,114       1,025       2,173       2,047

    Gross profit                       683         721       1,376       1,370

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing

    expenses                            92          98         178         187

    Administrative expenses            119         133         237         258

    Total operating expenses           211         231         415         445

    Operating profit                   472         490         961         925

    Other income, net                  129          85         216         184

    Profit before income taxes         601         575       1,177       1,109

    Income tax expense                 170         164         330         314

    Net profit                        $431        $411        $847        $795

    Other comprehensive income

    Fair value changes on

    available - for-sale

    financial asset, net of

    tax effect                          $1        $(2)           -        $(2)

    Exchange differences on

    translating foreign

    operations                         324       (555)       (228)       (562)

    Total other comprehensive

    income                            $325      $(557)      $(228)      $(564)

    Total comprehensive income        $756      $(146)        $619        $231

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $431        $411        $847        $795

    Non-controlling interests            -           -           -           -

                                      $431        $411        $847        $795

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $756      $(146)        $619        $231

    Non-controlling interests            -           -           -           -

                                      $756      $(146)        $619        $231

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                         0.75        0.72        1.48        1.39

    Diluted ($)                       0.75        0.72        1.48        1.39

    Weighted average equity

    shares used in computing

    earnings per equity share

    Basic                      571,397,749 571,359,222 571,397,150 571,346,361

    Diluted                    571,398,613 571,392,924 571,398,353 571,394,391








Investor Relations

Avishek Lath, India



Sandeep Mahindroo, US



Media Relations

Sarah Vanita Gideon, India



Danielle D'Angelo, USA



ソース:Infosys Ltd

Infosys (NASDAQ: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2012


BANGALORE, India, Oct. 12 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Q2 Revenues grew by 2.9% Year on Year


    Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards

(IFRS) for the quarter ended September 30, 2012

    Revenues were $1,797 million for the quarter ended September 30, 2012; YoY

growth was 2.9%

    Net income after tax was $431 million for the quarter ended September 30,

2012; YoY growth was 4.9%

    Earnings per American Depositary Share (EPADS) was $0.75 for the quarter

ended September 30, 2012; YoY growth was 4.2%

    39 clients were added during the quarter by Infosys and its subsidiaries

    Gross addition of 10,420 employees (net addition of 2,610) for the quarter

by Infosys and its subsidiaries

    153,761 employees as on September 30, 2012 for Infosys and its subsidiaries

    Declared an interim dividend of `15 per ADS (equivalent to an interim

dividend of $0.28 per ADS, at the prevailing exchange rate of `53.00 per US$).

The record date for the payment of dividend is October 19, 2012.

    "Global economic uncertainties continue to face the industry," said S. D.

Shibulal, CEO and Managing Director. "We have increased employee wages, used

some of our cash in a transformational acquisition of a consulting business and

enhanced our investment in R&D and solutions. These initiatives will position

us well in the industry and provide a strong platform for future growth."

    Business outlook*

    The company's outlook (consolidated) for the fiscal year ending March 31,

2013, under IFRS is as follows:

    Revenues are expected to be at least $7.343bn; YoY growth of 5% (5.7% in

constant currency terms)

    Earnings per American Depositary Share (EPADS) is expected to be at least

$2.97 ( Fiscal 2013 guidance given on July 12, 2012 was $ 3.03 which is reset

at the current exchange rate at $2.97)

    * Exchange rates considered for major global currencies: AUD / USD - 1.04;

GBP / USD - 1.62; Euro / USD - 1.29 for rest of fiscal 2013

    Awards and Recognition

    Infosys was recognized by analysts, industry bodies and other influencers

in the last quarter

    - We were recognized as one of the Achievers 50 Most Engaged Workplaces(TM)

      in the United States (U.S.) for our leadership and innovation towards

      engaging employees.

    - We were ranked second on The 2012 Global Outsourcing 100 List compiled

      annually by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals

      (IAOP) for our performance across all four survey assessment categories,

      namely, size and growth, customer references, organizational


      and management capabilities.

    - For the second consecutive year, we have won the P&G Global Business

      Services Organization's External Business Partner Excellence Award for the

      quality of our execution, commitment to relationship and work with P&G's

      ecosystem of partners and co-creating innovation.

    - Infosys China has been listed among the Top 10 Global Service Providers in

      China by the China Council for International Investment Promotion for the

      second consecutive year.

    - Infosys BPO won the Award for Innovation in Learning at the Best Learning

      & Development Awards 2012.

    - Infosys BPO won the Golden Peacock HR Excellence Award 2012.

    - Infosys BPO won the Award for Institution Building at the Asia Pacific HRM

      Congress Awards - 2012.

    Expansion of services and significant projects

    Infosys is focused on delivering measurable business value to clients by

enabling transformational process changes, accelerating innovation and

optimizing their operations

    Consulting and Systems Integration

    An elevator and escalator manufacturer chose us to implement service and

maintenance solutions using Oracle Siebel Customer Relationship Management

(CRM) application for its India and United Arab Emirates (UAE) businesses. A

provider of consumer and commercial banking, trust, securities brokerage,

mortgage and insurance products and services, selected us to implement a single

sign-on solution for its commercial banking customers - to provide simplified

access to all commercial banking applications in a unified portal, thereby

improving customer experience.

    A life insurance firm in the U.S. has partnered with us to implement a

next-generation CRM solution based on the Microsoft Dynamics platform; covering

more than 12,000 active field force members, 21 million client contacts and 2

million households. For an integrated energy company we will implement an

enterprise wide identity and access management solution.

    India Business Unit

    We were selected by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) to further

strengthen and transform the new phase of the MCA 21 V2 project. MCA 21 is the

first Mission Mode Project (MMP) under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of

India and has been a transformational and successful project that has enabled

easy and secure access to MCA services by its stakeholders, corporate sector as

well as investors, through an online portal.

    Business IT Services

    A manufacturer of paints, coatings and powder coatings selected us to

develop a solution for its Research and Development (R&D) department to

standardize paint test information storage and retrieval, thereby enhancing

productivity. We have been selected to partner with the quality assurance and

testing division of a bank for the assessment, solution, roadmap definition,

and establishment of a Testing Center of Excellence (CoE).

    A property and casualty insurer in the U.S. chose us as its strategic

partner for infrastructure management services. We have been engaged as a

preferred partner to provide business IT services across application

development and support, testing, infrastructure and change management to a

public personal lines insurer in the U.S.

    We signed a managed services contract with a company in the food industry

to outsource its application services, infrastructure operations and deployment

activities in its SAP transformation program. A U.S. logistics and freight

transportation provider partnered with us to optimize, support, and administer

its complete IT infrastructure aimed at higher infrastructure reliability,

on-time performance, and enhanced customer service.

    Infosys Public Services

    We are partnering with leading healthcare and public sector organizations

in the U.S. and Canada to help them leverage technology solutions and services

to derive business value.

    A postal solution provider engaged us to create a robust business

intelligence system to provide accurate health and safety data to field

personnel to increase self-service, improve efficiency and reduce costs. For a

Blue Cross-Blue Shield Plan we are enhancing its provider portal to support

self-service functions and information updates via web, to improve data

accuracy and productivity. Another Blue Cross-Blue Shield Plan engaged us to

provide end-to-end migration and testing services to support the strategic

migration of its business processes from an enterprise legacy platform to third

party administrators

    Engineering Services

    We offer a wide range of engineering and technology services that cover our

client's entire product lifecycle from design to sustenance. With a global

footprint supported by 9,000 engineers working with more than 200 clients in 30

countries, Infosys' Engineering Services are delivered across nine different

industry verticals.

    A global retail corporation engaged us in the design and implementation of

a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solution to transform its production

operations by reducing product development cycle time and cost of raw material

resulting in significant financial savings. A food and beverage corporation

chose us to assess its network infrastructure readiness for its Bring Your Own

Device (BYOD) initiative spanning hundreds of locations across the U.S. and

Canada; we will also recommend the network foundation for its future enterprise

mobility strategy.

    An independent software vendor partnered with us for development, testing,

sustaining engineering and support for network monitoring, digital forensics

and network security management solutions that protect its worldwide

information ecosystem. An Indian telecommunications conglomerate chose us to

help define its video, enhanced communications, device, identity and

implementation strategies for infrastructure and services in support of its new

4G service.

    Infosys BPO

    A not-for-profit health plan provider partnered with us to improve its

claims process in terms of accuracy and turnaround time through a comprehensive

solution leveraging our automated workflow, reporting and auditing solutions.

An integrated healthcare delivery provider in Asia-Pacific partnered with us to

standardize and harmonize its processes by setting up a shared service


    Products, Platforms and Solutions

    We continue to see momentum across industries for Products and Platforms.

This quarter we added 15 wins across industries and geographies. Our products

and platforms (excluding Finacle(TM)) are now adopted by more than 60 global


    A hotel operator in Europe has selected Infosys CommerceEdge(TM) to provide

its online customers with an enhanced social shopping experience. The platform

supports the purchase process by connecting consumers with their friends on

social channels. Customers will be able to compare and seek opinions on their

purchases and share travel experiences seamlessly. A multinational consumer

food products company has selected Infosys TradeEdge(TM) to gain secondary

sales visibility in emerging markets, enabling better distributor collaboration

and supply chain planning.

    A global research-based biopharmaceutical company has selected Infosys Edge

business platform to transform its information management process by enhancing

collaboration between teams and driving regulatory compliance during drug

discovery process. A global apparel brand selected Infosys Omni Channel

Personalization Engine to create the next-generation online consumers

experience to drive deeper personalization and enhance consumer engagement

resulting in higher conversion rate.

    This quarter we also took new products to the market. Through a jointly

developed solution with AT&T, we redefined customer service with SpeedSolve - a

comprehensive next-generation product that makes communication faster and more

efficient for call centers and related operations.


    Finacle(TM) from Infosys has been positioned as a leader in the Gartner

Magic Quadrant for International Retail Core Banking (IRCB) 2012*. Gartner Inc.

positioned vendor/product based on two broad parameters - ability to execute

and completeness of vision. Finacle(TM) was positioned as a leader in the

market among the 19 vendor/product evaluated.

    Finacle(TM) continued its business momentum, adding six wins this quarter.

Of these, four were from Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and two were

from the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. Nine client projects went live on

Finacle(TM) in the quarter. Of these, four went live in APAC, three in EMEA and

two in the Americas.

    The implementation of Finacle at Denmark's Nykredit bank went live

recently. Commenting on this major milestone in the bank's strategic journey,

Group Managing Director Per Ladegaard from Nykredit said: "Adopting a

partnership with Finacle has been important to the success of this project. The

integrated Nykredit and Finacle team worked closely with the bank's IT and

business teams. They laid a solid foundation from which we will be able to

offer superior products and service to our clients, and achieve our business

growth objectives."


    We are seeing good momentum in the market for our Cloud business and have

executed more than 170 engagements. In the last quarter, we won more than 20

engagements across Cloud services, Big Data and Security.

    As a Cloud Ecosystem Integrator, we work with more than 30 partners and

have made significant investments in solutions and intellectual property with

the successful launch of the Infosys Cloud Ecosystem Hub solution. This is the

first solution that effectively helps enterprises build, manage and govern a

unified hybrid cloud environment.

    A life-sciences major engaged us to migrate and support its legacy

integration services to a Cloud based platform, including new native Cloud

application development along with integration services for Cloud. A financial

services major in the U.S. selected us to build the foundation of an online

services marketplace and leverage a Cloud based model to enable subscription,

brokering, federation and monetization of services and data with the required

security, policy and standards. We will also manage the Windows Azure

operations for the client.

    A financial services company chose to leverage our Big Data solutions to

understand and reduce its risk when lending to commercial clients. The solution

will help the client process its voluminous data around non-performing assets

and draw real-time insights and streamline its loan origination process.

    Enterprise Mobility

    Mobility continues to be a business priority and focus area for

Enterprises. Till date, the business unit has executed more than 250 projects,

300 application rollouts, and serviced more than 70 clients. In the last

quarter, we have won more than 18 new engagements in key areas such as

enterprise mobility strategy, advisory and envisioning services, mobile field

service, mobile sales force automation, enterprise IT, multi-channel commerce,

and mobile asset management.

    We were engaged to define the enterprise and consumer mobility strategy for

an American food major, helping the company make the right investments to

achieve its business goals and return on investment. For a large American bank,

we are redesigning the architecture of its mobile banking solution to be more

scalable and robust. The new architecture will reduce efforts in adding new

services, and supporting new platforms.

    We are creating a mobile-based field service solution for the technicians

of an Asian storage and computing systems vendor. The solution improves

technician collaboration, order-taking for spares and accessories, and overall

time to resolve complaints. A European consumer packaged goods major selected

us to develop a mobile-based sales and order management system to improve

efficiency in its sales processes and effectiveness of its local marketing


    A Nordic retailer chose us to help rollout a mobile channel for shopping

that will provide its customers a seamless and convenient cross-channel

shopping experience.


    During the second quarter, Infosys applied for 33 patent applications in

Indiaand the U.S. With this, Infosys has an aggregate of 533 unique patent

applications (at various prosecution stages) in India, U.S. and other

jurisdictions and has been granted 56 patents by the United StatesPatent and

Trademark Office and two patent by Luxembourgpatent office.


    As on September 30, 2012, cash and cash equivalents, including investments

in available-for-sale financial assets, certificates of deposits and government

bonds was $4.3bn ($3.8bn as on September 30, 2011).

    "Our operating cash flows continue to be strong while our cash and cash

equivalents crossed US $4bn," said V. Balakrishnan, Member of the Board and

Chief Financial Officer. "We are focused on high quality growth despite global

currency and economic volatility."

    Senior Management Changes

    After six years at the helm of the Company's finances, Mr. V. Balakrishnan,

Member of the Board and CFO, will be giving up his position as CFO from October

31, 2012. Mr. Rajiv Bansal, currently Vice President - Finance, will take over

as CFO from November 1, 2012.

    Mr. V. Balakrishnan will continue as a member of the Board and will be

responsible for three key businesses - Business Process Management (or Infosys

BPO), Finacle(TM) and the India Business Unit.

    Mr. Kris Gopalakrishnan, Executive Co- Chairman of Infosys had this to say:

"Bala is one of the finest CFO in the country. He has led his team in setting

new standards in financial reporting, corporate governance and compliance. A

top performer, he successfully managed a high quality financial model which has

withstood the pressure of the current economic downturn. Given his belief that

younger people should get strategic opportunities to shape this company, he has

voluntarily given up his CFO position and instead chosen to focus on Infosys

BPO, Finacle(TM) and the India Business Unit."

    "Rajiv Bansal has been a very bright star in the Finance Department. He has

been with Infosys for 13 years and has been heading the finance function under

Bala for the past four years. We wish this outstanding professional the best in

his new role," said Kris Gopalakrishnan.

    *Source: Gartner, "Magic Quadrant for International Retail Core Banking"

Don Free, 26 September 2012

    Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its

research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only

those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications consist

of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed

as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied,

with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or

fitness for a particular purpose.

    About Infosys Ltd

    Infosys partners with global enterprises to drive their innovation-led

growth. That's why Forbes ranked Infosys 19th among the top 100 most innovative

companies. As a leading provider of next-generation consulting, technology and

outsourcing solutions, Infosys helps clients in more than 30 countries realize

their goals.

    Visit http://www.infosys.com [http://isinfwp2/pages/index.aspx ] and see

how Infosys (NASDAQ: INFY), with its 153,000 people, is Building Tomorrow's

Enterprise(R) today.

    Safe Harbor

    Certain statements in this release concerning our future growth prospects

are forward-looking statements, which involve a number of risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those

in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to

these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties

regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our

ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those

factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our

ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost

overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration,

restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to

manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key

focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our

ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions,

liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in

which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of

governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts,

legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and

unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions

affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating

results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange

Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year

ended March 31, 2012 and on Form 6-K for the quarter ended September 30, 2011,

December 31, 2011 and June 30, 2012. These filings are available at

http://www.sec.gov. Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and

oral forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the

company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports

to shareholders. The company does not undertake to update any forward-looking

statements that may be made from time to time by or on behalf of the company.

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except share data)

                                                      September 30,     March


                                                           2012           2012


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                            $3,265         $4,047

    Available-for-sale financial assets                     943              6

    Investment in certificates of deposit                    49             68

    Trade receivables                                     1,264          1,156

    Unbilled revenue                                        368            368

    Derivative financial instruments                         27              -

    Prepayments and other current assets                    329            300

    Total current assets                                  6,245          5,945

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                         1,097          1,063

    Goodwill                                                191            195

    Intangible assets                                        34             34

    Available-for-sale financial assets                       2              2

    Investment in government bonds                           12              -

    Deferred income tax assets                               67             62

    Income tax assets                                       199            204

    Other non-current assets                                 32             32

    Total non-current assets                              1,634          1,592

    Total assets                                         $7,879         $7,537


    Current liabilities

    Derivative financial instruments                          -             $9

    Trade payables                                            6              5

    Current income tax liabilities                          241            207

    Client deposits                                           2              3

    Unearned revenue                                        144            107

    Employee benefit obligations                            109             98

    Provisions                                               40             26

    Other current liabilities                               501            482

    Total current liabilities                             1,043            937

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                          10              2

    Other non-current liabilities                            13             22

    Total liabilities                                     1,066            961


    Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value

    600,000,000 equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 571,398,846 and 571,396,401,

    net of 2,833,600 treasury shares each as of

    September 30, 2012 and March 31, 2012,

    respectively                                             64             64

    Share premium                                           703            703

    Retained earnings                                     6,974          6,509

    Other components of equity                            (928)          (700)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders

    of the company                                        6,813          6,576

    Non-controlling interests                                 -              -

    Total equity                                          6,813          6,576

    Total liabilities and equity                         $7,879         $7,537

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

    (Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)

                                     Three       Three

                                    months      months  Six months  Six months

                                     ended       ended       ended       ended

                                 September   September   September   September

                                  30, 2012    30, 2011    30, 2012    30, 2011

    Revenues                        $1,797      $1,746      $3,549      $3,417

    Cost of sales                    1,114       1,025       2,173       2,047

    Gross profit                       683         721       1,376       1,370

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing

    expenses                            92          98         178         187

    Administrative expenses            119         133         237         258

    Total operating expenses           211         231         415         445

    Operating profit                   472         490         961         925

    Other income, net                  129          85         216         184

    Profit before income taxes         601         575       1,177       1,109

    Income tax expense                 170         164         330         314

    Net profit                        $431        $411        $847        $795

    Other comprehensive income

    Fair value changes on

    available - for-sale

    financial asset, net of

    tax effect                          $1        $(2)           -        $(2)

    Exchange differences on

    translating foreign

    operations                         324       (555)       (228)       (562)

    Total other comprehensive

    income                            $325      $(557)      $(228)      $(564)

    Total comprehensive income        $756      $(146)        $619        $231

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $431        $411        $847        $795

    Non-controlling interests            -           -           -           -

                                      $431        $411        $847        $795

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $756      $(146)        $619        $231

    Non-controlling interests            -           -           -           -

                                      $756      $(146)        $619        $231

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                         0.75        0.72        1.48        1.39

    Diluted ($)                       0.75        0.72        1.48        1.39

    Weighted average equity

    shares used in computing

    earnings per equity share

    Basic                      571,397,749 571,359,222 571,397,150 571,346,361

    Diluted                    571,398,613 571,392,924 571,398,353 571,394,391


    1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance sheets and Condensed

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months and six

months ended September 30, 2012 has been taken on record at the Board meeting

held on October 12, 2012

    2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from http://www.infosys.com




    Investor Relations

    Avishek Lath, India



    Sandeep Mahindroo, US



    Media Relations

    Sarah Vanita Gideon, India



    Danielle D'Angelo, USA



    SOURCE: Infosys Ltd




