
Hangzhou West Lake Expo Organizing Committee


AsiaNet 51045

共同JBN1321 (2012.10.16)


【杭州市(中国)2012年10月16日PRN=共同JBN】中国・杭州市の第14回西湖国際博覧会は10月13日、正式に開幕した。「Quality West Lake Expo, Happy Hangzhou」をテーマにして22日間にわたって開催されるこのイベントは、世界の40カ国以上の展示者が参加し、132のプログラムと14のサブ会場が備わる。博覧会には最高1000万人が訪れ、商取引で100億米ドル、外国からの投資成約で10億元(1億6000万米ドル)、国内投資で100億元(約16億ドル)になるものと期待されている。



ソース:Hangzhou West Lake Expo Organizing Committee

14th West Lake International Expo in Hangzhou, China Opens  


HANGZHOU, China, Oct. 16, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    The 14th West Lake International Expo Hangzhou, China officially opened on

October 13. Themed "Quality West Lake Expo, Happy Hangzhou", the 22-day event

features 132 programs and 14 sub-venues with exhibitors from more than 40

countries. The expo is expected to receive as many as 10 million visitors and

generate 10 billion yuan (approx. $US 1.6 billion) in trade business, US$1

billion in contracted foreign investment and 10 billion yuan (approx. $US 1.6

billion) in domestic investment.

    This year's expo brings in 38 new programs, highlighting the importance of

the role that the expo will play in the economic development of Hangzhou. More

than two-thirds of the programs are closely related to industrial

transformation, including the International Investment Cooperation Conference,

the China-Latin America Entrepreneur Summit, the Hangzhou Cultural and Creative

Industry Expo, the China 100-CEO Communication Conference, the Hangzhou

Electronic Information Expo, the New Energy Vehicle Industry Expo and the

Global Lighting Conference. The expo's floor space of 100,000 square meters, of

which 20 percent has been taken by international booths, is attracting more

than 50,000 professional visitors including 5,000 from outside of China. In

numbers, exhibits by foreign companies account for more than 55 percent of the

total. A series of internationally recognized brand events are being held to

catch the attention of potential customers, bring together a variety of

resources and facilitate economic development.

    For more information, please visit http://en.xh-expo.com/index.html.

    SOURCE: Hangzhou West Lake Expo Organizing Committee  




